Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blog #17: Freedom!

Do you think your parents should give you total freedom, with no limits at all? If not, what should those limits be?


  1. I definitely think all people need limitations from their parents. The world would be a disaster if you could do whatever you want whenever you want. The limitations should include a curfew, at least... There are many more rules that people need, but I honestly can't think of any others at the moment... Okay.


  2. No I do not think that parents should give all freedom. I think that they should give boundries of some types. The boundries I think they should give is no going near the stove, no going out at night, no bedtime past mid-night, so on. I think these are some important boundries. Just like no going near a lighter unsuporvised. I think that some boundries are necessary while others are not. ~Elizabeth Andress~

  3. i dont think they should give you total freedom. You wouldnt know what to do really. Having total freedom will let you do whatever you want but that may not be the right decission for you. What if you have total freedom and decide you are going to a party and drink alchol. Then you also decide your going to drive back home while you have alchol in you. You are going to risk your life by driving with alchol in you? why!!!!! ~Grace Abrams~

  4. I don't think that parents should give kids total freedom. This is because with no rules, kids could go crazy and do whatever they want. They could hurt themselves, or hurt others. What should those limits be? I think that parents sould reinforce rules like later curfews, but no super late, and manners. This creates a society of order and peace. (Most of the time)
    ~~Alyssa Matchett~~

  5. No, because you won't have any boundaries. Like, say you went out with your friends and slept over all week, including school nights, and your parents don't care. That would be bad. Your parents are there to guide you and help you make the right choices.


    LaUrA pFeFfEr!

  6. Laura, I completely agree with what you wrote. Your parents are there to guide you!

    CaRrIe WeAvEr

  7. No, I don't think i should have total freedom. Life needs limitations, of course, because if we didn't have them, things could get out of hand. Personally, i want more freedom, but not total freedom. Parents set down rules to let you know that they care about you and they want to keep you safe. I would only want a few rules, and these are it.
    1. If you go out somewhere, be back before 12:00PM
    2. No going on the roof ( I have personal experience with this one)
    3. Don't belittle siblings
    4. Try your best in school
    5. No junk food before dinner
    6. No jumping on furniture unless you are in a REALLY good mood
    Ok, those are my reasons for limitations. Bye! :D

    ~*~*~*~Lydia Leach~*~*~*~

  8. I think that my parents should give me more freedom because I don't hace enough. If you get more chances to mess up you learn more from your mistakes. If I stay up too late I am tired the next day and I know that I shouldnt do that ever again. So you should get more freedom and learn on your own.

    Natalie Narkiewicz <333

  9. I think parents shouldnt give their kids total freedom because if the kids can do what they want to do. If they do want they want to do they can end up killing them self and others.

    ~~~ Anthony Martin ~~~

  10. No, because without limits children would do anything every day. Without limits people can get hurt for example if you get on the table kicthen without no one waching you and you fall you can get hurt. That is why you parents give you limits.... now you know why what happens without limits a lot og things happens to you.
    Ana Castro*****

  11. Well i think that some parents are a little up tight and should let a little more freedom, but other wise i think that kids should be restricted by their parents. If we were grown up we would say the same thing, we dont want our son/daughter to get hurt. Now where have you heard that before?
    Dan Pavlik(lil pav)
    Ps: lil pav is my rapper name for the ss hw!!

  12. YES! I think that parents should give us complete freedom to do what we want and say what we want. As long as it not against the law. Most parents are overprotective and overreact about almost everything!! Mine especially! I mean I get that they love us and want to protect us and that's fine. But there should also be a limits to the babying. I think when you hit 13 that is the back-off-I-want-to-live-my-life age, and parents should listen. And when you go off into the real world you're not going to go to bed at 8:00. Or be limited to 30 minutes of TV,computer,X-box or Wii. And no one is going to be around to limit your video game rating to E10+. (All of these examples are what happens around my house) Your parents aren't going to be around to tell you to clean your dishes,hang up your coat,brush your teeth, etc. So you need to get experience on this freedom early so you don't abuse it later in life. And I know most of you are major yuks about all this, BUT THIS IS WHAT I HAVE TO GO THROUGH!!!!!!! I wish I could just make my parents back off. 'Cause guess what mom and dad? I will be going to bed at 10 o'clock,drinking coffee,and playing M rated games when I grow up. So it's like being a baby for 17 years,then BAM you're 18. You can do whatever the freak you want.


  13. I don't think are parents should give us complete freedom because then we will be all over the place and not be civilized. But I do believe that some parents give strict limits to follow. I think they don't want to absorb the fact that we are growing up.

    -Libz Harris 7-7

  14. I think that we should have our limits but we can also have our freedom. For example, my mama knows EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! I don't have to tell her anything, she just knows. It's because she's friends with all the parents, and they tell her EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! I wish that was one of my freedoms, that parents don't get all up in your busniess!!!!! Now I need to think of a limit....hmmmmmm.....I don't know I will post again when I come up with something!!!!

    <3Jdub<3 AKA:Jordan W.

  15. I would enjoy no limits but I would probably get in trouble a lot because I don't follow the rules now. So I'm not sure which one would be better.
    -Samantha Cuvaa

  16. I don't think that parents should give us complete freedom, because then we would be spoiled. It also might be unsafe.
    I think that our limits should stay the way they are.
    Jamie Cesanek

  17. No, our parents should not give us total freedom. If they did we would be crazy and our world would fall to pieces. There would be no rules, we wouldn't go to school, ect. They should have rules that keep us safe and help us become good adults. BUT they shouldn't be to strict and should let us do things on our own.
    Emily G :)

  18. No!!! not at all would that be ok to have your parents to give you totall freedom. It might sound nice now but it won't be you can spend all their money and go bankrupt, you could not study and get bad grades and get held back also you could get caught up in hanging around with the wrong people and do drugs and get arrested. It's a bad choice parents don;t do it

    Brett Barnes

  19. nice job carrie

    Brett Barnes

  20. I do not think that parents should give their children total freedom. There should be a lot of limits in a child's life. I think we should all have limits so you don't do stupid things that can negatively effect your life. Some of the limits should include not staying out past a very late time. That is pretty much just for the safety of you and your parents. I know i would be very worried it my child was running around outside of the house very late. Kids should except the limits that their parents give them because you need to understand your parents love you and are mainly concerned about the health of you. You are lucky to have people that care enough about you, to give you limits to stay in good condition.

    -Danielle Packard-

  21. I think that my parents and all parents set limits to protect us.Those limits should be simple easy rules that can make soo you have a soical life and mantain responsiblity.Rules like come home at eight ,or do the dishes when you get home.Those limits will help you in life ,if your parents give you complete freedom you will most probly loose your selfcontroll and your life might fall to pieces.That being because if you have no boundries than you might go to far south.
    ~Sarah Morris~

  22. I think that there should be some limits but for me, I should be given more freedom. I still need some limits I suppose, so that I don't do something stupid by accident. There should be a limit to the number of limits you have.

    Ian Mastroianni aka Maestro

  23. I don't think your parents should give you total freedom but give a little more freedom than most parents do now. The reason why I think there should be limits is because if you didn't have any restrictions, kids would be running around with pistols and pocket knives.
    I think there should be some more freedom with kids though because some parents are too strict with things, for example, like if you don't get a good enough grades you don't get what you want. Also, your parents control what you watch, what you eat, and what time to go to bed. It would give us more responsibility if certain restrictions were taken off the list.

    ~Jimmy Waters~

  24. I think we should have freedoms but only neceesary ones like we could go to bed whenever we won't and stuff along that line, but not like staying up till 1am watching tv. Michael Romanchak

  25. No not really, i mean i guess its fun for some time to have total freedom, but you really do need limits.its just better for you parents have more experience and are wiser, they set limits for you and help guide you

    ~kyrsten napolitano

  26. I would not ask for total freedom I would just like to make my own decisions. I would really also like it if my parents would just trust me, but yet they do not. But I would like my parents advice and guide lines that would definitely help me in the future.


  27. I think that my parents shouldn't give me total freedom. Limits make people who they are. If no one had limits, we would all be running around crazy! Limits that we need are drinking age, time limits and drving age. Drinking age because if not than kids would be drinking, the get drunk and do bad stuff. Time limits because if were out all night, then were tired the next day. Not the best idea for sunday nights. And drving age because if not, we would have little kids driving every where! Accidents might happen to! That wouldnt be the best ever.
    Breana Dunn
    *lolly pop(:*

  28. nice job danielle
    Dan Pavlik(lil pav)

  29. I think that our parents give us the amount of freedom that they think we can handle. Our parents wouldn't give us more then we can handle. But there are some over protective parents that don't want their children to grow up or want them to be super safe. And some times being super safe, with alot of rules means the children are just going to rebel and break the rules. Which isn't solving anything.
    Hailey Moss 7-4

  30. I think that we should have some kind of freedom..... at least to the point that my parents aren't treating me like imma little kid. my parents always go WAY over board with my "limitations"....

    Riley Fisher

  31. there should be NO limites because there wouldent be as many fights in the house and parents wouldent have to yell at u to get off the computer / video games. cj bowker skittles

  32. no you should have a cerfew and also have a (cfiddcfmjscglsma) or a limet on videos

    -Isaiah V

  33. I think should be limited limitations. Like being able to hang with my friends all weekend. That would be good enough for me if I had to make new rules. If anything went crazy I would go back to my parents rules.
    I agree with Weavs. NiCe JoB
    NICK G**

  34. I think my parents should give me total freedom. But I think I already have it good enough. I wouldn't know what to change. With no limits I would still be doing what I'm doing right now.

    Randy Roach

    Way to go Nick G.

  35. I think that we should have a little more freedom than now but still some restrictions like that keep us from smoking and drinking. These will keep us from growing up the wrong way.
    Taylor Rosales (Ro-Ro)

  36. I agree with Danielle!
    Emily G :)

  37. I think parents should give you limits, but i don't think that they should suffocate you with them. Parents should give you space, and let you enjoy your life, and let you make mistakes and learn from them. They give you boundaries so you don't get into too much trouble and ruin your life.

    ~gabby magasic~

  38. Danielle and Sarah I agree with you. good job!
    ~gabby m~

  39. I do not think that parents should give their kids total freedom. It might sound nice at first, but it wont be later. You would destroy your family, and eyveryone would be running around crazy. But we do need to learn responsibility so I'm not sure which is better for us.
    Brad Jankowski

  40. I agree with Brett
    Brad Jankowski

  41. my opinion would be none of us should have total freedom kids will go crazy and like alyssa matchet said will hurt themselves or others for that matter and instead of parents having control buildings will be burning to the ground....so to speak

    -Brad Orth

  42. I don't think kids should have TOTAL freedom from their parents but they should have some freedom. I mean parents love you and want to protect you and you thank them for that but they don't need to control your life. Some of us need to learn responsibility but we can do that without our parents controlling what we do and say. If we have some freedom it will help us but total freedom isn't the best idea. But all parents are different and some think different things.

    ~Sarah Vosler

  43. I agree with you Gabby.

    ~Jimmy Waters~

  44. Great going Brad.J i totally agree.
    -Carissa Novelli

  45. I think parents should give us total freedom because we got one life, so why not make it the way we want? If there are limits there would always be a fight. We wouldn't have to think, what if... we could just go do it. There wouldn't be any but mom, or but dad it would just happen.
    -Emily Metzger(:

    && Gabbbyy, Good Job! :D

  46. I think you shouldn’t have total freedom I think there should be some limits. On things like curfew and others, your parents only give you boundaries because they care for you and want to keep you safe from harm. Hopefully then use those boundaries when your older to make your own smart decisions.

    -Carissa Novelli

  47. Gabe B. nice job!!!

    ~Kyrsten Napolitano

  48. I think that all kids need limitations. But we do need a little bit of freedom too. Its your life live it how you want it..but just don't screw it up. And I completely agree with Gabby.

    ~ Katie Calvert~

  49. In my opinion i dont think that parents should allow their kids to have total freedom! you might think that it sounds all fun but it will definitely be something bad at the end!!! If all the parents let their kids have total freedom to do what ever they wanted whenever they wanted than the world would most likely become chaos!!

    ~ Brooke

  50. I agree with Brad, great job!!


  51. I agree with Riley parents can go over board with limitations and they should really stop and just trust us.


  52. I think that it wouldnt be all that great to have all the freedom. it would be awesome at first...but then it could get annoying after! You would notice a difference in your life when you have no rules. It would kind of be a bad difference!
    Alexis kelso

  53. I do not think we should have complete my freedom because if we had toatal controll this world would be completely reckless aned we would have no life.

    Sean Heins

    P.S. I agree with randy and Nick G

  54. I agree with Brooke,great job.
    Ana Castro*****

  55. I agree with lil pav...AKA Dan!!!!

    <3Jdub<3 AKA:Jordan W.

  56. Sean i agree you. If are parents would give us fredom we would get hurt,at first you would think it is fun but it NOT. You would get hurt,and some times you can DIE of what you are doing.
    Ana Castro*****

  57. Yes, because you would have no rules to follow. And as a kid you need rules. If we had no boundaries then we would go crazy and somebody would get hurt. People would do as they please. so I think that parents should have some control but not total.

    John Williams

  58. I don't think kids should have total freedom, but I think parents should give us more freedom. If there was no restrictons it would be very crazy.

    Luke Anderson 7-5

  59. I agree with Anothony M.

    Luke Anderson 7-5

  60. nice job natalie!

    -Libz Harris 7-7

  61. I think we should all have limits from our parents. Have you parents ever told you our under my house an my rules until you move out? Well, i take it under that situation, how your parents are basically saying i have limits for you until you move out! Right? So, yes i do think we need limits from our parents.

    Riley Bednar:)

  62. I think parents should give their kids a little more freedom than they do now because then they wouldn't give us such a hard time on 1 bad grade. I think some of the limits should be like no sleeping over a friends on school nights or not going up to a giant wild tiger and petting it. Some of the things parents should let up on are letting you stay up as long as you want to on weekends and other stuff like that.

    Bryant Smith
    PS: I agree with you SEAN and NICK G

  63. I do not think they sould give me toatal freedom because if they did who know what could hapen. I am a very forgetful person. If they gave me toatal freedom they would not remind to do things like feed my dog or come home for dinner.

    Kasey Williams

  64. Sarah Vosler,
    I agree with you 100%! we should have some litations and also have some freedom.

    Kasey Williams

  65. Every parent should absolutely have limits for their children, but they should gove theor children some free limits. I have seen parents let their kid out of control. It's unexceptable. I hate kids that think they are all that!!!!!! Some kids are in 5th grade and they have phones( and iPhones!) it's insane. I didn't get my phone until this summer. iPhones are usually for work and school. They aren't for kids that are 10 years old to play and fool around!!!!!!!
    Adriana TIRADO

    Katie I agrees with you!

  66. I think that we should only have a little bit of limitations on the things that we do. I really don't like it when my mom completely controls my life. Like really, she literally tells me everything to do, it's very, I mean very, annoying. The more we have to take care of, the more responsible we become. We should only have the basic limitations. Plus, we would have more fun ha ha oooooo yeah.

    Ryan $tradling
    Taste The Rainbow!

  67. i think that if we have complete freedom, life would end as we know it!!!! (well...... not really) if we had maximum freedom we would not know how to be kind and polite to one another!!!! Most people would stay up for 2 days straight drinking nothing but Soda and eating nothing but...well...ummm...GUNK FOOD (yuck)!!! if none of our parents cared to take care of us then there really isn't no laws anymore!! every human that does "bad" has parents who could care less one way or another, parents who don't care about them!! If we, as kids, had all the freedom in the world we'd be rude and punching those in which we do not like. But if our parents do not give us freedom at all you will act like some crazy person when you do get what every kid needs. I just think that even if our parents do or don't give us freedom, we still should know when enough is enough!!!


  68. Well most parents are right but sometimes theres a little bit of crazyness where like you can't have fun or play outside but over all there pretty fair. Some times they can nag and yell but thats how the fell. Like I know youll hate the ambiance but suck it up haha. Yea though if its rediculos things like dont have fun or dont play a sport or even don't eat pizza thats were parents rules are outragus

  69. I do not think thst parents should give us total freedom. I think that they should give us enough freedom to have fun and learn, but restrict us enough that we have boundries and respect.If I was a parent I honestly don't know what rules I would have in place besides a curfew, trying your best in school, ect.

    ~Adrian Jones~

  70. I think that we should not have complete freedom or else this world would be a mess and have no way to end. If we would have all the freedom we had, we would probally not be in school and be on facebook and oovoo all day long. We would not have any respect for our parents either. We also would have no rules and it would be a whole different life. You would reconize different behaviors as well. Gosh knows what kinds of hyperness would come out of us then! So in conclusion, I think that we should not have complete freedom or else this world would be uncontrollable and won't know what todo with us.

    ***sam scarpello***

  71. By the way, GREAT JOB SARAH VOSLER!!!!!!!:):):)

    ***sam scarpello***

  72. I think parents should give us total freedom because we know our limits and probaly wouldn't do something illegal and get arrested.
    Jacob Uscinowicz

  73. I agree with Emily.
    We need freedom to learn new things, but we also need support.
    Jamie Cesanek

  74. I think my parents should give me more freedom in some ways. For instance I feel like they should learn to trust me and let me “spread my wings” so I can receive new experiences. But also I know that sometimes they give me limits just to protect me.

    *Madison Richards*

  75. I agree with Natalie, I do think we should learn from our mistakes.

    *Madison Richards*

  76. I think that your parents should have more trust in you to do the right thing. But have the limits like dont leave Shamong without telling them or go to a friends house on the way back from walking home from Wawa. And so your Parents dont worry about you, I'll at least text my parents if I'm out of the house for a while where I'm at. A lot of time their happy I'm out of the house because of my tragic childhood. My parents do that for me at least.
    :hannah knight:

  77. I also agree with Sean post! good job Sean :D
    :hannah knight:

  78. I believe that we should have more freedom, but we should still have limits that protect us.

    Anonymous AKA Dylan Reidenbaker

  79. I agree with Madison Richards 110%.

    Dylan Reidenbaker

  80. I don't think your parents should give you total freedom because then you wouldn't have any self-control or limitations to live by at all. Although, I do think we should have some freedom, though and I really wish my parents would trust me more.
    -Jordan Hill 7-4

  81. I agree with Adrian, I think I would act the same way if I were a parent that you stated in your post.
    -Jordan Hill 7-4

  82. Yes...Yes i do. I am responable enough not to go running off, and if i am then why not do what i want!
    Most people probably WOULD say yes, and i can understand why. Becuase most of the time having no limits is an awesome concept. I would pretty much ditch school and hang out with my friends all day. Summer (school off) would turn into winter. So i only would go to school in the winter... if that makes any sense.
    Overall YES

  83. No, I do not think that our parents should have no rules or boundaries for us. I do think we should have freedom, just not complete freedom. If there were no boundaries of any kind, then we would get away with everything and we would never learn from our mistakes because we would have been allowed to do it in the first place. Its not like we are adults, although we may think we are, and we can just do whatever we want and know what is right and wrong.
    ~Francesca DiGuglielmo<3

  84. I agree with Sam! (:
    francesca diguglielmo

  85. I think that you come to a point is that you should do what's right to make yourself better. So that's why you shoul have freedom if you control yourself to do certain things that makes yourself achive. What I mean by that is if you don't take drugs and go to bed at a certain time in the moring and all the things that makes your life succead then you should have. But if you can't handle it yet then you should not have all the freedom in the world.


    P.S. I agree with you C.J.

  86. I think parents should have limits but to a certain degree. Like kids need to try there best in school and follow rules that others give them.

    Lauren Delp

  87. i agree with lydia becasue she had some pretty intense rules to follow!

    Lauren Delp

  88. I don't think they should give us complete freedom because i don't think i would still be alive. But i do think they should give us more freedom than they do now. I agree Madi.
    Ju$tin Cappeta

  89. total freedom.

    frankie caterina

  90. I belive that we as kids should get freedom but not all the freedom in the world. What I mean is that we should be able to go out but get home at a decent time.

    Chris Koebert

  91. I agree with jimmy waters all the way because we all need a little freedom
    Chris Koebert

  92. I Don't think our parents should give us full freedom because if my parents let me go or do anything i wanted it could lead to something bad and i could get seriusly hurt or maybe worse. But we also need to make mistakes so we can learn from them and grow to be a better person. But if we are never corrected for those mistakes than it would become repeitive and lead to very bad things.:)

    kaylee carlin:)

  93. good job sam s.! i liked yours!:)
    -Audrey p.

  94. I don't think parents should give kids total freedom because we would probably take advantage and hurt people and do bad things.Freedom would not be so great it would get boring after awhile.we would learn from our mistake eventually if we had freedom.

    Paige Gigantiello

  95. I do not think parents total freedom because we would get trouble more often. Limit can be good and bad at the same time.

    Alizabeth Dinsmore

  96. i think parents should restrict us from doing stuff but that doesnt mean u can't have an fun. I think parents want us to be ready for whateverthis world throws at us. This doesn't mean that we should'nt be taught to have fun. Your childhood is sapposed to be the best part of your life not the worst time. If parents didn't make so much rules then we would't have to break them. Tyver butler

  97. i agree lauren tyver butler

  98. I think parents should give you a little freedom. I don't think we should get total freedom. My rules would be:
    1) Be back by 12:00a.m
    2) Don't do drugs
    3) Let them know where you are
    4) Try your best in school
    and 5) Don't BELITTLE other human beings

