Hero Day is a reminder of "what it was to be a kid." What sort of adventures or journey's did you use to take when you were younger? Would you like to be a kid again?
This is a picture form 8th grade Hero Day 2009
Use and captilize Singular and Possesive nouns
cj bowker. I would take adventurs throught the woods and act like i was in the army and i was fighting other people. I would like to be a kid agian so i could be in the army agian and change my ways.
ReplyDeleteWell we really are just kids right now but another word for that at are age now is a young teen some of us are still not 13 yet but were still kids even at the age that we are at but for the really young kids that are obsessed with spider-man and batman and sometimes iron man are kids who are "living large" until they become our age -_- so i would like to go back sometimes
ReplyDelete-Brad Orth
As a kid, I used to always do stuff I wouldn't do a lot. Once, my neighbor showed me something on a trampoline, I think it was a frontflip, and I tried it. Of course, that was when I was like 5 or 6 years old. But alot of times, I would go over my best friends house, which was, at the time, Brett Barnes. We would always play sports and take risks on what to do when the ball got stuck in the woods. Again, that was when I was 5 or 6. A lot of things that were journeys for me happened when I was younger. A KID'S journeys are really fun sometimes.
ReplyDelete~Jimmy Waters~
As a kid I didn't really try to be anything I wasn't. I knew that it was impossible to fly or to do anything the super heros did in movies. But, I belive that living your life with the OBSTACLES that you encounter is an ADVENTURE itself. I wouldn't want to be a kid again because I already had a great childhood and don't feel like I need to redo it.
ReplyDelete-Olivia Harris 7-7
I was born in Peru. When I was a litle kid, I had an adventure.My adventure was to travel to America. It was very sad because i had to leave my family, So I do want to me a kid again.
ReplyDeleteBy:Ana Castro*
It was great being a KID, but who doesn't think that childhood was the best part of their life?? And now that your older everyone expects more of YOU. When I was a little KID my cousin, CAMILLE, and I used to mix concoctions in her bathroom. We used to think of it as some sort of a spa. We would use her mom's hand creams and soaps and mix them together in her sink. Then we would smear it all over each other. And I have to admit, it was fun.
ReplyDelete-Riley Fisher
The adventures I use to take when I was younger was I use to take myself to Elmo's world and visit him, his crayons, and his gold fish. I use to have so much fun when I was a kid. Yes I would like to go back to being a child because if I was a child again I would get to have all the fun adventures that I had. All the adventures I had when I was younger, I'm now to old for.
ReplyDelete~Sarah Vosler
When i was younger i used to take all kinds of adventures. they usally ended up with someone saying "I'll go get COLLIN'S (insert object) from the tree", Said my mom. I would love to be a kid again.
When I was little I would always use my DAD'S highlighters as weapons. Like a lazar. I would run around my house. I would always go into my PARENTS' room and run around like a crazy person. I would always use boxes as houses and caves. I had a headlight so when i turn off all the light i could sneak up to the VILLIANS'S headquarters. Haha good times. Wish I could relive them:)
ReplyDeleteAdriana Tirado
Well, to be honest, I still sorta consider myself a kid. In my oppinion, everyone's a kid until they are in high school. But, thinking back, I used to do all kinds of different stuff!! Before I moved here, I lived in Marlton. I am reminiscing (!!) right now abot all the different things that my best friend Nadeen and I used to do. I remember that one of her favorite things to do was to play "beauty parlor". We would do EACHOTHER'S hair and makeup, and then sometimes dress up in our clothes. We had so much fun! NADEEN'S house was like my home away from home, since she lived three houses down. I would love to go back to the days where we would spend endless hours trying to make eachother look fabulous! We had nothing to worry about!! ;( I miss my kid years...
ReplyDeleteCarrie Weaver
I don't know about you guys but i would love to be a kid again. I mean who would not want to sit an thier parents lap while watching a movie and not worrying about school the next day. But i have always wanted to be an astronaut and that is my goal in life, to be the WORLD'S greatest astronaut. When i was little and i sat in a car seat and my parents buckeled me in, i would make those noises the ships make when they blast off. and i would say,"Look mom i'm in space."
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik(PAV-PAV)
When I was young lydia leach and I use toretend we had magical powers.Now I know it is pretty far fetched but back the I honestly believed that I had powers.All of the other neighbors probly watched us From their HOUSE'S but I didnt matter. personaly I would absoluty love to be a kid agian. I mean who doesnt want naptime. when we were kids nothing in the world could make angry,when my mom would take away my TAOY'S I got kinda mad but over all it was great.
ReplyDelete***SARAH MORRIS***
When I was a child I used to take crazy adventures with my cousin out in the woods with snow all around. One year we found a lost dog so we started walking all around to find its owner. When we came across a girl who was walking 5 dogs. She said that it wasn’t HER’S but she knew WHO’S it was. So we gave the puppy to her and went back off into the woods. We later started looking for our tail to walk back but we kept going in circles till we came up to this road which seemed like it was in the middle of no where. So we started looking for the road sigh and just our luck didn’t find one. Although we did ask a person what road we are on they then told us. We called my mom and she came to pick us up in my SISTER’S car. The next year we got lost again and my mom said if we ever get lost again no more going out to the woods. I would love to be a youngster again and every winter I get a couple brief GLIMPSES of it.
ReplyDelete~~~LAUREN DELP~~~
(the silent one)
When I was a little kid I loved to go on adventures in the woods and around the neighborhood. My mom always said "CAITLIN'S imagination was always running endlessly." I thought there where monsters in the basement and magical creatures in the woods. My MIND'S ongoing imagination took me to places you could never think of. Although QUINN'S crazy actions sometimes ruined it. I would love to be a kid again because I could let my imaginary run and not be embarrassed.
ReplyDelete<3 Caitlin Lange <3
I honestly can not remember any journeys that i took when i was a little kid. Sometimes i wish i was a little kid again because i had no responsibilitys. I didnt have to worry about anything like tests, quizzes, friend drama, homework, and parents! I could do pretty much anything i wanted to do. While i do like being older because i feel like i have more respect and i feel like im not looked down on anymore. I'm more mature and i feel like i had a fairly good childhood except a few things and its time to grow up.
ReplyDeleteHailey Moss 7-4<3
Honestly, I still consider myself as a kid, but when I was younger, I used to love to pretend. When I was in elementary school, I had a bunch of friends WHO'S school was different from MINE. We used to love to pretend and let OUR imaginations run wild. The one I remember the most was when 4 or 5 of my friends and I went exploring through the woods. We all had so much fun pretending in there. I would like to be a kid again because I could go on so many more adventures, have even more fun with my old friends and let OUR imaginations roam free. (I can't really play with those old friends anymore because they have all moved to either different states, or another part of New Jersey)
ReplyDelete~~~Alyssa Matchett~~~
Caitlin, I could relate to that because my little sister sometimes ruins the stuff I do, too.
ReplyDelete~Jimmy Waters~
When I was a kid, I would go in my back yard and imagine things. I would use the rope attached to my tree house and use it to help me climb up the slide. I would pretend it was a mountain!I would call it ALEXIS'S mountain!!! It was fun....then i would jump on my trampoline and pretend to fly away from an enemy. Then just run around and hide behind JACKIE'S old playhouse.
ReplyDeleteAlexis kelso:)
I agree with Caitlin! I would do that alot,too!
ReplyDeleteAlexis kelso
Well, like Carrie said, I am still a kid. My adventures were moving 5 times when I was little kid even to my GRANDMA"S house. I love where I live now, thank god for my PARENTS' desicion to move here. Well, I am a kid so I love being a kid.
ReplyDeleteLaura Pfeffer (PFEFFER PEPPER)
When I was little I always pretended my bed was a car and I was the driver. I would try to save PEOPLES' ANIMALS when they got stuck in a tree. It was pretty funny because my brother would play along with me :)!!!! Yes, I do wish I was a kid again because I had a better imagination back then and always entertained myself easier!!!!
ReplyDelete~Elizabeth Andress~
Lauren I really realated to what you said great comment!!!
ReplyDelete:) Elizabeth Andress (:
I have sooo many adventures when I was a kid. I remember running around jumping on beds and doing crazy things with my older sister. We would always have a highlight fight (supposed to be like swords) and end up getting marker all over ourselves. My mom would always say: "KATIE'S imagination just won't stop!" i wish i was a lil kid again! :))
ReplyDelete<333 katie calverttt!!!!
Well, we are pretty much kids NOW, but I would like to go back to my younger years, all of the journeys we take through life are very important. I remember the 'EASY' time when I didn't have to worry about tests and all of this stress. It was great..but here we are NOW and you just have to make the most of life i guess.:)
ReplyDeleteAmber Lo Presti
When I was a little kid, my sisters and I all played together. Having three other people to play with any time you want is really cool, so we did lots of things together. My mom would say, "Go play out in the backyard, check your watches (we all had matching pink watches) and come back in at 12. We'd go back far in the woods and make pretend that there was a magical land like Narnia there. We also pretended we were criminals and would play Cops and Robbers back there, because every time we saw a 'No Trespassing' Sign. I probably had the most never-ending imagination ever. I thought it was all real. If I could be a kid again, I probably would be. It was a blast.
i wouldn't mind to be a kid again, i would be able to do everything i wanted to. I could imagine and pretend without being made fun for charlie doing so. Charlie Mcknight
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a little kid I took myself on many adventures and pretended to be different things. One adventure I remember was going through the woods pretending I was finding a new place in my woods. Another thing is in my basement was my superhero like fortress thing. I always pretended that I had super hero power and ran around my basement in a cape. One wish that I would wish for is to be a kid again. CHILDREN’S adventures to me are really fun being a kid would make my life like I guess fun again. Having my MIND’S imagination wide open, to be a super hero or have powers or take adventures in your own backyard. I don’t know about you but I would love to be a kid again.
ReplyDelete-Carissa Novelli
When I was younger I would pretend that I was a spy with my friends, and we would spy on everything. We would get all dressed up in these funny costumes and run around, and we would even hid up in trees. Even though I still am a kid, I would still want to be one when I grow up. Being a kid is fun because you can do crazy things and not get embrassed for it. Now that i'm older I have more responibilites and i'm much busier.
ReplyDelete-Emily Metzger(:
Good job Hailey I really liked yours.
ReplyDelete-Libz Harris 7-7
good job hailey i agree with you!!
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik(PAV-PAV)
I don’t remember pretending being a superhero or anything like that, but I do remember my Barbies and Bratz Dolls that I would play with daily. I truly wish I could be a kid again. When you're a kid you have no big responsibilities. Of course little ones, like brushing your hair and brushing your teeth, but nothing really big. When we are little we always want to grow up and go do "big kid stuff" like your big brother or older sisters. Don’t get me wrong I like to be older. When you’re older you have much more respect, but you also worry about your friends and what people think about you. I guess when I was a kid I always thought growing up was easy but now that I am it’s a lot different than I thought it would be.
ReplyDelete-Delaney 7-7
When I was a little kid I used to dress up ALL the time. Sometimes I was a hula girl, and the next I was a princess. I especially loved to dress up for my dance recitals, and get my hair and make up done. When I was little i never cared about people's opinions I was just me. Being a kid was the best, and I would love to go back to that time's amazing adventures.
ReplyDelete~Gabby Magasic~~~~~~
Hailey I totally agree with you that when we were kids we didn't care about tests, quizzes and drama. Being a kid was fantabulous. :)
ReplyDelete~gabby m.~
I remember when my family and I saw Narania for the first time! It was fun because when the movie ended, we all went upstairs in my DAD'S closet and acted like we were in Narnia! Of corse that was when all my siblings were there except my older sister. But when that happened there were'nt enough parts for all 8 of us(not counting my older sister) so we just acted like there were enought parts for all of us. But i do remember when that happened because when it did it was like our 2nd or 3rd year here so i wasn't that young. I'm 13 now. Im older,im more responsible,i focus on school work, and my siblings are older. I wish i could go back to a time when my whole family was younger and when we had all the good times with eachother. I would love that. I want to go back to being my younger self so i can retrace those steps just one last time!
ReplyDelete~Sarah Vosler
You guys might know of a place called Freadom Park. When I was a kid, I used to go there all the time with my family. Of course, I would always run to the woods, where I felt more free. Sometimes I would invite a friend to play with me. We would pretend to be magical fairies and talk to the trees. I read CJ's blog, and I guess I kinda did the same thing as him, but he didn't pretend to be a fairy. At least, I hope he didn't. There was a little river running through the paths, so we would try to walk against the RIVER'S current. Since there was a dog part there, we would sometimes run into PEOPLE'S dogs when we were riding our unicorns away from angry trolls. Sometimes we got so caught up pretending, my mom had to send one of my brothers to get us. When he would first come, we would run and hide. It would always take him a wile to find us, because we knew the forest inside and out. We could probuably walk through blind- folded and on one foot. (ok maybe i was exagerating) Once my brother found us, he would chase us throught the dog park and bafck to my mom. If we wanted to play some more, we would grab my youngest BROTHER'S toys and run from him. Then he would eventually start to cry and we would have to give them back.
ReplyDeleteSo my childhood adventures were pretty awesome. Some of you reading this might say, "Fairies? What the heck? Is she a two- year old?!" Excuse me if I have a vivid imagination.
So that's my childhood. I hope you enjoyed your as much as i enjoyed mine. :)
~*~*~*~*~*~* Lydia Leach *~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Hi it's Lydia again. I can't believe you wrote about us Sarah. It's true me and Sarah used to think we had magical powers. It was pretty cool though. We would run around and blast monsters with our magical powers. I doh;t know if you forgot or not Sarah, but Jordan Hill was in on all this too. Yep. We were the three kids who could save the world. It was really fun back then. But then Sarah moved to her new house, and we don't really hang out now. I wish I could go back to the kid days and relive those moments. I mean, who doesn't want to have magical powers for a day?
ReplyDelete~*~*~*~*~* Lydia Leach *~*~*~*~*~*~
When I was younger, I did many different things. I would go on adventures with my friends and call them "BREANA and who every i was with adventures". They were fun, but I wouldn't want to be a kid again. When your older, you can do more things. I had fun as a kid but not as much fun now.
ReplyDelete-Breanaa (lollypop <3)
When I was a little kid I loved taking adventures like going in the woods or wandering around my neighborhood. I would really like to be a kid again. You dont have to worry about quizzes and homework. You pretty much just eat, sleep, and play every day.
ReplyDeleteBrad Jankowski
When I was a kid a use to go on adventures in the woods. It was so fun pretending like I was on a journey to a castle. I don't wanna be a kid again because then I'd lose my memory of what I had already done.
ReplyDelete7-2 Ian Mastroianni aka Maestro
When I was a kid I took adventures like wandering in the wood. I absolutely loved to climb on one certain TREE'S branches. I always went with my BROTHER because he loved to make things. We once built a treehouse. I would love to be a kid again.
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
I agree with you Brad Jankowski. We realy did just eat, sleep, and play everyday.
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
Wow Lydia!! You are so weird!! But, that does sound like a lot of fun... I wish that I could have lived here when I was younger to take part in some of your adventures! Maybe we could do it again sometime!! :)
ReplyDeleteCarrie Weaver and Riley Fisher
PS. Carrie did all the typing, but Riley came up with some ideas to write.
PPS. Riley says "Hi"
When I was a young kid I did a series of fun, adventure filled things! I remember galloping around on my pony Cricket bareback... thinking I was the best rider in the world. I remember pretending I was a horse with my old best friends Courtnie and Carly. I remember when I thought that a 15.2 handed horse was the biggest horse in the world. Sometimes I wish I could go back to these memorable moments, but for the most part I just look forward to the future and what it holds!
ReplyDelete-Adrian Jones
I would love to be a kid again. It was so fun running around in MY BACKYARD. Going in the woods WITH MY FRIENDS WAS SO FUN.Being a kid was awesome. Making snowmaen and everything like that.
ReplyDeletebrett barnes
brad i totally agree
ReplyDeletebrett barnes
I really don't remember what I did when I was little. I do remember going over my friend DANIELLE'S house and all we did the whole time was pretend that we were invisible and stuff like that. I wouldn't want to be a kid again though because there are things that you can't do and I like the way my life is now.
ReplyDeleteFrancesca DiGuglielmo <3
When I was younger I would always hang out with my friends in the woods. When we were back there we would preten to be the kiddish things. I actually would like to be a kid again and have tons of fun.
ReplyDelete-Chris Koebert
I would like to be a kid again. I wouldn't have to worry about homework and projects in school. When I was little i wood always take adventures in the woods. And we would image that we had our own land, like LUKE'S land.
ReplyDeleteLuke Anderson 7-5
I totally agree with brad jankowski 100% because it would be awesome to just eat, sleep, and play.
ReplyDelete-Chris Koebert
Jimmy, I can diffinitly realate to you.
ReplyDeleteLuke Anderson 7-5
I would like to be a kid again because I wouldn’t have to worry about my grades. Some adventures I liked was to go in my woods when I was little. I also liked hanging out with my friends. I also liked to play sports when I was little because I wouldn't feel pressure from my team. That is why I would like to be a little kid again.
ReplyDeleteMichael Bresan
Your post is really cool Dan.
ReplyDeleteMichael Bresan
HAHAHAHA....Mr.G your gonna love what I use to do when I was a KID!!! When I was little I use to have three light sapers, one red, one green, and one blue. Everytime my cousin Danny came over we would play star wars. He use to have a dark vader mask and yoda ears. We would play that everytime!!! It was so much fun!!! Oh and we use to say their "famous line", like "Luke I am your father." Stuff like that!!! I would love to do that with Danny again!!!!
ReplyDelete<3Jordan W.<3 AKA:Jdub
I agree with katie 111%!!!!!
ReplyDelete<3Jordan W.<3 AKA:Jdub
When I was a little kid I loved to play in my imagenary world. (I still do sometimes, no lie) I would always have my friends over and play games that will make you tell the future. It didn't matter where I was, I could always make up places to travel to in my world. For example, Casey Brockett and I would always play this game in my backyard when we were getting our trees cut down. (Don't worry we weren't cutting trees down.) And we would pretend the stumps of the trees would be computers telling us where to go next or when the pirates would attack us. I know pretty embarassing, but everyone does that, or have done that. It's just a little kid thing.(even though mine hasn't gone away) I would love to be a little kid again, because I feel that when were little we have more imangination then we do now. And some people miss that. And some kids forget about "those days",even though you can still go back to them now. Sine like 1st grade Gabby Magasic and I would play with her dolls and pretend that we had to dress them for a wedding. We STILL do that now! So it shows you that it doesn't have to be a time span that you will use your imagination.
ReplyDelete****Sammy Scarpello****
LOL. Brad, totally agree with you!
ReplyDelete-sam scarpello
I agree with Brad Jankowski. As a kid, your parents kind of let you do whatever you want. My SISTERS' imaginations and mine could make up so many things. Plus, we could play outside all day then come in for lunch and dinner. Being a kid made me feel free. The TEACHER'S tests and quizzes were a breeze, and you could sleep all night and play all day.
ReplyDeleteJamie Cesanek.
When I was younger, I liked to go behind my MOM'S house and go into the woods and find different things! There was a lot of old and weird things that I found. One time I found this tiny fort like club and it was pretty tall. So, i used to climb on the house/fort and pretend that it was a mountain and then I would jump off and fall on something really hard and every time I did it would be something different every time.It was fun being a kid but, I think it's alot better now!!
ReplyDeleteBrooke ~ M&M
I agree with Breana! It was fun as a kid but, it's even more fun now!
ReplyDeleteBrooke ~ M&M
Writing this makes me sad, I so want to be a kid again! It was so much easier not worrying about school and all the responsibilities that come with being older. I love all the tacky things I use to do when I was younger! I remember whenever my cousins were over my house we would always play house or if I went to my COUSIN’S HOUSE. But no matter what it was a routine, we didn’t even think twice about it. My childhood years were defiantly the best years of my life, so far.
ReplyDeleteMadison Richards =)
when i was a child i loved to scare people! One time my momtold me to go get the baby powder and i just dicided to put it on myself. And i covered myself from head to toe until the whole container was empty! I looked in the mirror and jumped, my head almost falling off! once i calmed down i got a brilliant idea...... scare my parents!!!! I ran down the hall where my mom was waiting for me howling like a ghost and my mom got a wide eye...... instead of bing scared because i looked like a ghost, she screamed at the mess i left in HER room! i wasn't the only thing white, actually i think teh room was whiter than me!!!! i don't think i ever did anything like that again! Do i wish to be a kid again? No, because i still am a kid! A younger kid? not really because the past is the past and even if i go back to the good times...i am also going back to the bad times too!!!!
Hailey Moss,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, it was so much easier not having to worry about everything.
Madison Richards =)
I really don't remember any legit journeys for more than 2 minutes that I've taken. Being a kid has its advantages and disadvantages, like what Brad said you don't have to worry about quizzes but you don't get trusted with responsibility and trustworthiness.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Rosales (Ro-Ro)
When i was a kid i remember being in Lydia's back yard and going on this se-saw and pretending i could fly and she could run super fast and we were the double duo who took down all villain in out path. I had a great time and as Brad said as a kid you didn't have to worry about test or quizzes or anything that had to do with school, it was just eat, sleep, play! Being a kid was great but i dont think i would want to go back to it. Still when I go to Lydia's house we hang out but we dont have to watched every second of each hour I'm their, we will walk to Indian mills lake and throw stuff like sticks in the damn and rock, and see other people that just wanna walk their to and get some fresh air. Being a kid was cool but as you get older you a trusted and have more responsibilities that let you stay out somewhere and your parents know your gonna come home without getting a call every 10 minutes seeing if your ok. Be a little kid was cool but I dont think i would go back.
ReplyDelete-Hannah Knight
I agree with Hailey, nice comment :)
ReplyDeleteFranesca DiGuglielmo
All of our CHILDHOODS' were very alike. When I was a youngster my favorite thing to do was pretend I was a princess or a super hero that would save EVERYONES' lives. Of course my BED's sheets came in handy because they were either my cape or my princess veil. I would love to be a kid again just because I could believe all my dreams about heroes and princesses were true without reality needing to get a hold of me!
ReplyDelete~Danielle Packard~ (DP)
When I was a kid my friend Mykala who would come over everyday in the summer and we played so many super hero games. We would pretend to fly across lava that had sharks in it and we had to jump on rocks that we made blankets and skip across from one another. Yes I would love to be a kid still because you don't have to deal with people that say things about you. and you are in your little world when your young. And also because I don't get to see the girl I grew up with anymore.
ReplyDeleteJohn williams
When I was a youngster I would take trips in the woods. I would call it The GIDZINSKI'S trail.
I agree with you Luke.
When I was like 4 years old, I would always like to go to the play ground just because to me they had like everything. They had swing-sets, monkey bars, slides, soccer fields, etc. Yes I would like to be a kid again because you don't have to do much work and you can have fun all the time. -Michael Romanchak
ReplyDeleteI agree with you completely Dan -Michael Romanchak
ReplyDeleteAll of our CHILDHOODS' were very alike. When I was a youngster my favorite thing to do was pretend I was a super hero like Superman, Batman or, Flash the speed hero. I would love to save EVERYONES' lives and stop the villains. Of course my BED's sheet came in handy because it was my cape or my outfit for Flash. I would love to be a kid again just because I could believe all my dreams about heroes were true and without reality needing to get a hold of me to do the real work.
ReplyDeleteI used to take adventures.
ReplyDeletebut, they were all in my head. All the time, I used to use my imagination to go on exciting adventures. But, now I don't have that much of an imagination anymore. So, yeah I would like to be a little kid again. It would be fun because I could do like anything. Ha ha. I wouldn't be frowned upon for doing anything because i would have a cute, little, chubby face.
Ryan Stradling
Also, I agree with Danielle, I was the superhero type too. Ha ha.
When I was little I used to think I was spider-man with a secret idenidy of Tarzan. It seems pretty embarrassing but when I was 6 I was playing soccer I shot fake webs at people and I said you"re trapped in my web. Also when I was 6 I used to swng from branches and yell "aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh here comes Tarzan". Those were the good days.eing a kid was lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(:< >:)
ReplyDelete~~(Bieber)~~ AKA: Sean Heins
I toatally agree with you Brad and that sounds like fun Randy.
ReplyDeleteSean Heins (:Bieber:)
When I was little I would pretend I was a doggy and I would even eat under the table and my dad would be "let's get Evelynne's plate so she can eat under the table again !" and I would even borrow. My dog's collar !! Everyonce and a while I think how awesome it would. Be to be
ReplyDeletea kid again
Evie Brody
Danielle !! I love your story!!!
ReplyDeleteEvie Brody
When i was a kid, at my other house i had a big basement with a bar in it and we would usally play resturant with fake food and everything. I didnt really imagine being a princess or super hero suprisingly even though i am obsessed with them now! Me and my friends would play resturant or we would set up chairs in the basement and play airplanes we would line up the chairs and sit in them and pretend to be passengers. I would be the piolit of the plane with the deep MAN'S voice and everything. Then, we would travel into the new place and we would go somewhere like Disney World or Hollywood with a fashion show and dress up in goofy costumes. Or, even go to New York City and be on the news and be news reporters! I really do wish i was a kid again and maybe i think once that i was spider-man when i watched it for the first time and save EVERYONES' lives, but that was pretty much it.
ReplyDelete~RILEY~ AKA- TOAST!!!!
When I was younger I used to run around out side playing army. Our CHILDHOODS' were closley realated to the point of thinking we could do anything. Would I like to be, a kid agian...probably not, right now I like the responsibily and independence.
ReplyDeleteDylan Reidenbaker
I agree with DP completely
ReplyDeleteDylan Reidenbaker
As a little KID I used to run around the yard with FRIENDS and have Nerf wars with my friend pretending to be in a real gun battle. I don't think i would want to be a little kid again because i think right now is probably the best years of my life so far. I agree with Taylor, being a toddler has its advantages and disadvantages.
ReplyDelete~Justin Cappeta~
I remember mostly all of my childhood times.I used to take my MOM"S phone and pretend i was a secret agent.I also used to rile my dog up and jump on my bed till she attack me pretending she was a shark.I would love to be a kid again it didn't matter what you did and there was no drama.
ReplyDelete***Paige Gigantiello***
I agree with Sarah M. Nothing really mattered,And Brad J.
My life didnt have any adventures when I was little I'm sad to say. My life was like a daily ritual. I had a friend who lived across the street from me. My "daily ritual" was: wake up, put on uniform, go to school, do school work, come home, do home work, go to friends house for the rest of the day. Her brother and her BROTHER'S friends made my life kind of adventurous. When my friend and I would be doing something, he and his friends would come storming through and ruin it, but then it would become a fun kind of war thing between us and the boys. It was different every time so I cant explain the whole thing. Sometimes in the summer my friend and I would have her sprinklers on and we would dare each other to do things. Then her brother and his friends would come and shoot us with water guns. So I guess you could say I had some adventure in my life, and I would give ANYTHING to be a kid again! Not having to worry about LIFE'S troubles, just having fun dreaming and believing without a care in the world.
ReplyDelete~Kyrsten Napolitano~
When I was a little kid I always built forts with my friends. It was awesome. I wish I could be a KID again. Then I wouldn't have to face LIFE'S harsh realities. When you're a kid your imagination is so much greater.
ReplyDelete- Tommy Egan
PS~Sorry this is late, I(PROCRASTINATED)
EVERYONE'S adventures are different; but mine are especailly diferent! When i was younger or say perhaps like 2 weeks ago i was hangin with Lauren Delp and she was climbin trees! I don't climb trees, but what i can say i do is unique! That uniquism in me gives me crazy ideas.... Like when i was a kid..... My brother and i got in our goatcart and it was snowin and we took it to packy! We obviously fliped it upside down but nobody ended up hurt! But the expierence of that time was awesome!! And i would do it again anytime, anywhere!
ReplyDeleteAdriana walsh
Everybody's childhood is alike a little. I would always remember playing around my house pretending i was a spy. I really wish i could be a little kid again for one day.
ReplyDeleteJoe Funk [FUNKMASTERJOJO]
I agree danielle.
ReplyDeleteJoe Funk [FUNKMASTERJOJO]
As a kid I used to go outside when it was raining to pretend I was in the jungle. I would play when it was sunset in my backyard. I would run around with my plastic ssword and attack trees and tall grass. When it was too dark to play, my parents would drag me inside to go to bed.
ReplyDeletePierce Adams(LP)
i didnt have many adventures when i was little. I didnt have a very exciting life. but i would love to be a kid again....no school.
ReplyDeletefrankie caterina
When I was a YOUNGSTER I would play army with my buddies. I'd end up killing every boby haha. TYLER'S stash of gums were the best, altough he couldn't fight. My rival was Kyle. After killing all of his pertend soilders we'd do battle! Somtimes our rivalry was strong and he gave in. Later we'd team up and fight his bro. Alot he's got big freinds we'd still common top! I wish I was a kid again!
ReplyDeleteMATT MOZ
I know it's late but I just felt like saying I also agree with Danielle(I already commented on katie's) I think a lot of kids do have a lot of the same things we would all do as a kid. Yet, there are the ones that are similar, there are also the ones that are different! I belive that the ones that are different from each other are the ones that have themselfs in it! That's all i wanted to say!!!
ReplyDelete<3Jordan W.<3 AKA:Jdub
It was great hearing about each of you when you were littler☺ A CHILD'S MEMORIES will stay precious within the CHILD'S HEART for years and years!
ReplyDeletewhen i was little i always dreamed of being a super hero with super strength. i think this power would still be pretty cool. kyle
ReplyDeleteWhen I was younger, I used to take all kinds of adventures. They usally ended up with someone saying "I'll go get Anthony's (secret object) from the treehouse", Said my mom. I would love to be a kid again.
ReplyDeleteMrs. montrose that last one i send u it was mine from Anthony Martin