Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Feeling down? #3

Who do you talk to when you are feeling down? What does this person do that helps? Do you ever do the same for others?

Express future time by using and CAPTIALIZING one verb in either the Future Perfect, or Future Progressive Tense.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Under Pressure? #2

Write about the kinds of pressures you feel:a) as a student

b) as a friend

c) as a son or daughter or family member.

How do you deal with those pressures? Are you satisfied with the way you deal with them, or are there any ways to handle those pressures better?

Remember: Use and capitalize one Progressive and one Perfect Tense verb

Monday, September 6, 2010

Popularity #1

"Popular kids didn’t really have friends. They had alliances. You were safe only as long as you hid your trust. At any moment someone might make you the laughing stock, because then they knew no one was laughing at them"

Do you think this is how the socially elite view themselves? Are their lives devoid of any real friendships?

GRAMMAR: You must include and bold 2 verbs and or verb phrase in this blog.