Tuesday, November 30, 2010

#9: Myths, Legends and Heroes

Hero Day is a reminder of "what it was to be a kid." What sort of adventures or journey's did you use to take when you were younger? Would you like to be a kid again?
This is a picture form 8th grade Hero Day 2009
Use and captilize Singular and Possesive nouns

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

#8: Feeling Good?

Is there something about yourself (or perhaps something you have done) that you feel very good about? Why do you feel good about it? How has it (or how does it) affected your self esteem? What does it tell you about yourself?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blog #7: Superhero!

When I used to pretend I was a superhero, I always imagined myself with really cool powers. Invisibility. Super strength. Super speed. But never, never, in all my imaginings, did I ever think that one day I'd really, truly end up with the most uncool power of all. In a paragraph, tell us about your "uncool power." Use and Capitalize Nouns with Suffixes