Write about a time when you had to resist strong peer pressure to do something you didn't want to do. How did it happen? How did it make you feel? Did you change anything or make any decisions based on that experience? What did you learn from it?
One abstract and one concrete noun must be used.
Resisting PEER PRESSURE can be a very hard thing to do. There was a TIME when a couple PEOPLE had asked me to go out on mischief NIGHT with them and egg some CARS and HOUSES. I know as a PRE-TEENAGER PEOPLE think it is “cool” to damage other PEOPLE’S PROPERTY with the risk of getting caught by COPS. When my FRIENDS asked me if I wanted to go, I said no firmly. As I walked away however, a FRIEND of mine tapped me on the SHOULDER and told me how fun it was to egg all different kinds of THINGS. No was my final ANSWER and I walked away once again. When I got to SCHOOL the next day, the PEOPLE I call my FRIENDS completely ignored me because I wouldn’t do something rebellious like them. This made me feel excluded but I did my own THING. I didn’t give in to becoming a REBEL and I found some new, loyal PEOPLE to hang out with. I did not have to change anything based on this EXPERIENCE but I did have to make a huge DECISION. That was to keep my not so good FRIENDS, or let them do their own THING and find new ones. I found my DECISION to be a good one. Just WORDS of advice...don’t give into PEER PRESSURE.
ReplyDelete~Danielle Packard (DP)
I have never had an event where i had to make a difficult CHOICE becuase of my PEERS.But if I did then I would most definitely try and make the best choice for myself and not do something that is stupid or that i will regret. If you do the right thing then maybe the people around you will see that what they are doing is wrong. Maybe if I answered wrongly and did the wrong thing afterward I would try to realize that what I did was dumb. I'll learn from my mistakes and try to do the right thing next time.
ReplyDelete-Sam Cuva
One time when I was doing my home work and som-one asked me to give them the ANSWERS because they didn't feel like doing the work. It made me feel pressured because it was my FRIEND and feared they would get mad at me if I didn't. I explained that I worked very hard on the homework and it took me a long time and I didn't want to. I learned that no matter my friend or not I should never give any one the answers to the homework.
ReplyDelete-Olivia Harris 7-7
There are a lot of things that put you under peer pressure. The way it made me feel was not god cause your doing something you don't want to. Sometimes it happens when your not prepared for something that you no was or wasn't going to happen. Some things you can learn from peer pressure is that if your not prepared for something don't freak out. Do your best to keep yourself under control.
ReplyDelete~Sarah Vosler
One NIGHT i got a call from one of my friends to say that him and a couple other people were going to go out and do all this bad stuff to people. It was October 31st i thought but i would have to sneak out of my HOUSE and that just wasn't do able. So i told him that i couldn't go and he said that i was a wussy for not sneaking out. And i told my mom about this and she rewarded me with a nice dinner out. and it made me feel good that i made the right decision to not go out on that night.
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik( PAV PAV)
I know that I could say that I experience peer pressure all the time, but that would be a lie. I really don't have much peer pressure because my friends are great PEOPLE and they wuld never pressure me to do anything I didn't want to do, to the point where I would call it "strong peer pressure". But I do remember one TIME when I was out to lunch with my family about a year ago. It was for my Grandmother's birthday. We all went to a fancy restaraunt to celebrate. The kids were on one side of the table of seventeen people and the adults were on the other. That meant that I dodn't hear what they had ordered for appetizers. Eventually, when the appetizers came out, I realized that I didn't know what it was. I asked my cousins and they refused to tell me. I didn't want to eat it, but they kept pressuring me until it got extremely irritating. I told them that I didn't want to consume the unknown fried substance, but they told me I would love it. Just to get them to stop pestering me, I picked one up and ate it like they were allm doing. It tasted pretty bad, but I could tell that they were not satisfied, so I flashed them a grin and painfully ate another. It was not fun. Later, without telling her what my cousins said and did, I asked my mother what the small finger food was. She told me that it was calamari, also knownn as octopus! I know that a lot of people would be like, "Oh. That's cool! I ate seafood, which is good for me, without even knowing it. I am so proud of myself!" But that is not how I reacted to this fact. I screamed at my cousins and got mad, because I am not a big fan of seafood. If they had just told me what it was, I could have just said that I didn't like seafood, and they might have given up. To this day, they still tease me about the look on my face after I realized that I had actually consumed calamari. It must have been pretty funny. Now I am able to laugh about it, but at the time I was really mad. I promised myself that I would never let people influence my dicisions ever again!
ReplyDelete-carrie weaver
I have never gotten peer pressured by a PERSON(C) before. And if someone did i would only do it if i thought it was a good IDEA (A) If I didnt want to do whatever they wanted me to, then i wouldnt do it. If they were my friends,and they were about to do somthing that maybe wasnt the smartest thing, i would tell them that its not the best idea so you shouldnt do it. ~ Grace Abrams~
ReplyDeleteWhen I was young I didnt want to do the gymnastics team. My mom was trying to peer preasure me into doing it. She told me I was a good enough GYMNAST so I should do it. Another girl came from the floor and pulled me onto the floor. And she was directing me torwards the team curcate. I was resisting but she carried me along. I felt really peer pressured but i got over it and then soon became on the team. Know I am in lvl 3 and got a 33.00 SCORE. Elizabeth Andress
ReplyDeleteI once had to resist the peer-pressure to steal a pack of gum. (6th grade)
ReplyDeleteA)OK so I was talking to one of my friends in school.And he dared me to steal a pack of gum off of a teachers desk.(no names are being said) I said no and he kept bothering me. So I punched him.
B)It made me feel good to punch him(as he was really starting to annoy me),but then I realised maybe I shouldn't have done that.
C)& D)I did make a decision based on that experience. Do not give in to peer pressure. And I also learned that you should never punch anyone.No matter how much they piss you off.(IT CAN GET YOU IN ALOT OF TROUBLE)
when i was on spring breack in NORTH CAROLINA some random man came up to DELANY, SAM and I and offered us some drugs. We firmly said no but then he instited since we were not going to do drugs we should try some tobacco. After that the drug dealier walked away and as i look back at this TIME I relize that we made the correct CHOICE.
ReplyDelete*****SARAH MORRIS******
I can honestly say that I dont remember the last time I was strongly peer pressured. Of course, I was peer pressured many times, but I cannot remember when. When I was peer pressured, it felt like the whole world was telling me to do something I didn't want to do. I could either give in, or stand up to me peers. Standing up to them would be a hard choice, becuase then they would call you "chicken" or something else totally ridiculous. From peer pressure I learned that everyone is your peer. But that also meens you can be peer pressured by everyone.
ReplyDeleteImagine this.You are making your way through the woods to deliver cookies to your Grandma,( little red riding hood!) and a big wolf comes out of nowhere. He sais to you, "What do you have in the basket?" You then say you aren't supposed to talk to strangers, and that frustrates him. He demands to have the basket, but you don't want to give it to him because it will make Granny sad. He sais that if you don't give him the basket, he will tell everybody in town that you were too mean to share your cookies. You remember in health class last week, that you have to say no firmly when facing peer pressure. So that's what you do. The wolf looks mad, but eventually walks away from you. You feel happy for yourself, becuase you stood up to the world. You happily make your way to Granny's house, and she is very happy when you told her about how you handled the situation.
So the moral of this story is, anybody can be a peer, and anybody can cause peer pressure.
~~~~~Lydia Leach~~~~~
I can't really think of something like that because I tend to stay away from it. Although I can bet you I have, I just can't remember. But I can tell you I didn't like it. When someone asks something like that or just pushes you into doing whatever it is. It's like your asking your self why are there these kind of people in the world? To me at least, that's what I askmy self. So I don't really understand how to answer my blog so if I rememeber anything I will post it!!!
ReplyDelete<3 Jordan W<3
Sarah Vosler I totally agree with you. Good job!
ReplyDelete-Olivia Harris 7-7
I love your comment Lydia it matches how I also feel about peer preasure. By the way nice job on the comment. :) ~Elizabeth Andress~
ReplyDeleteI remember in BASEBALL I needed to get a base hit in the last inning or we lose. When I stepped into the white chalk on to the hard dirt inside the chalk I had a FLASHBACK. It was when I was in the same spot and I failed. I got the butterflies right in my crampped gut. I knew I had to shake that off and make the cover fly off the ball for a hit. The first pitch came and it was a strike. The second pitch I swung at... but fouled it out of play. The third fastball came and I knew it was a strike when it left the pitcher sweaty hand. So, I took a hard cut and I nailed it into the left-center gap. I succeded and my whole them went out to dinner because of the win. It was one of the best feelings in my exiting life.
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
Carrie I agree with you. Way to write like one thousand words.
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
Many PEOPLE get strongly peer pressure but luckily im not one of them. I've heard many stories of peer pressure and I know what I would say if it was a bad decision. Many times I've heard from teachers and friends that sayng no firmly is the best way, and I completely agree with that IDEA. I always learn that if you make the right decision somethin good will always come out of it.
ReplyDelete~~~Gabby Magasic~~~
P.S. Lydia I agree with you!
There is peer pressure happening everyday around the WORLD. Not many times that I had to deal with peer pressure most of it was small things but not huge decisions that could have killed me. This one time a bunch of my friends were making fun of someone and told me to ignore them, I didn’t know what to do should I go along with the group or should I make my own decision and be the better person. What ran through my mind was should I follow the pack like everyone wanted me to or should I make the better decision and probably get made fun of my self. Peer pressure made me feel like I was making a life or death action but it wasn’t. I finally decided to pass the peer pressure to make fun of that person and stick up for them even though things might happen to me but I made the right CHOICE. From now on I try to make the right decisions about peer pressure when ever it comes around. The most important thing I learned from peer pressure is that the cool thing to do and go with the pack isn’t always the right and smartest thing to do.
ReplyDelete-Carissa Novelli
Lydia, I just love how you related this topic to such a well-known story! Little Red Riding Hood was being peer pressured! That really shows that it happens all the time!
ReplyDeleteI just want to say that I know thst my other entry is super long.. (oops) I didn't mean to make it that endless. I got soooo wrapped up in the story that I just couldn't stop writing about it. But, I poured my HEART AND SOUL into that entry, so don't just skip over it because its sorta long...
-Carrie Weaver
I have never really been peer pressured by my friends or pretty much anybody. I have been before but nothing really big. I was nevered offered drugs or anything so i really can't right something interesting because not much has happened to me in the passed 5 years.
ReplyDeleteOne night i was in Ocean City with Frankie on the boardwalk. We were sitting on one of the benches because our feet were hurting us.
ReplyDeleteThis black guy came up to us and asked us if we wanted a smoke. We just looked at eachother and thought why would someone ask us if we wanted to smoke when there's cops all over the place and we're too young. Then we just said no thanks and the guy walked away. It was a weird situation.
Justin Cappeta
I haven't ever really been pressured into doing something that I didn't want to do. The worst thing that I've probably ever been pressured into doing was saying something inappropriate to another PERSON at the lunch table or something, but I knew it was a bad IDEA to say that to the other person because it's obviously not the right thing to do. This hasn't taught me much but to just not listen to anyone's pointless talk that I don't want to listen to because I'll get in trouble if I do so.
ReplyDelete7-2 Ian Mastroianni aka Maestro
ok well i havent really faced peer pressure in my life at all...but there is one time during this week that everyones bugging me to go to the dance when i dont want to and its not much of a decision because at the start i wasnt going to so...i guss what im trying to say is no matter how big or how small the decision is theres always gonna be a choice that will either help you or change you....help or change remember that for next time you have to make a big decision.....
ReplyDeleteBrad Orth
Sorry I forgot my concrete and abstract nouns.
ReplyDeleteStewy said...
I once had to resist the peer-pressure to steal a pack of GUM. (6th grade)
A)OK so I was talking to one of my friends in school.And he dared me to steal a pack of gum off of a teachers desk.(no names are being said) I said no and he kept bothering me. So I punched him.
B)It made me feel good to punch him(as he was really starting to ANNOY me),but then I realized maybe I shouldn't have done that.
C)& D)I did make a decision based on that experience. Do not give in to peer pressure. And I also learned that you should never punch anyone.No matter how much they piss you off.(IT CAN GET YOU IN A LOT OF TROUBLE)
Sorry 'bout that.
~Stewy~ again
Often, PEERS can pressure you to do things you know are wrong. One problem that I am often faced with is bullying. When you are with FRIENDS and they are making fun of someone you feel that you need to as well. This could hurt the persons FEELINGS if they found out. No matter how many TIMES this happens, I always try to stop it.
ReplyDeleteEmily Gardner
I agree with Grace and Sam that there are not many pressures i have to face.
ReplyDeleteEmily Gardner
I have really never came into a intense STIUATION like any of the ones list. I know when I come to a PROBLEM like one of the ones list I will handle it in an adult matter and with MATURITY. I will say NO! firmly and give them an explaination why that is the wrong decion to make.
ReplyDelete_Rachel Disipio_ 7-4
I agree with DP because she didn't fall into peer pressure and handled it very maturely.
ReplyDelete_Rachel Disipio_ 7-4
I also agree with Libs because she handled it strongly and kept her head up high.
ReplyDelete_Rachel Disipio_ 7-4
I have experienced peer pressure a couple of times and I think it’s all about how you handle the situation. So really I have never experienced peer pressure so bad that it would change who I am or harm me in any way. But if someone ever pressured me that bad, to do something I didn’t want to, I would still say no!
ReplyDeleteMadison Richards
I have experienced peer pressure a couple of times and I think it’s all about how you handle the SITUATION. So really I have never experienced peer pressure so bad that it would change who I am or harm me in any way. But if a PERSON ever pressured me that bad, to do something I didn’t want to, I would still say no!
ReplyDeleteMadison Richards (The first post didn’t have the nouns…sorry)
Sam Cuva-
ReplyDeleteI like that you wrote that you should make the best choice for yourself because that’s true. Just because everyone else might be doing wrong doesn’t make it right.
Madison Richards =)
I never had to make a difficult DECISION because my PEERS pressured me to. If I had been in that situation I would probably pick the reasonable choice. I would feel good because I picked a good choice that would benefit me and won't get me into trouble. -Michael Romanchak
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you Sam C. -Michael Romanchak
ReplyDeletePeer pressure only works if the person has some kind of power over you. I don't feel pressured by someone that can't say or do anything to harm me. One time when I was little I went to Kindercare preschool where they weren't nice to me at all. This one annoying kid tried to convince me to steal another kid's toy car. I didn't listen because I was twice his size! So I knew at the end of the day that I should never take advice from some stupid small kid, and be my own person!
ReplyDelete~~Natalie Narkiewicz~~
() ()
('o') Bunny!
I agree with Sarah! Peer pressure is bad, but even scarier from adults!
<3 Natalie Narkiewicz
Throughout life you're going to face times where it feels like everyone is doing the cool thing and you have to do it too. Mostly the examples that come up are pressure to do drugs or alcohol or such things but we have to avoid them. Once I experienced a time where me and my cousins were at their high school football game, and we were walking around the fields and some kids were behind the bleachers and were drinking alcohol. My older cousin said, "Oh my gosh, those are my friends! Let's go talk to them." So I said "No, I'm good over here." And my younger cousin said, "Jamie, let's go..." So my older cousin agreed. We weren't forced to hang out with the drinkers. Sometimes with a strong and firm attitude we can avoid the harmful affects of peer pressure.
ReplyDeleteJAMIE CESANEK:)))
Saying no to PEER Pressure is a hard thing to do. There was one time where some of my friends were going to get up at night to go around trashing peoples, yard, houses, and cars. I said no because i didn't think that, that would have been a smart thing to do.I know that now that we are becoming teenagers there are going to be some weird and crazy things that people are going to want us to do but, we have to do the right thing and say no. I felt that I was doing the right thing by saying no because I was going to be the one getting in trouble! I didn't have to change anything based on my DECISION. I have learned from this is to pick your friends wisely.
ReplyDeleteBrooke (M&M)
One time "I" had peer presure prank call some kids. I didn't want to so I just changed the "SUBJECT". It made me feel sad to think about prank calling me, because people have prank called me before. I dont prank call people anymore. I learnd that you shouldn't prank call people.
ReplyDeleteJoe Funk {FUNK IN THE TRUNK]
I totally agree with you Sam C.
ReplyDeleteJoe Funk [FUNK IN THE TRUNK]
I agree with you Funk. Nice Job!
ReplyDeleteI never had to make a difficult DECISION.I have experienced peer pressure a couple of times and I think it’s all about how you handle the SITUATION. So really I have never experienced peer pressure so bad that it would change who I am or harm me in any way. But if a PERSON ever pressured me that bad, to do something I didn’t want to, I would still say no!No one should never force you to do something you dont want. Dont let that happen to you. By:Ana Castro
ReplyDeleteRANDY I agree with you. Sometimes in baseball can be pear pressure by using steroids or something to make you play better or something e legal. One time in my life maybe 2 years ago Randy Roach and I were in a baseball tournament in Delaware, Rehobeth. And it was the bottom of the sixth bases loaded and we were WINNING 4 to 3 and we were in the field. My heart was racing as the ball leaves the pitchers hand. The pitch, fly ball to me in right field pressure just to make an out by catching the ball. As the ball lands into my glove the runner is tagging from third. I take three steps and throw the ball across the dimend and Wyatt Thomas was catching. He caught the ball like he had Velcro in his glove, and as the runner slides into Wyatt he applies the tag. The umpire screams, Your Out! Everyone's hands fly in the air. We won the game to move onto the championship game.
ReplyDeleteJohn Williams
I agree with Lydia....oh i also forgot to put abstract and concrete...so I'm just saying that PEOPLE is my concrete and BLOG is my abstract. I think I did that wrong but I'm just saying.
ReplyDelete<3Jordan W.<3
I have never actually been in a SITUATION where someone pressured me to do something.But I know if I have, I would make the right CHOICE no matter how tempting it is. I would pick the choice that is safe and wont get me in to trouble.Just because people are doing something wrong,it doesn't make it right for you to do it too.
ReplyDeleteBrad Jankowski
I totally agree with you Emily G,good job!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBrad Jankowski
I agree with you Brad. People just give in to easily.
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik(PAV PAV)
Throughout life, I haven't experienced much peer pressure. When I do, I always try to say no. Once when I was 11, my friend tried to make me sneak out to meet her at Wawa. I was grounded, so I couldn't go. My friend kept pestering me the rest of the week at school. It made me feel bad to have a friend pressuring me like that. Ever since then, I haven't talked to that friend as much. From that experience, I learned that even when it is a friend peer pressuring you, you should always say no, even when they may be pestering you to do it. Don't think that when they think it is a good idea, that is automatically is. Think before you act.
--Alyssa Matchett--
I never really had a time that one of my peers had pressured me not that I can remember anyway. Making hard choices in life though is very difficult.Like if someone is drinking, doing drugs, or vandalizing it can be hard to say no sometimes. The choices you make may be regretful or you may enjoy it but its all up to you to make up your own life and how you want to live.
ReplyDelete:0) Caitlin Lange (0:
I agree with Danielle. You should really try to find new friends if the ones you have keep pressuring you.
ReplyDelete:-B Caitlin Lange:-B
I never had pressure with my PEERS, but if I ever did I would avoid the bad IDEAS and go straight to the good ones.
ReplyDeleteQuinn Gidzinski 7-7
I totally agree with you Stewy.
ReplyDeleteQuinn Gidzinski 7-7
I haven't really experienced a time when i was forced to do something i didn't want to do. I mean of coarse i experienced little things like people wanting me to go somewhere just because they were going.Or other little things i didn't really care about or would enjoy going to. But i also know if someone tried to make me do something that would harm my body like doing DRUGS or drink then of coarse would not do it.I know how to stick up for my self and to not let people push me around or ruin my life by getting me addicted to drugs or smoking. I'll always know not to give into peer pressure and live a good life with no regrets.
ReplyDeleteKaylee Carlin:)
i completely agree with sam c i never have been in a situation when i was forced into peer pressure.
ReplyDeletekaylee carlin:)
One time iwas on my quad and some one told me to go throught though the mud and i said no and drove home so i wouldnt get in trouble for goin in the mud.
When I was young I would never go anywhere near a ROLLERCOASTER. My cousins kept pressuring me to go on one. I would always go into tears, after that happens i feel terrible because my cousins would always get angry with me. The AIR would seem to sundenly stop and time would slow down because i would feel so bad. After a while i figured out that a lot of things that my cousins liked i did too. So i thought that if my cousins loved rollercoasters I might get to like them as much. I learned that I should trust my cousins when they tell me to try something new.
ReplyDelete(exept if they ever told me to try drugs but i highly doupt that they will)
I would do the same thing Jamie nice choice.
ReplyDelete-Carissa Novelli
I never really had to resist peer pressure. All of my friends never really made the wrong choice for all I know. However if they did make the wrong choice, they never tried to CONVINCE me to do it with them. Most of my peers know the difference between a good and bad CHOICE. Although I do know that some people are going to fall into peer pressure, I know that I will never be one of those people.
ReplyDeleteKasey Williams
To me peer pressure is EXTREMLY annoying. Especially this one time at lunch I was talking to my friends and they asked me who I liked. I didn't want to tell them so I walked away but still I was approached by my friends. After the first couple of days I was tired of the quetionning and SCREAMEND it out. Even though I let out a huge secret it felt good not to be askedd anymore.
ReplyDelete-Chris Koebert-
I totally agree with you danielle packard.
ReplyDelete-Chris Koebert-
I have never had a time that I had peer pressure on me because I know I don't want to face the consequences. I know that whatever I do or say will get back on my paretns somehow. So I never want to make the wrong choice. I just feel like it will make me known as 'that' kind of person. Getting in trouble, fighting, that sort of things. And I don't want that to happen. I want to be someone that my siblings and friends can have me beside to look up to. I don't want to be the big daredevil on the street. This I mean not like who can run to somewhere the fastest or can eat this, ext. I mean by not getting dared to take drugs,smokeing or any bad things that can somewhat seriously hurt me and everyone else. This could happen even though, to me, sounds rediculous. We are getting at that point where things will not go on like a fairytale. You are going to have to get the guts to say "NO!" firmly. So next time you enter peer pressure, think twice about your actions and never be afraid to say no because it might earn you a treat like Dan's story did.
ReplyDeletep.s. -d.p. and carrie's story was very good!
***Sammy Scarpello***(a.k.a.slammy:)
I have to deel with peer pressure all the TIME. And most of the TIME it has to do with losing a FRIEND. Like lets say two good friends tell me to do opposing things then they say stuff like," If you dont do this then I dont even know why we are friends" I drives me crazy. And (i hate to say this but...) I end up choosing one side then lying about it later to make them both satisfied, sometimes i feel as if my whole life is a lie because of some people. dont worry guys it's not you. anyways, when i feel i can i try to avoid peer pressure or peer pressuring anyone else, it just doesnt seem right. :/
ReplyDelete<3 ~Kyrsten Napolitano~ <3
() ()
('o') Bunny!
it's so cute! xP
Well I didn't really have a time of BAD peer pressure, but when I was little I went over my older cousins house and he told me to go into the kitchen to steal a cookie for him and I would be the coolest KID in the world....I didn't because I knew it was wrong to steal a cookie.
ReplyDelete<3 Katie Calvert :)
One night I was at our local baseball FIELDS. I was about five years old. A man got up to get a snack. This high school kid came up to me and told me to take the phone he left on the table. I told him no, that it was not the right thing and how that man would've worried so much. Well, he didn't listen. The kid just kept nagging me. Finally I kicked him and ran away. Sure I thought about stealing the phone. I guess it would've been funny to see the guy's reaction. But the bottom LINE was it just wasn't the right thing to do. Later on when I thought about it I felt very proud and mature, except for the kicking part. What I took from it was no matter who it is or what they're doing don't give in to peer pressure.
ReplyDelete-Tommy Egan
I really never have been any SITUATIONS that much. Some situations were something very small, but a lot of times i get in peer pressure in SPORTS, I know the saying you have to work as a team in order to succeed,well i proved that wrong. Many times in SOCCER(IMSC) or SOFTBALL my teammates tell me to do one thing but I go with my GUT. They will tell me to pass or throw the ball somewhere but i'm thinking ahead of plays,(Like what would happen it i did that) sometimes i LAMENT doing that actions but plenty of times it benefits us. Sometimes in rec bball I'm alittle self-fish just saying:)
ReplyDeleteIMPORTANT:I'm not saying IMSC because I left that team and i thought it was horrible. To be the truth,if many don't know, I have a very difficult time trying to leave that team. I loved that team to death. A year ago i thought I was never gonna leave that team, but I was given an opportunity to play for the Medford Strikers and I took that chance. After my last tourney with IMSC I was crying because I was upset I was leaving and to make that worst my dad was also leaving for a business trip. I love you all on IMSC<3:)
Adriana Tirado
Ive been PEERPRESSURED before. But i Always say no. Like my friend wanted me to sneak out of my house to go to WAWA. But i would never do that.
ReplyDeleteAdriana Walsh
I totally agree with JAMIE. Somtimes it seems like the cool thing to do. Though, like in my situation and justins the person pressureing you isnt a peer at all. The PERSON offering you bad things is a total stranger.
ReplyDelete****sarah morris*****
I have been pressured into trying to do a lot of things. But, I have always tried to pick the more reasonable ANSWER. I remember one time I had to choose between two groups of friends. And of course I chose my true FRIENDS. The ones that I have known longer. It was bad but I got through it.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with you Danielle, something similar happened to me before.
Ryan Stradling
How many have you have been tempted by peers to try alcohol or drugs?
ReplyDeletePeer pressure is a really annoying thing to deal with. One time when I was about seven at Dingle Town some of my brother’s friends and my brother were going over some really big jumps with their bikes. Then my BROTHER dared me to jump it. I really didn't want to jump it because I was so SCARED. I didn't want to be made fun of so I jumped it and I made it. I learned that if someone is making fun of you it doesn't mean they get to boss you around.
ReplyDeleteMichael Bresan
I completely agree with you Chris.
ReplyDeleteMichael Bresan
i agree with jamie!!!!! :)
ReplyDelete~Sarah Vosler:)
I never had to resist PEER PRESSURE. I would try to do the right thing. I also would hope that my FRIENDS don't do anything STUPID, either
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Danielle, everyone should try to resist peer pressure.
~Jimmy Waters~
Danielle...First, I have to say...Beautiful writing! Second, sometimes it's just plain easier to cave into Peer Pressure even if your instincts are telling you that you're lowering yourself below the standards you've truly belive in.
ReplyDeleteI commend you on your decision. It is courageous to stick to your true gut-feelings and walk away from the group. The pain we experience from the "Loss" of not being in the group will far outweigh the eventual pain that WILL come later in life, when we've sacrificed our true selves just to belong.
Olivia...OMG! I used to hate when my friends wanted to "have" my work.
ReplyDeleteCarrie Weaver...I loved when you explained how you "I promised myself that I would never let people influence my dicisions ever again!". For each and every one of us, our #1 best friend must be ourselves! When you make promises to yourself and keep to them, that's the best type of loyalty there is!
ReplyDeleteJohn Williams...there was eloguence in that narration/commentary of the ball game. Have you ever thought of going into Sports Broadcasting?
ReplyDeleteResisting PEER PRESSURE is a very tough thing to do. And sometimes you might even cave in. In the movies and in health class they teach you that if you are hanging out with friends and they are doing drugs that they will peer pressure you into doing it. NO, thats not always true. Nice friends, like i have... will ask and if you say no then they don't care. I have been asked to do drugs. And everyone wants to fit in and not be different. My time was i was asked to do drugs and my FRIENDS were okay with it, they didn't make me do anything i didn't want to do, and i didn't feel peer pressured at all. They said it was my decision and i could do whatever i wanted to do. I was suprised that they asked me but i was also GLAD that they didn't care if i wanted to do it or not. I learned from it that even in health class where they teach you to say no it is a completely different situation in real life even though at this time i wasn't peer pressured at all.
ReplyDelete-Hailey Moss
Danielle i agree with you and you are very strong for letting those friends go. Sam... i totally agree with you 110% and i think that people need to give others a second chance. Escpecially if they made a wrong descion.
ReplyDelete-Hailey Moss 7-4
I have been peerpressured before in my life time. Actully, most "peer" pressure I've experienced has come for adults. For exaple, my MOM pressured me to sell my horse. I said NO!!! Peer PRESSURE is bad and I don't participate in it.
ReplyDeleteAdrian Jones
Dan, i think you made a good choice on that day. Charlie Mcknight
ReplyDeletegood job caitlin lange i like the way you think!!
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik(PAV PAV)
When I am PEER PRESSURED, it does not happen OCCASIONALLY. Once in a while, i get pressured to talk bad about someone else but not all the time. Like when I am older, I probably will probably be peer pressured to do drugs and drink under age, but that's years away.
ReplyDeleteLaura Pfeffer (PEPPERCORN)
Way to go Sam Scarpello! Yours was very well put!
ReplyDelete-Libz(Olivia) Harris 7-7
I completely agree with Sam Scarpello. Life is obviously not going to go on and on like a fairytale. People are going to try to get us to drink alcohol and smoke and do drugs or other things that may seem cool and hilarious and fun now, but will honestly ruin our future. I personally care about schoolwork, grades, keeping good friends, and being respectful to adults. I don't want to be the one who is known in high school for the girl who goes to parties and smokes and drinks. That's the difference between a bad choice and a good choice. Bad choices are when you see some kids drinking and they invite you, you think it's cool and want to do it. A good choice is when you think it through. Instead of accepting the harmful drink, you need to think about how it will affect you in the future. Again, as Slammy said, Life's not going to be a fairytale. The choices that you make can either make it seem like one, or create the exact opposite.
ReplyDeleteJamie Cesanek
This stuff would rarely happen to me and if it does people know that I would never go along with it because I am not a follower i try to be a leader kids that follow usually follow cool kids and think thier cool but really your not you are trying to be someone else.
ReplyDelete~Bieber~( Sean Heins )
I have never really had to make a difficult CHOICE in life yet because of peer presure. But I think I will have to. Obviously prople have had situations like this . Like doing DRUGS smoking, and stuff like that. This hopefully wont make me feel any different then I do now. But later on in life I will have to make many tough desicions.
ReplyDeleteBrett (Rabbit) Barnes
I Agree with you Danielle Packard!!!! Sometimes you dont get perrpresured but there are times that you do. And you always want to make the best situwation out of it. So, say no to peerpressure!! At least if its bad pressured like drugs or what not. But if its good like to get a job or sometin that say yes!!! ♥♥
ReplyDelete♥Adriana Walsh ♥
Tom way to stand up for your self and do the right thing.
ReplyDeleteBrett (Rabbit) Barnes
i have been preesured to do alot of things i didnt want to. peer pressure really makes you want to do it even though you will deal with consequences later. Its like no one will think you are cool if you dont do it. It made me feel like i was the only one that had to do it even though everyone else could, they tried 2 make me. i have changed many things that could help me not do it, but there still is times that i do and dont feel great about it
ReplyDeleteFrankie Caterina
Mr. G, i have never been asked to do drugs or ahchol. But ocassinly my brothers let me taste their beer. And on special ocasians like christmas i have some champiange. But thats for good reasons. If it was not with my family members i wouldn't take that risk and jeperdise my life in DANGER!!!
ReplyDeleteAdriana Walsh
Yes, I have gotten peer pressure before. One time my friends and I were in North Carolina and this one kid came up to us and asked us if we wanted some drugs. Of course we said no. At the time it was very scarey even with my friends and my old cousin, Dillon by my SIDE. After they asked us we walked back HOME, hoping to not see them again. We went and told my parents and they were very proud of us.
ReplyDelete-Delaney Baptiste
Facing PEER PRESSURE is a very hard thing to do for some people. Like you want to fit in and be with the so called "cool" group of KIDS. Well i have had witnessed it and been in both situations. When you give it to someone, and when I say it I mean PEER PRESSURE, it feels right at the time I guess. But on the other hand when it is being held against you, you feel you have nothing esle to do but say either two words, Yes or No. That is what I think of Peer Pressure
ReplyDeleteNick George
I agree 100% with Chris because he stated a great ISSUE. It is about time someone siad something.
ReplyDeleteNick George
There was this time that I was asked to prank call SOMEONES house and say some INNAPROPIATE THINGS but I said no at the time peopl ewere disappointed that I didnt do it but i think now they think it was cool how I stood up to what I believe in.
ReplyDeleteDealing with PEER PRESSURE is a hard thing to do for most people. For example some of the said to be "cool" KIDS come up to you and and offer you a cigeratte. You are pressured to take it cause you want to fit in. one of the times I was faced with peer pressure was when I broke into a no tresspassing area. Some friends convinced me to, I never felt guilty,and i also never really learned from it.
ReplyDeleteDylan Reidenbaker
I agree 100 PERCENT With Krobe.
ReplyDeleteDylan REidenbaker
Dp I completely take your side in this one and I think that you did a pretty awesome job saying no like that.
My resist to stong peer pressure was when my friends asked me for my homework. Ok, so we were in math lab last year with Mrs. Granquist and we wouldn't really pay ATTENTION to her so I would do my HOMEWORK from the night before. So, my friends would be like can I have your HOMEWORK? I was stuck in this position where you want to give it to them for the sake of your FRIENDSHIP, but then again you did the homework and they are just like expecting it. Like ohh ya im gonna go steal RILEY's homework because she gives in to easy and I know ill get it from her. So, thats how I felt. Yes, i did change something i said,"No! I'm not going to give you my homework I did it! So, do it on your own actually try." I learned that if someone puts you under that EMOTION. Please, Please, just crack out of the YES, shell and just say no!
ReplyDelete:)Riley Bednar:)
One time I put some one trough peer preuser I really never been trought it honistly. My BROTHER was going to go to a party and I told him not to go and it was soppose to be really cool so I FELT bad for him. I wish a never did that i felt horibble! I will never conive some one to do that again!
I have never really expirienced pear pressure before. But if I did, I would do what my brain told me to do and make the smart decision. I would probobly try to avoid the person that was pressuring me so it did'nt happen again. Even though sometimes what some one is saying may sound fun or cool but in the end it will probobly end up bad. Nick Ciquero
ReplyDeleteOne time I was hanging out with a FRIEND and I told him I have to leave because I had a BASKETBALL PRACTICE. He was upset when I had already told him before that would have to leave at this time, he still was mad and told me to skip the practice and that it was just a "practice" i didn't have to go. I stayed reluctant and told him I was committed to my team and that I was going. He finally accepted but was still a little tick off.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Rosales (Ro-Ro)
Resisting PEER PRESSURE can be a very hard thing to do. There was a TIME when a couple PEOPLE had asked me to go out on mischief NIGHT with them and egg some CARS and HOUSES. I know as a TEENAGER PEOPLE think it is “cool” to damage other PEOPLE’S PROPERTY with the risk of getting caught by POLICE. When my FRIENDS asked me if I wanted to go, I said no firmly. As I walked away however, a FRIEND of mine tapped me on the SHOULDER and told me how fun it was to egg all different kinds of THINGS. No was my final ANSWER and I walked away once again. When I got to SCHOOL the next day, the PEOPLE I call my FRIENDS completely ignored me because I wouldn’t do something rebellious like them. This made me feel excluded but I did my own THING. I didn’t give in to becoming a REBEL and I found some new, loyal PEOPLE to hang out with. I did not have to change anything based on this EXPERIENCE but I did have to make a huge DECISION. That was to keep my not so great FRIENDS, or let them do their own THING and find new ones. I found my DECISION to be a good one. Just WORDS of advice…PEER PRESSURE stinks and don’t get in it.
ReplyDeleteBy, Anthony Martin
I never really make a big deal about peer pressure because I think it is really not that big of a deal all u have to say is "no". that's really it, my friends wouldn't make a big deal about it and they wouldn't exclude me. If someone wanted to egg a house and if i wanted to say no, i would and they would listen and they won't pressure me to. Gabrielle Bingemann
ReplyDeleteI agree with Katie some of us really hadn't had any bad peer pressure. Gabrielle Bingemann
ReplyDeleteYes, I have FELT like i was under PRESSURE before. One TIME I was asked to sneak out of my house and meat up with some friends, but I said no. I woudn't take the risk of something bad happeneing to me then to stay home and be SAFE. I was asked to go because they were all making plans, and they invited me. I sadi no in the very begginning but they were like come on! it'll be fun. just for an hour, no one will notice. That didn't make me change my mind. I stayed home and stayed safe! I learned that sometimes it is a good thing when you say "no."
ReplyDeleteGood job everybody! You are all doing a great job (:
-Emily Metzger
I agree with you Danielle that people shouldn’t get in peer pressure.
ReplyDeleteBy, Anthony Martin
Resisting PEER PRESSURE can be a very hard thing to do. There was a TIME when a couple PEOPLE had asked me to go out on mischief NIGHT with them and egg some CARS and HOUSES. I know as a TEENAGER PEOPLE think it is “cool” to damage other PEOPLE’S PROPERTY with the risk of getting caught by POLICE. When my FRIENDS asked me if I wanted to go, I said no firmly. As I walked away however, a FRIEND of mine tapped me on the SHOULDER and told me how fun it was to egg all different kinds of THINGS. No was my final ANSWER and I walked away once again. When I got to SCHOOL the next day, the PEOPLE I call my FRIENDS completely ignored me because I wouldn’t do something rebellious like them. This made me feel excluded but I did my own THING. I didn’t give in to becoming a REBEL and I found some new, loyal PEOPLE to hang out with. I did not have to change anything based on this EXPERIENCE but I did have to make a huge DECISION. That was to keep my not so great FRIENDS, or let them do their own THING and find new ones. I found my DECISION to be a good one. Just WORDS of advice…PEER PRESSURE stink and don’t get in it.
ReplyDeleteBy, Anthony Martin
PEER PRESSURE is something that everyone goes through in life. It may be difficult or easy to walk away from. Some per pressuure could be about EGGING or vandlizing peoples' houses, or asking someone out, or even getting into drugs(which has absoulutly never happend to me).
ReplyDeleteRiley Fisher
There was no TIMES when peer pressure affected me so I am luckybecause my FRIENDS never pressure me. Jacob uscinowicz
ReplyDeleteOften PEOPLE are getting pressured to do BAD things.but luckily i have never been.When you deal with peer pressure you have to make the right choices and go with your first insisting.If i was ever pressured it would make me feel like the whole world was depending on me.
ReplyDeletePaige gigantiello Sorry i forgot about my name ^
ReplyDeletehey I'm answering how mr.g asked about drugs....I know that it's saturday and it's past the due date. I did everything else, I just felt like answering Mr.G's question. Anyway...no, I have never been tempted to try drugs or alcohol. Even when or if I am asked I think of my aunt Sissy, I know it's a wierd nickname but we just call her that. She's a smoker and not to metion old, every time she smokes, she coughs as if she gonna throw up a lung! But I'm just happy she isn't one of those people who smoke like 2 packs a day, she only smoke about 3 cigerettes a day. Anyway when I think of herI think of what can happen to me.
ReplyDelete<3Jordan w.<3
I have had times when PEOPLE tried to make me do things that are wrong. Like SOMEONE has tried to make me SPRAY PAINT a stop sign and throw ROCKS and stuff like that. I told them no and even if they kept on telling me to do it, I told them no. I went to an ADULT and told them.
ReplyDeleteMatt Schwalbe
I have never been peer presured into drugs or anything like that.
ReplyDeleteI like your story Anthony, good job.
Maestro (Ian)
Anthony...Nice work with the grammar! you are the Grammar King!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Paige! PEOPLE get pressured into bad things like SMOKING and etc.i have never been pressured into anything either.
ReplyDeleteAlizabeth Dinsmore
My uncool superpower is to go up in church to get the bread. When I was little that is what I wanted to do with all my heart. My FAMILY always did it and I wanted to be just like them. I thought if I was ALLOWED to go get the BREAD I WOULD be a somewhat ADULT. But WHEN I TURNED EIGHT I FINALLY got to!
ReplyDelete-Rachel Disipio-