Write about the kinds of pressures you feel:a) as a student
b) as a friend
c) as a son or daughter or family member.
How do you deal with those pressures? Are you satisfied with the way you deal with them, or are there any ways to handle those pressures better?
Remember: Use and capitalize one Progressive and one Perfect Tense verb
Remember: Use and capitalize one Progressive and one Perfect Tense verb
A. As a student i feel the pressures of getting good grades. I feel like if I don't do well in school then i'm failing myself. Luckily my parents won't ground me if i don't get an A, but i still want to do my best.
ReplyDeleteB. Some pressures i feel as a friend, is that i need to act like someone i'm not around some people. I don't like feeling like I have to act like someone i'm not but i love my friends to death and i would do anything for them!
C. When i made a mistake this summer i felt like no one would forgive me and it was hard. I felt like my family hated me even though they didnt. I like how i can be myself and my family loves me for who i am.
Hailey Moss 7-4
a) As a student I have the pressure of doing my very best in class, but I deal with that by trying and concentrating on the things that I am learning. I am pretty satisfied with the way I deal with the pressure of being a student.
ReplyDeleteb)The pressure of being a friend is trying to fit in at times. Sometimes when I hang out with a group of friends and they are doing things that I'm not interesting in but depending on what it is I'll try to fit in my doing what they are, but another pressure of being a friend is peer pressure sometimes you are pressured by your friends to thing that you are not comfortable doing. Thats why I try not to let peer pressure get to me. I think i handle this pressure pretty good and for now I am satisfied with the way I handle it.
c)I feel the pressure of trying to do as good as my family does, that might not make sense but I feel that I have to do good on everything, so I deal with that by trying to put my all into everything. I could deal with this a little better by just doing my best in what I can sometimes I don't do as good as I can, but I could handle the pressure of doing good by, trying even if I don't do my best at least I tried my best.
-Sam C
In school I am under pressure sometimes when I have tests from teachers because I don't have enough time to study sometimes. I have soccer almost everyday and I barely have enough time to do my homework and some of my practices don't end until 8:00 and that is a big pain when I have alot of homework.
ReplyDeleteAt home I am the oldest and it is not the easiest all the time, my parents always rely on meto be mature and my sisters can be a pain all the time and they are always fighting with each other and it really bugs me. So sometimes it isn't the easiest being the oldest. Thanks for reading
~Sean Heins~ A.K.A.(:Bieber:)
I feel as a student I feel PRESSURED in doing good in the class and listening to what the teacher as to say. I study for every test that I hear about and I usually do pretty good.
ReplyDeleteAs a friend I'm not really pressured.
As a family member I WAS TOLD that I had to be nice to my brother and get along with every one in my family.
-Olivia Harris 7-7
As being a student, I feel that I can help being not pressured by treating others nicely. I think that the most pressure you can get is by a friend, sibling, ext. Half of the problem people are being pressured is by the way someone treats you. Usually if someone treats you bad they might try to do like a dare or would you rather thing that would have to make you tell the truth. I deal with pressure by either getting out of the conversation, walking away, or defending myself.( if needed ) I am satisfied by the way I deal with pressure because I have learned from my past experiences what todo. Plus, because I don't walk away tattle tailing or crying about something like this I can get over. I think that you can handle pressure by saying the right thing to someone who's pressureing you, rather than the wrong thing. It might get yourself in trouble lying to someone rather than doing the right thing and saying the truth. That is how i feel about someone who gets pressured.
ReplyDelete-Sammy Scarpello
Well first of all I didn’t see anything for grammar so I am just going to do what we did for last week
ReplyDeleteI FEEL like there are a lot of student pressures not just from teachers but also from coaches, but also parents, yourself and whoever cares about you. I don’t KNOW about every parent but at least with mine they are always ASKING if I did my homework and stuff like that but I know it is because they care about you.
And when you say the stress of friends I don’t really have that much stress with my friends I mean they can be a pain in your but sometime just kidding (kind of) but I mean if they are truly your friends you will have a fight every once and a while but they will always have you back
then there is the stress of your family members sometimes you don’t want to do something and then they are all you’ll do it or your grounded but they do it for a good reason so i can never stay mad at them for that long
From, Lauren Delp
I think that I may have done the blog wrong. If I have, I will definitely redo it again.Thanks!
ReplyDelete-Sam Scarpello
As a student i feel the PRESSURED of getting good grades. I feel like if I don't do well in school then i'm failing myself. Luckily my parents won't ground me if i don't get an A, but i still want to do my best.
ReplyDeleteThe pressure of being a friend is trying to fit in at times. Sometimes when I hang out with a group of friends and they are doing things that I'm not interesting in but depending on what it is I'll try to fit in my doing what they are, but another pressure of being a friend is peer pressure sometimes you are pressured by your friends to thing that you are not comfortable doing. Thats why I try not to let peer pressure get to me. I think i handle this pressure pretty good and for now I am satisfied with the way I handle it. Ana Castro*
I feel pressured as a student sometimes when I forget to study. And when I MISSED a day in school, and when I missed notes. Then I get confused because I might of missed something I really needed to know. When I FORGET to study on a subject that I have a test in I usually just remember to STUDY HARDER next time. And when I miss school one day I just ask my teachers if I could have the notes and hw that I missed. As a friend I sometimes feel pressure because if one of my friends got mad at my other friend they might want me to pick sides. I deal with that by remembering to hang out with both of them. I am not really pressured by my family at all.
ReplyDeleteGabrielle Bingemann 7-4
As a student i feel the pressures of getting good grades. I feel like if I don't do well in school then i'm failing myself. Luckily my parents won't ground me if i don't get an A, but i still want to do my best. The pressure of being a friend is trying to fit in at times. Sometimes when I hang out with a group of friends and they are doing things that I'm not interesting in but depending on what it is I'll try to fit in my doing what they are, but another pressure of being a friend is peer pressure sometimes you are pressured by your friends to thing that you are not comfortable doing. Thats why I try not to let peer pressure get to me. I think i handle this pressure pretty good and for now I am satisfied with the way I handle it.Ana Castro*
ReplyDeleteAs a student I feel pressured and frustated when I struggle with homework or class work. I feel pressured to get good grades, too. As a friends I can be pressured in a lot of ways. Like if two of my friends get in a fight, it pressures me into trying to do the right thing (but unfortunately not always succeeding). And it also pressures me because I'm always wondering and worrying about what my friends will think of something, which changes its outcome (most of the time). As a daughter there is really no pressure at all because I never see my dad. But being a family member can have its ups and downs.
ReplyDelete~Kyrsten Napolitano
A) As a student I AM PRESSURED about being smart around teachers. I feel like every teacher is going to gnaw my head off if I get the wrong answer. Hence the fact I rarely raise my hand.
ReplyDeleteB) As a friend I feel pressured by nothing. I can chillax and play video games a I can eat and drink what I want and I can freely be myself.
C)As a son I feel pressured by everything. I worry about my dumb siblings all the time b/c if I punch them my mom will flip. Yet they do what they want to me. I worry about getting my chores done so my parents don't have a cow. And lastly I worry about getting to bed on time.(so parents don't flip) I WILL BE WORRYING about these things for a long time probably.
Sometimes I am not proud of the way I handle my pressures. I usually result with violence. I guess i could talk about it.
As a friend, I feel pressure when somebody starts rumors about me and my friends. It's amazing really, how one silly rumor can tear friends apart. Why dod people start rumors anyway? Just to make other people feel bad.
ReplyDeleteAs a student, I feel pressure when there is a test or quiz coming up. I always worry about, "Did I study enough? Do I really know everything I have to know?" I'm glad that our teachers give us a few days to study, or else you would be cramming all your notes into your brain in one day!
As a daughter, I feel pressure when my 3 brothers are BUGGING ME TO DEATH!! In just feel like I want to bruise their little heads! But my mom would flip out if I laid a finger on my 3rd grade brother. But of course my brothers could care less about my feelings :(
~~~~~Lydia Leach~~~~~~
PS I totally agree with Stewy on everything :)
I totally agree with you Sam C.,Hailey, Stewy and Lydia!
ReplyDelete-Olivia Harris 7-7
When I'm under pressure by school i fell like a foot stepping on my back, and when I'm under pressure by friends its like a bunch of feet on my back. When I'm under pressure at home i just fell like i have to keep up high expectations. When I'm at school and I'm under pressure i will vent it out with breathing and going to the source of the pressure and find a way to make away. With my friends the same way and with family. I dont know any other better way but if any one has an idea let me know :)
ReplyDeleteA I AM PRESSURED the most as a student. I think this because I have pressure from getting good grades. This involves studying hard, doing your homework, and listening in class. The pressures of school have changed drastically changed over the years. In earlier years we WERE WORRYING about meeting friends and proving to your teachers that you are willing to grow into a good student. Now it is keeping your friends and finding your group of them. I have dealt with the pressures for the most part the same way, just do what you think is right at the moment. Also prepare for things such as tests that are what I do with the pressures of school. B As A friend I am not pressured I can be who I am and feel comfortable. I can relax and have fun with my friends. C As a family member I also don’t feel much pressure besides chores. Otherwise I can have fun and do what I want and how I want to do it.
ReplyDeleteTyver Butler
I agree with Lydia totally. I WAS READING it and noticed we do different things But deal with it the same way. i niticed we were listing same thing in a way.
ReplyDeleteTyver butler
A) As a student, I feel pressure to get good grades and pay attention in class because all of my sisters were good students. For the last marking period of 6th grade, I WAS FEELING pressured to be absolutely perfect because everyone in my family keeps saying things like, a b on a report card is not good enough, because if your sister got an A you should to. This also sort of goes for pressure at home.
ReplyDeleteB)As I friend I feel pressured to not just be a bystander when someone is being mean. I feel as though I have to stick up for them. I also feel pressured to always be walking with them, etc. I love my friends, but I can't always be late for class because of them. I want to be my own person.
C)I 1) AM FEELING pressured as a daughter to always be as 'perfect' as my sisters. Meaning, always remembering to put this and that away, or keeping my room clean. I also think that they act as though I must get grades higher than my siblings. I wish they would realize that I AM WORKING hard all the time. 2) I feel pressured to return the support that my sisters give me. They are always so kind with advice and such. I wish I had more to give back.
I agree with Sam C about being pressured as a friend. That really makes a good point.
Jamie Cesanek
A) As a student in school I don't feel stressed. I study right and pay attention so I do not have to worry about being stressed. I think focusing on your goal and keep reaching for that goal will help you feel less stressed.
ReplyDeleteB) As a friend I don't feel stressed at all. My friends care for me and I care about them. We are there for each other and keep each others life mostly out of stress. However, when I do feel stressed, I always go to my friends first.
C)At home I deal with a little bit of stress. As much as i try to keep my life stress free, it is almost impossible with 4 sisters. Three of my sisters are younger and always get me into trouble. That is stressful. (I don't like to be yelled at) The older sister, Jess, is very helpful and keeps most things under control most of the time so I'm not always stressed.
I deal with the little pressures I have by talking to somebody about it. I am very satisfied with my way of handling things.
-Danielle Packard (DP)
a) As a student I have the pressure of doing my very best in class, but I deal with that by trying and concentrating on the things that I am learning. I am pretty satisfied with the way I deal with the pressure of being a student.
ReplyDeleteb)The pressure of being a friend is trying to fit in at times. Sometimes when I hang out with a group of friends and they ARE DOING things that I'm not interesting in but depending on what it is I'll try to fit in my doing what they are, but another pressure of being a friend is peer pressure sometimes you are pressured by your friends to thing that you are not comfortable doing. Thats why I try not to let peer pressure get to me. I think I HAVE HANDLED this pressure pretty good and for now I am satisfied with the way I handle it.
c)I feel the pressure of trying to do as good as my family does, that might not make sense but I feel that I have to do good on everything, so I deal with that by trying to put my all into everything. I could deal with this a little better by just doing my best in what I can sometimes I don't do as good as I can, but I could handle the pressure of doing good by, trying even if I don't do my best at least I tried my best.
-Sam C p.s.I did this over since before I didnt have the grammar part
Hi Stewy! Not only did you do a remarkable job using the Future of the Progressive Tense (you over achiever you☺)...but you also wrote this amazing, self-reflective idea... '"Sometimes I am not proud of the way I handle my pressures. I usually result with violence. I guess i could talk about it." One way we grow and mature as humans is through self-reflection. Great job☺
ReplyDelete~Ms. M
Who wrote the post with the fabulous analogy, "When I'm under pressure by school i fell like a foot stepping on my back,..."?
ReplyDeleteWhat if I told you that pressure and stress go hand in hand and neither exists?
ReplyDeleteTyver I totally agree with you. When you listed all the preasures you had to deal with and why I was thinking that I had to deal with all of that to. I feel mostly with the school. plus I like the way you wrote it too!
ReplyDelete~~~Lauren Delp~~~
A)I feel under pressure at school when you take tests or do writing paragraphs. I don't like it when the teacher's stare at your work. I'm always afraid they'll say I did something wrong. Luckily, that's never happened to me! I'm always PRESSURED.
ReplyDeleteB)As a friend, I feel under pressure when both of my friends get into a fight and put me into the middle of it. It stinks! I don't know how to solve their problem and I get really under pressure.
C)Sometimes when I get a bad grade and my mom and dad don't talk to me, I feel under pressure. I also don't like how I WAS TOLD to get along with my sister! She annoys me.
Alexis Kelso
A. As a student I am always under pressure to get good grades that’s what our teachers and parents expect from us. You need go grades to advance on to high school and college. I always try my hardest to try my best.
ReplyDeleteB. Pressuring HAS HAPPEN a lot in friendships. People try to change people to who they aren’t inside themselves just to fit in. It’s like putting on a mask and hiding our true personality. Everyone just tries to fit in. You don’t have to fit in, just be yourself and a true will be your friend for who you are.
C. When I feel pressured in my family it’s usually about trying to follow in my sisters’ and brother’s footsteps and being successful like they are. Feeling pressure that I have to be just as good as them at something but I try my best to follow them. I try my best and I know my parents WILL ALWAYS be proud of me.
P.S. Jamie i agree with you 100%!
Delaney Baptiste
a)As a student I AM PRESSURED to get good grades. It's very important and I want to do the best job that I am capable of.b)Friends that temp you to do something wrong really aren't your friends. You have to be strong enough and not do it. I think I HAVE HANDLED times like this pretty well.Now I'm comfortable with the true friends that I have and always have there back when there in trouble.c)As a family member I dont feel as much pressure other then to do my chores every day. Besides that, I'm free to do what I like with no pressure at all.
ReplyDeleteBrad Jankowski
I totally agree with you Lauren good job!!!
ReplyDeleteBrad Jankowski
A. as a student their is some pressure but not a lot. Getting good grades is really the only real pressure of being a student otherwise try your best and there will be no pressure at all
ReplyDeleteB. let me just make a point right now and say that true friends should never ever ever ever ever ever ever give you stress but there are spats hear and there between friends and i just want to say to all of my friends that i have given stress to i am sorry and i shoulnt HAVE ACTED that way
c. there is not one bit of stress in my family we are a big happy family with a beautiful dog. and if there is any stress in anyones family you should go see help right away.
Dan Pavlik (DJP)
I agree with danielle completly
ReplyDeleteDan Pavli(DJP)
As a student I feel no pressure because I study and pay attention so I can stay on target and do my best. As a friend I feel that i am never under pressure. My friends are always there for me, and I can always count on them. The point of friends is to make each other laugh, have a great time, be there for each other, and keep a stress free life. As a daughter I feel pressure because I want to get good grades, and do well in school. Also, I want to make my parents proud of me, and the hard work that i put forth into school. If I get a bad grade I WILL BE WORRYING about what my parents might have to say. As a student, or a friend, I feel no pressure at. Then on the other hand, I feel presure as a daughter. but if I try my best, and reach for goals I will succed.
ReplyDelete-Emily Metzger
Is there more pressure from your parents or friends? Anyone can and should answer.
ReplyDeleteA. I feel many pressures of being a student. Most of them are about grades I get really WORRIED when I’m waiting for my grades to come back. I’m always hoping they’re good grades but that can’t be the instance every time. Also I’m always worried about what the teacher thinks of me so if the teachers thinks I’m not that smart but I really am I have to prove my self and I am always questioning in I do prove my self.
ReplyDeleteB. There aren’t many ways I FEEL pressured as a friend. All I have to be is my self and that is the side of me they like my side not me trying to be someone else. You many have some fights once in a while and feel nervous that you might loose that friend.
C.I feel mostly feel pressured as a daughter. I feel this because I am the middle child which I don’t think matters but I am in the middle of being best friends with my younger sister and my older sister. The most part I feel pressured about is I don’t want to be one of those people that totally hate their siblings and they never talk to them after they move out. I am always trying to be nice to them but sometimes that justdoesnt work but I try my best.
I think I can handle pressure a little better by being less stressed and just calm down.
-Carissa Novelli
i totally agree with you Emily Metzger i always try my best and reach for goals.
ReplyDelete-Carissa Novelli
Mr. G... I think there is more pressure fomr my parents because there is a lot expected of me. Chores, walking with my dogs, keeping my room clean, doing homework and maintaining good grades.
ReplyDeleteDelaney, I also agree with you. I don't like the way my parents expect me to be just as good as my siblings if not better.
Jamie Cesanek
A) As a student I AM PRESSURED to continue to get good grades. I guess I put that pressure on myself. I feel like if I don't do well that I will look dumb. I also know my parents expect me to try my best. I also pressure myself to get perfect attendance so I don't miss any work. I handle this by doing my homework and studying.
ReplyDeleteB) As a friend, I am sometimes pressured to do what my friends want me to do but, if I know it's not right, I don't do it. I'm feel pressured that they might get angry, but that HAS HAPPENED very rarely.
C) I am fortunate that I don't have much pressure on me as a son. For the most part, I do what my parents expect from me (chores, schoolwork, etc.). They also expect me to be nice to my sister. I guess I feel some pressure about that because it is not always easy.
Ian Mastroianni aka iMac and aka Maestro 7-2
A)As a student, i feel pressure trying to get good grades in school and doing well in class. It doesn't really help that all the teachers are literally reminding me to study for a test like every 15 minutes of the class. A lot of times i feel like they watch me at home and see if I study or not then when I come to school, all of a sudden they tell me to study like 10 times.
ReplyDeleteB)As a friend, I feel that I should be there to back them up all the time, and when people make fun of them, I think that I should be there to stand up for them. I think that it stinks to watch someones friend get made fun of then their own friend laugh at them instead of STICKING up for them. Then it feels like that person HAD TAKEN away a friendship from someone.
C)As a family member, when I get told not to make fun of anybody in my family, it gets hard no matter how angry they make you. They'll do whatever they do to make you mad, but then you don't care what your parents had said to you.
~Jimmy Waters~
I agree with you Sean!
ReplyDelete~Jimmy Waters~
A: As a student I often face the pressures of my peir projects. Mostley, when it comes to regular projects, i come up with neat ideas that i can always come up with myself. In a group, the majority of the group's decision rules, so I can't really express my ideas with them always being listened to. The other things with groups is that I have to get together stuff that i need to actually BUY sometimes. That is tough for me because my parents both work :).
ReplyDeleteB: As a friend i often find myself in the middle of feuds among my friends. I hate the drama of the whole thing, but i guess our mistakes just make us stronger friends if we can work through them.
As a friend i also sometimes have to carry the burden of horrible secrets, other times, the secrets are stupid, its hard NOT to tell those ones. In my opinion, friends are the hardest thing to keep in middle school.
C: As a family member, I feel pressured when I have a project to do. I get reminded of it every day of every week the project takes place.
Also, when I have a test coming up, my mom always knows what it's on, and what my grade outcome is. I loovvveee that, not. So i feel pressured into getting awesome grades that will make my family (mom and dad) happy, or proud of me.
Marissa Fink, RED
Short Post With Proggresive and Perfect Tense Verb
ReplyDeleteA- When I have a group project, i WILL BE pressured into getting all the materails i need, somtimes on short notice, and somtimes that need to be store bought.
B- As a friend i am sometimes pressured into keeping secrets, that are either stupid or really important. If i let them out, I WILL not be liked as much.
C- At home i ooften find myself being pressured with grades! I don't know whos BRILIANT (not a progressive or perfect, just for fun) idea it was to make the parent portal, but my mom goes on it ALL the time. I'm ALWAYS reminded of what i got on this, and what i got on that, and what i HAVE to get if i want to go to the dance. Oh god, it's sooo annoying. Although i ALWAYS get what i need to, i almost never get really bad grades, I can always count on knowing that my mom WILL look at it, SO I CANT GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING!!!
As a student I think I do well because I do all my homework and study for all my test/quizzes. Like me being a student I don't HAVE ANY problems with my friends, maybe the rare arguments but that is about it. With me being a son, I do have one problem, me being lazy. I think a lot of other kids can say that too. Overall I AM PRETTY satisfied with me dealing with pressures. I could try to fix that laziness part though. -Michael Romanchak
ReplyDeleteAs a student I think I do well because I do all my homework and study for all my test/quizzes. Like me being a student I don't HAVE ANY problems with my friends, maybe the rare arguments but that is about it. With me being a son, I do have one problem, me being lazy. I think a lot of other kids can say that too. Overall I AM PRETTY satisfied with me dealing with pressures. I could try to fix that laziness part though. -Michael Romanchak
ReplyDeleteAdding on to what I said before,I deal with my pressure in school by setting goals and finding sources of encouragement. I handle my family pressures in COMPLETELY DFFERENT ways. But there are too many to say them all. :P I AM satisfied with the way I handle my pressures. And I tht anything I have said or written will help YOU (the reader) in any way, relating pressures. THANKS FOR READING!!!
ReplyDelete:P <3 kYrStEn NaPoLiTaNo <3 :P
a.)When it comes to school i don't really feel under pressure. To do good in school all i do is work hard at what i'm trying to achieve. Then i know that i will do good.
ReplyDeleteb.)Sometimes i feel pressured by my friends to be someone i'm not. I feel like i have to act a certain way for people to like me But i really don't. Other than that i don't have that much pressure by my friends i just have to act like myself and everything is ok even if i HAD FRIENDS that liked me better even when i didn't act like myself.
C.) i don't usually feel that much pressure at home but sometimes it does happen. like when i HAVE TO clean up stuff or i don't listen to my parents but thats pretty much it.i just always try to do the best i can and achieve at what i am doing.
Kaylee carlin
a) As a student I feel pressured to get perfect grades such as a advanced student would. I know I have to try my best and I respect that but not everyone can get perfect grades. Also being a student is stressful because if you are late for a class then you may get yelled at. Not all the time that will happen but it is more than likely to happen at least once to you within a school year.
ReplyDeleteb) As a friend it is very stressful. I feel like I have to impress my friends with occasional parties, sleepovers, ect. or else get kicked out of the "group." If you do not attend your friends parties you may get kicked out in my opinion because they may feel that you are not participating with them in daily "hang outs." They may take that in a way that you are too good for them and that you don't care about their parties you just use them so you don't look lonely in school. That might cause them to HAVE WONDERED and them realize that you are faking friendship with them. Also if you and your best friend like the same guy and one asks him to the dance before another does more than likely one of them will be in the bathroom crying. That may also result in losing a friend. Besides if you two where loyal friends that wouldn't happen. All of these examples are ways to lose a friend and instead of finding another friend you find more stress.
c) Being a son/daughter is very stressful in a whole different way. Me being a daughter, I express stress in a family as you all fight all the time. Your mom may threaten you that if you don't do good in school she will ground you ( my mom doesn't do that.) This also refers to stress in school. They are both very similar, where friendship stress is not.
-Elizabeth Andress
i feel that as a student i feel very PRESERED by school work and other things.
ReplyDeleteas a friend i dont HAVE ANY problems.
but as a son i feel that im making my parents fight and that my mom has some problems with me and home work and then i feel under pressure and thats it, and i can fix all that but im working on that so thanks to reading.
Matthew Jac Schwalbe
I agree kyrsten I seek encouragment and set new goals each week, nice post!!! :)
ReplyDelete<3~~~Elizabeth Andress~~~<3
A) As a student I face the pressure from my group projects. I feel this whenever the teacher partners us up. Because not everyone likes each other, you may not like someone and say they're PUT in your group. You never know, will you have an argument, will that person throw you off your project, you never know!!! Grades can also get to me. I feel that knot in my stomach feeling the pressure of my future. I want to have the best one I can...and grades MAKE a difference in that!!!
ReplyDeleteB) As a friend I think this is hard because you want to keep a good relationship going. You don't want to fight,disagree,etc. you want to keep everything just the way it is. But there are times in the future that you have keep in the back of your mind like not both of you are going to GO to the same college or anything like that. I think the biggest thing in friendship are the secerets. Because sometimes it can be a really big seceret and if you TELL anyone your friends WILL GET soooooo mad at you!!!!
C) As a daughter I feel that the pressures are when my parents TELL me to do something, but I don't USE my head. It feels like they hate me, but I know they don't. That's just one of them, there are many more but I think they all happen to me because I hardly ever USE my head at home.
<3Jordan W.<3 (Or as what Randy, Brad, and Wyatt now call me now J-dub)
A.As a student there are many pressures about doing good thing and getting good grades. In school if you make a bad mistake you could lose all your friends and loyalty from other people. Getting good grades are very important because they choose your destiny in where you go for college and what you do when you grow up.
ReplyDeleteB. having friends are all about characteristics that you have in common with that person. you don't be friends with people because they are popular or something. If you are friends with popular people sometimes they won't like you or they are very snobby,rude,or disrespectful. Then those people start rumors about other people that are private or not true. Choosing friends are really hard. One false friend can ruin your life by doing very rude thing, So choose your friends carefully!:)
Adriana Tirado 7-2
Answering to Mr.G's question about who you get more pressure from, your parents or friends. I think it matters if you have like really strict or really laid back, easy going parents. And even your friends, like if they don't CARE how you act or they THINK you weird. I mean I think it matters. But with my life I think I would probably have to GO with my parents. I chose my parents because sometimes parent EXPECT so much from you but you don't know how to make them happy.
ReplyDelete<3Jordan W.<3 (J-dub)
Mr. G I think that it is the parents that give us more grief... oops did I say that? I meant pressure :). I dont know aout the rest of yous guys parents but mine are like dril sergents. Do this! Do that ! Take out the trash, sweep the floor, clean the catboxes, walk the dog,scrub the house, rake the leaves, clean your room! I mean really whats next? Clip my toenails? Parents think just b/c they have 30 or so years on us that they know everything and b/c of that, they feel entitled to tell us what to do. KIDS ARE HUMANS TOO YA KNOW!!!! Now about the room cleaning thing ...I say that its not your room so why do you care if its messy? Not like Im FORCING you to come in. YOU chose to come barg in to tell us what new chore you want tested. Here is the conversation that went on yesterday: "honey i want you to 'help' your father paint the basement.(AKA do it myself while Dad tinkered on the model he was working on) My response: "cant Mom im doing my HW" mom: "I am youre mother you wont backsass me" my stupid sister: "hahahaha youre in trouble" me as i grudgingly walk downstairs: "shut up ya airhead" THE END
ReplyDeleteSo really parents give us more grief...oops said it again. I meant pressure ☺
To the other thing Mr.G said about if stress and pressure didn't excist...I would LOVE that world!!! But there are some of the doubts to why this would also be bad. A reason this could be bad is maybe if you stressed out about something people might be there to comfort you even if your not friends with them. This could even LEAD to new friendships! But the up side to that world would be that maybe there will be less people that drink or smoke or something along those lines, from stress or pressure.
ReplyDelete<3Jordan W.<3
I can deal with pressure by talking to an adult or anybody I trust like a friend. I AM SATISFIED with the way I deal with preassure. There are probobly lots more ways to deal with pressure but this is just the way I handle it. Mr.G said I had go on the blog tonight so I DID GO ON!
ReplyDeleteBryant Smith GO COLTS
Oh my gosh!!!!! I can never pick who I agree with the best...I agree with allof you, but I probably agree with Danielle,Dan,Sammy Scarpello,Lauren, and Ty!!!!!!
ReplyDelete<3Jordan W.<3 (J-dub)
I feel PRESSURED that i need to do well in school because my parents like to see me and my sister get good grades. Friends also contribute to the problem because usually they would say ''what did you get on your math test i got a 90'' in a boastful manor,and if you didn't do so good would you tell them the truth? I HAD WATCHED a show on pressure at my old school too. And hailey moss i love your comment :)
ReplyDeleteKatie Calvert
I AM PRESSURED most as a student because I need to get good grades. Not only good grades but I need to stay out of trouble. Well, you know getting in trouble sometimes is okay, but all the time is not good. I think I deal with these pressures really well. Especially, not getting into a whole lot of trouble. In the past we WERE WORRYING about getting good grades too.
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
I agree with you Sam S! It is probably the best one out of everyones!
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
a) As being a student, I have always tried my best. It is pressuring for almost anyone at school to get good grades. Luckily, I don't get in trouble if I don't get an A. But, to get through pressure at school, I usually focus on what is important and get through everything.
ReplyDeleteb) As a friend, I don't usually get pressured. With all my friends, I know that I trust them. Sometimes, I'm pressured when everyone is counting on me. When that happens, I know that I can get friends' help and can always count on them to help.
c) At home, there are some pressures, but not many. I think that at home, I can count on my family members to help me, or walk me through things. When something isn't right, I can always talk to my parents, or I can talk to my sister, even though she lives in Florida. My family is the thing that has always and will always be there for me.
--Alyssa Matchett--
PS: Adding on to the thing I already said, I am satisfied in how I handle pressure.
ReplyDelete--Alyssa Matchett--
hey guys we are on the blog agian i love what you all wrote.As a student I DO FEEL pressured in many ways like getting positive grades and setting goals and trying to work hard. As a sibling in a family FERELING PRESSURED in many ways can happen in your family like sports, or Bad grades at school. Telling them something that feels uncomfortable. Always as a friend you can feel pressured by not telling a secret or being truthful all the hard stuff in being pressured.
ReplyDeleteRiley Bednar
I agree with Kyrsten, what I wrote related a little bit with what she wrote about being pressured as a friend. Because people have alot of friends and not all of your friends will get along. And when ur friends get in a fight they might want you to pick sides and if you do, you can end up loseing a friend. But if you dont get in the middle of it and you hang out with all your friends there will not be a problem (hopefully).
ReplyDelete*Gabrielle Bingemann* :)
a) I feel pressured as a student to always do my best. Sometimes its hard to constantly study when there are so many other social activities or sports I'm involved in. I feel like if I don't succeed in everything I do then I'll fail to be a good student. I end up dealing with these pressures with helpful words from my friends or family who help me along through anything I'm struggling with. I am satisfyed with the way that I deal with 'school pressure'.
ReplyDeleteb) The pressure I feel as a close friend is probably the most tremendous (to me, anyway). If I stumble once along the path of our friendship and I know I'm at fault, I can't help but fall asleep with a guilty conscience. True friends almost always learn to forgive eachother and move on, though. I also HAVE FELT pressured in situations when another one of my friends are talking about someone else behind their back. "Do I say something?" "Should I pretend to laugh so they'll be better friends with me?" ...Sometimes I just don't know what to do, and I'm not satisfyed with the way I deal with this.
c) I feel pressured as a daughter because in the back of my mind, everytime my parents do something for me-- or buy me something I'll be thanking them a million times even though I only say it once. To make them proud of me, I try to do everything I can so it can measure up to all of the things they do to satisfy me. To deal with this, I HAVE LEARNED that my parents are happy with what I'm doing to please them now and I don't have to change that a bit. Therefore, I am happy with the way I deal with this type of pressure.
-Jordan Hill =3 (7-4)
A-As a student I have tons of stress. I am constantly worrying about my grades and if they are up to my personal standards. My parents don’t care what kind of grades I get as long as I try my hardest. But I care what kind grades I get, I try to B’s or better. I realize I AM TAKING it too far sometimes so that is something I need to work on.
ReplyDeleteB-As a friend I don’t really feel too much pressure or stress. But I HAVE WORRIED about fitting in with my friends before. Then I realized true friends wouldn’t make you change for them. Now, I have friends that will be there for me no matter what as I would be there for them, too.
C-Also in my family I don’t feel that much stress, only little things like doing my chores or being nice to my brother. I know for a fact that my parents love me!
Madison Richards
Mr. G... i think there is more pressure from my parents then my friends.
ReplyDeletea) As a student I feel pressured by getting good grades. Of course I would set a goal to reach for “straight A’s,” but it doesn’t always work out as well as I had hoped. I start to feel the pressure once I start to fall a little bit behind. The way I deal with this is by working harder on my school work. I WOULD do all my home work and study harder for all of my test and quizzes. By the end of the marking period, I usually bring my grade back up.
ReplyDeleteb) The pressure of being a friend for me is trying fit in. I HAVE been in this position before just like everyone else I’m sure. It happens when ever you’re trying to meet new friends. It most likely happened a lot at Camp Ocky. The way I dealt with it was just started talking to people and ended up liking more people than I thought I would.
c) As a daughter I feel pressured by getting good grades like my mom did when she was in middle school. I feel like she is always telling to study a weak ahead of the quiz.
Kasey Williams
ReplyDeleteI really agree with you about the pressure of being nice to your siblings. I know how hard that can be sometimes.
Madison Richards
I agree with you Sam C because I think it is a lot o pressure to fit in.
ReplyDeleteA) As a student i think kids ARE PRESSURED to get good grades, and do well in school. I think you can do that by studying for quizzes and tests.
ReplyDeleteB) As a friend I think you are pressured to keep everyone’s trust. If a rumor stats than a whole lot of drama starts and then there's lots of pressure. I think everyone HAS BEEN pressured as a friend, especially to stick up for each other.
C) I think as a daughter i am pressured to do well in everything. Whether it is sports or school, my parents are always pushing me to do more. can't parents just accept that we want to be kids, and not do chores and all that boring stuff! I think it's best if you just try your hardest.
~Gabby Magasic~
p.s. Jamie I agree with you 100%!!!!
a.) As a student I do FEEL PRESSURED some of the time. I feel pressured by being a good student in class, just trying to STAY FOCUSED and concentrated. But, I do handle the pressure very well. I also feel under pressure when I'm running short on a project, doing tests or quizzes.
ReplyDeleteb.) As a friend I feel some times under pressure. I absolutely hate all the drama and rumors. I don't think that it's right for when your best friend goes behind your back and says things that isn't true. Then that just becomes a lot of chaos.
c.) As a member of my family I do feel a little bit of pressure. The reason why I say this is because I think that it is hard to please everybody and still keep your temper. As a daughter I don't really feel pressured at all. My mom is very easy going and I feel comfortable. As a granddaughter I do feel pressured because I have to maintain my grades, I have to clean my room everyday, and also follow the rules even though I don't really like the weird rules at all. But, I live to keep working on everything! Everything is fine though I guess.
Brooke Michael (M&M)
Alexis I totally agree with you completely. I am also feel under pressured when doing tests and quizzes too. I'm also afraid that the teacher might think that I'm not smart because I might have put the wrong answer. I am VERY under PRESSURED.
ReplyDeleteBrooke Michael (M&M)
A) The pressure of being a student is hard because in the long run it can effect your life completely, going to college gives you a good job and if you don't do good now you won't have the same options you could of had if you tried harder.
ReplyDeleteB) The pressure of being a friend is probably the hardest of them all, you always have to make sure to say the right thing and you can't give you honest opinion if you are hurting someone, the truth hurts, that's the saying you usually hear.
C) The pressure of being a child is hard because my room always has to be clean but I am the most unorganized person in Shamong, so I mostly don't listen, then I get grounded, it's a routine you get used to
Natalie Narkiewicz<333333
A) As a student at IMMS I feel PRESSURED to get good grades. I'VE LEARNED in the past how it felt and my punishment for when I got bad grades. But, this year my resolution is to do well in school, and just be myself.
ReplyDeleteB) The pressure I have for being a friend is trying to fit in. I love all my friends but sometimes, I have to try not to be my usual self sometimes because some people are just like that. I know, and I’m positive that almost everybody at least someone tries to fit in. I'm not the only one.
C) As a daughter of two loving parents, I feel pressured by trying to do my best to impress them. I try to get my grades to be good, play great in sports, and help around the house so I can get a great appreciation from my parents.
9-22-10 Lady GuyGuy a.k.a.Alyssa Guy
I totally HAVE AGREED with Danielle. We both ARE DEALING with stress the same way by talking to someone. Anyone mostly friends for me because they are the ones that understand it.
ReplyDeleteHailey Moss 7-4
a) most students are pressured to do many things that they do not want to do because of their freinds. most of their friends think they are cool so they do what all the bad kids do.
ReplyDeleteb) As a friend, i do alot of things that my other friends dont want to do. but sometimes they do it anyway because they are my friends.
c) i am the oldest son. so that means i have 2 do all the dirty work. my mom and dad pressure me to do things everyday that i dont want to. not bad things, but things that need effort to finish. thats why i dont like to do them.
Frankie Caterina
I completely agree with you Stewy
ReplyDeleteMichael Romanchak
Alyssa, I agree with you, about the school pressure i HAVE DEALED with that to, I AM AGREEING with because you are right, I'm going to try harder to! - Sam Cuva
ReplyDeleteA) as a student I fell very pressured about getiing good grades.
ReplyDeleteB)as a friend I feel pressured that i have to be nice aqs possible.
C)I feeled pressured with my parents that when I make a stupid mistake I get yelled at.
Quinn Gidzinski 7-7
You are so right Stewy way to go
ReplyDeleteQuinn Gidzinski 7-7
a) As a student I always eel like someone is putting PRESSURE on me. It's usally about getting good grades. It either comes from the teachers or parents. they always put so much faith in you and telling you to do good.
ReplyDeleteb)there are alot of responsibilities that come with being a friend, and one of them is being able to handle pressure. sometimes one of your friends might be putting the pressure on you on purpose to get you to do something, or you feel as if you should stand up for them, if something happend.
c) I always get the feeling of pressure as being the daughter, parents and family members always expect so much from you, they expect you to make good decisions in life, to get good grades and to be responsibil.
Riley Fisher
As a student I feel PRESSURED during important test like the ASK. I feel like I have to get a good grade and most of the time I don’t know what the questions are so I can’t study and that gives me the feeling of not being prepared.
ReplyDeleteAs a friend I feel pressure because I don’t want to do anything bad but I also don’t want to make my friends upset with me. Sometimes I have felt pressure when my friends want me to say something to a teacher that will get me in trouble and I don’t want to get in trouble.
As a family member I don’t feel that much pressure because I know whatever I do my family will still love me.
- Wyatt Thomas
A) As a student some stresses i feel are not knowing everything I need to no for a test or quiz or even to pass a grade.
ReplyDeleteB) Stressing about having good or great grades. As a friend some stressing affects are losing a friend or saying something to lose a friend, but the true friends we all have will always be your friend no matter what happens in school, in class, or out side of school.
C) As a son in a family of eight there is not to much stress that takes part for me because I get to see everyone get there drivers license and get there first job. I don't have to much stress because I am the baby of the family and everyone else takes care of the big problems while i go to school and be a kid.
I deal with the pressures by being a kid and not worrying about big things in other peoples lives. And I HAVE PRESSURES but I take care of them by being a good student and a good friend. I am satisfied by the way I handle my stress and my pressures.
John Williams 7-7
A)Well as a student I dont really feel much pressure because usually getting good grades is a goal that I set for myself so I just always try to reach my goal as best I can. The only pressure I feel as a student IS MAKING sure I always have my homework done and completely finished for the next day because I have such a busy schedule.
ReplyDeleteB)As a friend I feel pressured sometimes trying to fit in or making sure I AM DOING the things the person I am hanging out with would want me to do. Something else, I feel pressured by making sure everyone has my trust. Sometimes I also feel pressured by being myself around other people. Although, when you have true friends, they like you for the person that you are so now I can tell who likes me for who I am and who doesn't.
C)At home, really the only pressure I feel is making sure that everything gets done that I am supposed to get done, such as chores, making sure I listen to my parents, and being nice to my brother. Even though I dont like having chores and things like that to do, I know my parents do I becuase they love me.
Hailey Russell :)
A) All students feel the need to get good grades, and do well in school. But when you pay attention in class then you will. Also studying really pays off for a good grade on a test or quiz.
ReplyDeleteB)In alot of friendships pressure HAS HAPPENED. Most people try to put on a act, like they try to fit in so their friends expect them the way they are. But when you are doing this its like your hiding your true self and its almost like your ashamed of the real you. But you shouldn't. Act yourself around your friends. I mean i know i always do.
c)As a daughter i feel pressured and i don't at the same time. I do because i feel like i have to be nice to my older brothers and follow the path that they took. I also don't because i know my parents love me for who i am. I feel like i shouldn't have to do chores and my parents ( all parents!) should let us be kids and have funn! I just know for a fact that my parents WILL ALWAYS be proud of me!
P.S. I totally agree with you Gabby 100 %!
♥ Adriana Walsh ♥
A: I think you always HAVE pressure in the back of your mind because you always HAVE to get good grades and be on your best behavior.
ReplyDeleteB: As a friend you HAVE pressure that you ARE a good friend, This requires honesty, responsibility, and trustworthiness. All my friends have that.
C: As a family member you HAVE to HAVE responsibility to do chores and honesty to always tell the truth.
Taylor Rosales(Ro-Ro)7-4
This probably wont be posted b/c Mr.G and Mrs Montrose dont want compitition :) ,but just in case it is I want ya to know I made up my own blog! Cool huh? Its: http://www.stewyiscool.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletea) Well as a Student i have to Deal with School work and people (Other People my age) telling me what to do.
ReplyDeleteb) As a Friend I seem to Deal with people trying to break up friendsships..relationships...and other stuff.....for everyone reading this plz keep stuff to yourself....if you dont have anything nice to say about ME or anyone els dont say it at all please...i know a few people im realy talking to but this is for people in general....sometimes i feel like saying GET A LIFE....is there realy a need for all this meaness and stuff? no theres not....
c) as a son i feel that my parents are always on me about school and what to do all the time....i know thats what parents are "supposed" to do but still...it gets aggervating they are WAY to strict
- Brad Orth
I feel PRESSURED as a student to get good grades and to do my homework. Also I HAVE FELT pressure when I missed a day of school to make up the work. I deal with the pressure of getting good grades by trying my best, listening in class, and studing.
ReplyDeleteAs a son, a feel pressure to do what my parents ask me to do. I deal with the pressures of being a son by doing what my parents ask me the first time.
I am satasifyed with the way I deal with these pressures. At school I get good grades, and at home there isn't any arguments about what I have to do.
Luke Anderson 7-4
I agree with you Sean because it is hard to do homework when you have sports pratice and sports games.
ReplyDeleteLuke Anderson 7-4
I feel like I have more pressure as a student because I think it is harder. You can do the dishes to impress your parents but you have to keep your grades up,have your teachers like you, and have your friends not hate you.I think that being a student is harder because last year I HAD LOVED since i wasnt in any of the drama. On the other hand I AM HATING it because i was caught up in the drama this year. But i think i have cleared it up
ReplyDeleteNick George
I totally HAVE AGRED with Gabby now because she gave me a whole knew definition of pressure. I think that she made a point that you try and make your parents happy. Like I HAD SAID before in anyother post. Pressure is tough
ReplyDeleteNick George
I agree with every one i think you all did a good job.
ReplyDeleteKaylee Carlin
The type of pressure that I feel as a student is doing your homework and getting it in one time, doing your best in keeping friends, and maintaning great grades which will later turn into getting into a good collage. Some people think that it is easy but having a busy life and trying to get your school work done and keeping relations with friends is HARSH. Sometimes after along day of hard work I deal with these pressures by listen to music or just lay down on my bed. I do really think that I handle my pressures well and I hope that I can mantain these good habits.
ReplyDeletesorry last one didn't have name
ReplyDelete-by Chris koebert
I totally agree with you Riely Bednar because it is HARD opennig up to someone on a subject that may be uncmfortable.
ReplyDelete-Chris Koebert
a) As a student, I feel pressured a lot and all the time. I’m always expected to get good grades. Whenever I do group things, I always feel like everyone relies on me because a lot of people view me as the “smart one”. I don’t disagree, (ha ha) but like I always feel like people’s eyes on me and stuff. I don’t being the center of attention. That’s just not me. Why do you think that I don’t try my hardest on pretty much everything? That’s the reason why. Once in a while I want to and I actually try. Just like at Camp Ocky, when I won the archery competition.
ReplyDeleteb) As a friend, I FEEL PRESSURED too. All my friends always need my help and stuff. I always try to be there for my friends. But, it really hurts me when something happens to one of my friends and I’m not there. I always feel guilty or it just leads to a fight (not a fist fight) between us. Also, when I can’t be there because I’m helping out another friend or myself out, it makes me feel selfish.
c) As a son, I feel amazingly pressured. I can’t stand it. Both my parents want me to be like perfect. They are like “do this” “do that” and all the other joys. They always act like they know everything. They tell me how to do everything and how to play all of the sports I play. My mom wants me to have a perfect education and my dad wants me to be like Superman. My dad’s always like “o by the time I was your age I could do this and that; all the girls all loved me blah blah blah” and all that. My mom is like “o I graduated in the top blah blah blah of my class and I got this and that”. It’s like walking through a warzone with explosions going off all around you and being surrounded by a minefield. One wrong step and your gone. I have BEEN WALKING through this for most of my life. It’s so much joy coming home to them with all the stress from school and having to deal with them adding even more onto it.
The last one was me Ryan Stradling 7-4 and I agree with you Jimmy, it really gets annoying!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Daniele and Alyssa 100%
ReplyDelete-Emily Metzger
a) I am PRESSURED as a student to do well in all of my classes and to please my teachers. Also, there is pressure I have as a student to get good overall grades, which is hard sometimes when you you have after school activities you have to concentrate on too. I'm satisfied with the way I handle the pressures that come along with being a student.
ReplyDeleteb)I HAVE PRESSURE as a friend too. For example, when you are someone's friend, you are expected to stand up for them and help them with their problems, even though you may have things that are bothering you too. There is also drama that friends have between each other and with their peers. I don't have too much pressure with my friends though because we work to solve the few problems we have, so I am satisfied with how I deal with pressure in this case too.
c) Some pressure I have as a daughter are like having to keep my room clean. If I don't keep it clean I can't have friends over, and so on. Getting good grades in school is also part of pressure at home too. To prevent too much pressure at home, I do everything I am supposed to do and try my best to get great grades.
- Francesca DiGuglielmo
I COMPLETELY FEEL PRESSURED by my parent to do well in school. Their expectations are way overly beyond standards compared to other parents. I FEEL they are always worrying that I don’t do my school work but I really do. I AM DEALING with parents that compare me to my straight A sister and think because I get Bs it’s a crime. They truly know I try but sometimes I feel they just think that I am slacking off. When I am with my peers I act myself around them but sometimes I act quieter than usual when I am with friends rather than family. I love my friends and I don’t hide anything from them but sometimes I guess the word I can say is that I feel somewhat intimidated.
ReplyDelete-Rachel Disipio 7-4
I totally AGREE with Gabby as well as with Adriana W. Good job!!
ReplyDelete-Rachel Disipio
I also AGREED with Hailey R.'s statement. I LOVED it.
ReplyDelete-Rachel Disipio
A. I feel PRESSURED as a student a little bit. I know it’s really important to get good grades. Although I think WE GET PRESSURED too much sometimes. Like when teacher give us a bunch of long hard pages for a quiz and not all of it is even on the quiz.
ReplyDeleteB. I feel a lot of pressure when being a friend. This is because you don’t even know if they’re your real friend. They might just say they are your friend and if you believe them you might tell them a secret. Then the next thing you know your secret will be all over the school.
C. I feel pressure as a son somewhat because, my parents always yell at me if I make one mistake. Other than that I don’t feel any pressure as a son.
Joe Funk (Funk In The Trunk)
I totally agree with you Wyatt because, I hate trying to make my friends not upset with me.
ReplyDeleteJoe Funk(Funk In The Trunk)
A)I feel PRESSURED as a student because everyone tries to get good grades and you feel you have to be the best.
ReplyDeleteB)As a friend you presured because you want to be the best friend that someone can have you have to be honest and truthful.
C)As a daughter i feel PRESSURED because the expect the best from you. like good decisons,behaior and grades
Paige Gigantiello 7-4
Jordan Hill...Thank you so much for sharing your private thoughts with us when you wrote, "I also HAVE FELT pressured in situations when another one of my friends are talking about someone else behind their back. "Do I say something?" "Should I pretend to laugh so they'll be better friends with me?" ...Sometimes I just don't know what to do, and I'm not satisfyed with the way I deal with this."
ReplyDeleteFunny thing is, I bet all of us have said those exact questions to ourselves at one point or another. I know I have!
Ms. M
Ryan Stradling!!! You said, "It’s like walking through a warzone with explosions going off all around you and being surrounded by a minefield. One wrong step and your gone."
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic way to cpature your emotions through the use of words...Love it☺
Lauren I totally agree with you that was well said.
ReplyDelete~Sean Heins~(A.K.A.-Bieber-)
Lady GuyGuy(Alyssa) I also agree with what you said it was amazing it was nice to read.
ReplyDelete~Sean Heins~(A.K.A. Bieber)
I think that persure as a student is alot harder as a family member, but not as hard as a freind. As a student you have all this work you have to do and if a teacher doesnt like you well then lifes alot harder. As a family member not as much because no one dosnet like you and you don't does as much work. As a freind... well you may have manny freinds but not all of them are freinds and some might persure you to do bad things. So thats all.
ReplyDeleteMatt Mozitis
So far every one has a good opinion... I think every one is doing a good job.
ReplyDeleteMatt Mozitis
A:) I dont feel any pressure as a student, but I work 100% at all my grades and my persoality. I work and HAVE PROJECTS that I use my mind to get good grades for school.
ReplyDeleteB:) My pressures as a friend is to keep all of my friends and not any drama. I try to have no stress and keep my pursanality at 100%.
C:) I feel feel pressure from my greatful mother who wants me to succed in life and school. I struggled with constant battles to get good grades and communicate with the peaople i dont like.
I deel with these problems by makeing new friends and learn more about the people I dont know to much about.
Matt Mileszko 7-4
A.) I feel PRESSURED when I have a lot of homework in different subjects due the next day. I’m pressured when I try to get good grades.
ReplyDeleteB.) I’m pressured when I try to make new friends. It is hard to make friends under pressure.
C.) As a son, I feel HAVED FELT pressure because my parents want me to make good grades, be good, and to be honest. They have me under pressure because so I get good grades.
By, Anthony
I agree with you Sam C, school gives use pressure and so do our parent.
ReplyDeleteBy, Anthony Martin
First off as a student, I feel the pressure to get good grades and impress my fellow students and teachers. I’m satisfied with how I deal with this pressure by studying and doing my homework. As a friend I feel the most pressure. You need to be there for your friends and say the right things. If you HAVE been FIGHTING with your friend feel pressured to somehow make up with them. At home, as a daughter and sibling I feel the stress to live up to my parents expectations. Also, I need to be a good role model, do my chores, and because I’m the oldest, I AM WATCHING out for my brother and sister all the time. As for how I deal with home and friend pressure, I believe I handle it well although at times it stresses me a bit.
ReplyDeleteEmily Gardner
a teachers make you study too much
ReplyDeleteb friends can bully you and give you perpresher
c your parents forse you to work faster than your own pace
isaiah voigt
i agree with matt m because he gets the point streat on
ReplyDeleteisaiah voigt
I think there is more pressure from your parents because they tell you to do great in school and if you don't they threaten you with taking your phone away or tv or friends. And then you study and study and study but you don't succede your parents bust on you anyway and its a lot of pressure to hold on your back. Friends are supposed to help you through pressure not cause it.
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik(DJP)
im with emily g great job :)
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik (DJP)
Yes I feel pressured as a student in school to get as good a grade as I can get. Yes I think I deal with this very well by trying my best and studying. I really dont feel pressured in my friendships because I stick up for my friends and I Know they will do the same for me. But if there is a little pressure I deal with it. I feel most pressured as child/sibling because I feel I dont live up to my parents expextations and my brother does'nt respect me. I try to deal with this by doing the best I can at everything and finishing everything I start.
ReplyDeleteNick Ciquero
1.)As a STUDENT, i feel most pressured by doing good in school. It can get hard, but you ALWAYS have to just try your BEST.
ReplyDelete2.) As a FRIEND, I feel pressured sometimes if I'm being a good friend.You just need to basically be nice to EVERYONE but sometimes, it's hard if someone would give you un-friendly looks or something like that, but you should ignore that stuff.
3.)As a daughter/family member, I feel most pressured by doing the right things. You should always be honest to family...and it CAN be sometimes frustrating to always do the right thing. You just have to follow your heart and what YOU as a person think is RIGHT.
Those are the things I feel most pressured by.
~Amber Lo Presti 7-R
A) I feel pressure as a student for getting good grades making new a nd more friends. As a friend I feel lots of pressure because some oft friends could get in a fight and ask me to help then I'M in the middle of it and that would give me pressure. At home I HAVE lots of siblings and I'm the muddle child so sometimes I'm treated like a little kid so I have to be a good big sister I don't have to do much as a little sister.
ReplyDelete-Sarah Vosler
As a student, I feel that grades are a real big pressure. I stress over getting good grades, and I know alot of people do to. As a friend, I really feel more pressured than anything. If you dont say the right thing, or make a wrong move, you could ruin the friendship. You need to keep a secret, no matter how weird or gross it is, cause simple things like that, can turn into terrible rumor, that can break up a friendship. As a daughter and sister, I dont really feel pressured. I am a good older and younger sister to my sister and brother, even if they arent nice to me. I need to set good examples for my younger brother, and need to learn from my older sisiter. I need to do all my chores, so I can tell my brother that it's good to do chores. When I deal with home and friend pressure, I can handle it, even if it stresses me out.
ReplyDeleteBreana Dunn
How do you deal with those pressures? Are you satisfied with the way you deal with them, or are there any ways to handle those pressures better?
a) I feel the pressure of getting good grades as a student. To deal with this pressure, I always do my HW, study hard for tests, and do my best!
ReplyDeleteb)As a friend, the only pressure I feel is always standing up for my friends... but thats not really a pressure.
c)As a daughter,I face the pressure of getting good grades and making good desicions. My parents really don't pressure me that much.
Over all, I feel that I deal with pressure well. I think I could approve the way I let stress get to me when I take tests(I get too nervous).
-Adrian Jones
I agree with you Francesca. You might as well just get work at home done to relief pressure.
ReplyDelete-Adrian Jones
As a student I feel some pressure. This pressure comes from my dad he is always pushing us to do our best and yells at us when we don't. So i guess you could say that I AM FEELING pressure as a daughter of my dad. I also feel that i have to pressure myself to succeed so i can get rid of my dads pressure of doing well and getting good grades. But as a friend i feel no pressure what so ever because i feel i can just be myself around them and if they are a true friend they shouldn't care.
ReplyDelete:)Caitlin Lange(:
I totally agree with Dan. I think that there should be no pressure between you and your family or friends.
ReplyDelete<3Caitlin Lange<3
As a student, the only pressure I feel is when I HAVE had a late practice or game for soccer and the next day have a load of homework due or a test. Mostly homework, because I should be STUDYING from the time I know about the test.
ReplyDeleteAs a friend, no pressure, if you are who you are and not trying to impress there is no reason to feel pressure, they either accept you or they don't.
As a son, my parents really don't put pressure on me, they support me and only expect me to do the best to my ability in everything I do and to do what is right, not necessarily what is popular. My parents have always assured me that they are proud of me.
Pierce Adams
I agree Emily there is pressure to impress your teachers too. I feel pressure as a student to make my arents proud and get good grades so I don't get in trouble. As a friend I feel pressured sometimes to do something that my friends want me to but that I don't. finally, as a brother I feel pressure not to firght with my brother and sister.
ReplyDeleteJustin Cappeta
As a student I don't feel stressed at all. I get good grades, do all my work, and I pay attention in class. STRESSING is to boring to stress over school.
ReplyDeleteAs a friend i absolutely don't get stressed at all. My friends no that I have their back and I know that they have mine.
At home I feel the most stress. I have a very big family. Growing up with two little sisters it is very stressful with watching my sister and all the other stuff. I AM always WATCHING out for my little sisters all the time though. My older sister helps me get threw everything. She is my best friend and I no she has my back. Her and I have a great friendly bond.
I deal with the pressures of my sisters by just hanging out and having a good time with them. I think I deal with these pressures awesome. I don't get the stress get to me that much at all. I don't no of any other ways to deal with it because I always do it that way.
-Maggie Mitchell
i think its the most stress to be a student because i AM suposed to be WORKING the whole time during class. Class is BORING and its so hard to pay attention every second of every minute.
ReplyDeleteseth h.
Great job last week to everyone!
ReplyDeleteI NOW HAVE COMPETION PLEASE CHECK OUT MY BLOG http://stewyiscool.blogspot.com
Ty i totally agree with you 100%. Tay I alwyas agree with you totally too good job.
ReplyDelete-Maggie Mitchell
As a student I AM PRESSURED because there is so much work and if it piles up your in truble.
ReplyDeleteA) There is pressure of being a student because you have to get good grades or you might get held back.
ReplyDeleteB) I think there isn't any pressure of being a friend because you can just be your self around them.
C) There is pressure of being a child because my room always has to be clean and i can't back talk my parents or else i get my computer taken away.
-Alizabeth Dinsmore