A society that places the value of survival above all else can become a barbarous place, devoid of the luxuries of civilization. What in Kira's world is uncivilized and what must change in order for it to become civilized?
Annabella tells Kira that there are no beasts. If there are no beasts, why is everyone convinced they exist? To whose advantage is it that people continue to believe in beasts?
Describe the world you envision for the year 3011? (one thousand years from now) What is the environment like? How do people live? What are people like? What is important in their lives? How has technology advanced? How are things different from now? What types of events have happened to change things?
What kinds of catastrophes, natural or man-made, could have brought about the destruction of an entire civilization, sending it back to a primitive state, like that of Gathering Blue?
Use as many pronouns as you can, but be sure the antecedent is written first.
His wife is dead, Kira's uncle will most likely have his children given to other village women. As cruel as this seems, it is an accepted practice among the villagers. In the village, physical survival is more important than th emotional needs. How does this differ from our society? What is more important to you, physical needs or emotional well-being?
Use subject and object pronouns. Be sure to include the antecedent first.