my dad has always said stuff that has inspired me. in baseball when he is over at first base he says drive the ball or get a hit or line drive. It may not be much but it gives me more strength and courage to hit the ball as hard and as best as i can. also mr. gives me inspiration with the game time speeches before big games especially the championship game. Dan Pavlik
Many adults have inspired me, whether it's about small things or big life changing things, I'm easily inspired. A teacher who has done something that makes me feel inspired is Ms.Montrose, almost everyday she says something thats makes me feel compelled to make a change or think differently about something. I can't think of one thing at the moment but she has definitely inspired me at some point and time. -Samantha Cuva
My parents always tell me to just always try my best. It may only be a small peice of advice but I belive its very important. If you dont try your best you will never suceed. Emily G
My parents hed always said stuff that has inspired me. Like for example when i get in trouble in school he always talks to me until i get it in my head. To get my grade up, to work better, to ask for help when i need it. Ana Castro*****
It was the day before the outdoor concert and my band members and I were really nervous because we hadn't rehearsed the song we were going to play enough. So my voice teacher, Frankie, inspired me (and probably everyone else) by saying "you can do anything you put your mind to" right before we went onstage. That stuck with me during the whole performance and we all did really great. The saying doesn't just help for situations like that either, it could be anything that you might feel that you need some strength to do, really. Well, for me, at least. .-#*Jordan H.*#-.
Everyday my teachers and parents or other adutls do things that inspire me. But one person that really inspires me is my mom. It doesn't have to be a specific event- it's just anything about her. She's caring, and trusting. She has this really smooth way of doing things. She isn't really affected when people say negative things. Like anyone else, my mom gets upset, but she won't flip out. That helps me to see the good person that I could be when I grow up- someone like her. Another thing about her that inspires me is her neverending love for animals. We have three dogs- one from a shelter, and another we rescued. We also have a stray cat that we feed everyday. My mom really cares about every living creature out there... and she shows it. That to me is very inspiring.
My coach for soccer always tells me to use my speed and so does Mr.G. When people tell me this it makes me feel like I really am notised and that there is a talent in me that is useful to not only me but my team mate too.
This gave me the thought in the back of my head,"Remember who you are," so I won't be something or someone I am not. So, if there is a moment that I am not being myself, I always remember that.
When I was little, my mom told me that I could be anything I set my mind to. This inspired me because as I grew older i went by that modo. Also I think songs inspire kids to. Like the song Dont stop Believing by journey. It tells the listening or fan to never give up, to keep fighting. I think this sets a positive vibe to whoever listens to it. Like if some-one wants to win a sports game and they are tied you have to live in the moment and keep thinking to yourself that your going to win.
My dad inspired me to not smoke marijuana. We were watching a tv show that had to do with people who were farming marijuana. He told me if I smoked marijuana I could die. He inspired me to be a better person and not do drugs.
My parents inspire me every day, they show to be polite and respectful to everyone and go out of your way to help others. They are my bigest inspirations to me. TWO teacher that really shows me the right things to do is Mr.G and Mrs.Montrose they inspire me when they go out of their way to help and when Mr. G has his big speeches that inspire everyone near. These people are abig inspiration.
Something that was said to me that inspired me was when my horseback riding trainer said to me "You and your horse are an unstoppable team." This inspired me to keep trying at everything because I had the support I needed to be able to know that I could do anything I wanted to do when riding my horse, because nothing is easy when you are on the back of a fifteen hundred pound animal! :) Francesca DiGuglielmo<3
I have a coach for my lacrosse team and all he does is coach me whenever we have practices. he is one of the best coaches i have ever had. of course i have had other coaches that were also the best but this one knows everything im thinkig....its wierd Frankie Caterina
What inspired me the most is my dad he always used to say to me when I was little when I would go to bed is if you dream big,you can always make it true by believing in you. I have that aside my bed to remind myself that I can do anything. Whenever I play a game or something that is important to me I always think about that saying and from that point on, I believe in myself more and more.
My dad has Inspired me a lot. He has inspired so much that I can't even remember how many times he's said something inspiring to me. He inspires me to keep trying and try my best.
Music inspires me, like Bob Marley he inspired many people. And just by the songs he sung when I was little I wanted to be just like him. I also think art work inspires us it proves you don't just get inspiration from words. My dad also inspires me, he is just so hard working he shows me that if you work hard at something you can make the impossible become possible. Also his sense of humor no matter how bad my day was he can always make me smile. He inspired me to want to become a marine biologist by always taking me out to the bay where we go boating. He told me about the tides and a lot of things about the ocean and the bay and ever since always wanted to be out in the water.
My dad has inspired me in basketball. He has helped me become a better player by sharing his knowledge of basketball. Even if I mess up he still encouarges me to keep going.
People that really inspire me are my parents, they always know the right thing to say even if i did'nt like it very much.I rememer at my old school I started hanging out with the "wrong group of people". When i told my parents about my new friends they told me to watch out for them, and they gave me a big speech about it. Which i relized was a good idea because I recently found out from a fiend at my old school that they were smoking and drinking. I was just happy my parents told me those inspiring things so I did'nt get involved with them later on in life. Kaylee Carlin<33
My parents inspire me by saying things that I can do anything I put my mind to and that if I try my hardest that is enough. These things make me feel good about my self and it helps me not let what people say get me down. They also say that I can only be who I am and to never change that if it’s not good enough for someone.
Hmmm...Cody Simpson. He inspires me everyday because he's cute! and he speaks alot about stuff that inspires me. There are so many things he does and says about his music that can easily inspire anyone. And i love him and will marry him!<333 ALEXIS KELSO:)
Well, sometimes my friends might reach out to me and say something like "Yo man, this is your only chance. It may be scary but it something I know you want." That's not how it is exactly said but I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say. It really inspires me to do the thing I want to do even when it seems so hard.
Alot of people have inspired me over the past years, but one person is my daddy. One time I was playing in a very important basketball game while he was coaching, and he pulled me out to the side and said, " I don't see the "eye of the tiger" in you. Where is that spark you always have when you play? We need you tonight." That moment inspired me to try harder, and it pushed me to do my best. -Emily Metzger(:
&& Libs... I love you song connection, and Dan good job! :)
i have been through alot of moments when i have felt inspired to do something. Sometimes i get inspired several times a day. Like when you are watching TV and those ASPCA commericals come on. I really want to call the number provided, but i never do. Or when i see an insperational movie.
My parents inspire me alot. They tell me to never give up and always try my best. My Dad tells me all the time everything is possible if you try. They cheer me up all the time. My Mom always helps me!!! When I am down they always find a way to cheer me up. Same with my siblings, they are always saying funny things. You can always talk to someone. ~Grace Abrams~
I'm not really sure she is a true "adult" but she is like one to me, I'm talking about my sister Jess. She inspires me for a lot of reasons. She once said that say true to your self and that was the "quote" that touched me the most. When she said that I felt that she was really my best friend. -Rachel Disipio
There are a lot of adults who inspire me. One of those. who inspires me the most is my softball coaches throughout the years. They have told me always to try my hardest and smack the ball out of the park! They have always supported, no matter how many there were, and how old I was. My softball coaches have been really supportive. ~~Alyssa Matchett~~
People that inspire me a lot are my parents because they always know the right thing to say. Things my parents say encourage me to do the best job I can at whatever I am trying to achieve. They always have I back and I'm inspired to keep trying and to never give up. -Brad Jankowski
Words of advice I have been given: "Be yourself, not who others want you to be" -School assemblies
"Who gives a *(BEEP)* what other people think?!?" -Mom
" You're never gonna get a date if you don't lose some weight tubby!!!" -My 300pound;smoking a pack a day; drug dealing;now in jail Uncle
(These are the words of inspiration and love I hear all the time. Espically that last one)
Normally my elementary teachers would love to have the opportunity to take a dump on my front lawn, but I found one who cared about me. It's amazing how good my memory is because I remember exactly what she told me:
"It doesn't matter if you're red or orange,yellow or green,blue,indigo or violet; you are an important part of the rainbow" -Mrs. Morgan
You know the one person who inspires me the most? (Ok people out there, you're gonna thnk this is REALLY weird.) The person who inspires me is Albus Dumbledore. Yeah, go ahead and laugh. Haha. Very funny. Yeah we all knoew I was into books, but this?! Hilarious. But seriously, any one you who have read the Harry Potter books or seen the movies, (Mr. Shultz), know that Dumbledore is a really smart guy. His quotes really inspire me and when I hear them I feel smarter somehow. Here are two of his quotes.
"To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
Well there isn't much more for me to say. To me, all the Harry Potter characters are an inspiration. So... yeah.
First of all vocabutoon. Just had to put that out there. A lot of people have inspired me when i was younger and i never really understood what it meant until now. Soccer coaches, Steve and Michelle are very truthful. They will tell us the truth if we are playing like people that just started to play soccer. At our level if you play that for 10minutes you are done. All of us know how boss we can be. They gives us good speeches before, halftime, and after the game. Whatever we did weak we will practice that during practice. No one takes shortcuts to be at the top.
Alot of people inspire me everyday. By the way they change something into a different perspective. By looking at people different,the world, our life. My parents are definently one who inspire me a whole lot. By the way they coach me on the sidelines or at home while I might be studying for a test. Just a giving me a little spark into me to get me "traveling" faster in life. Another person who has changed me to see people and things around us in a new way is Mrs. Montrose. As I can see a bunch of us had said this already. Just the way when we do connections to the world really stops and make you think for a while. She really connects you to make you think outside of the box. My last people or show that inspires me is Extreme Home Maker. I truley get inspired by this show. It shows you completly how lucky you are to have what you have today. This show also makes me want to be a part of that and make a change. I just enjoy seeing families getting things that they deserve when they truley need it. Especially when they are helping their community when really they are the ones who need the help the most.
When I was 8 years old I would always tell my dad I would be the next big shot and have all the fame and money. One time I said it and my dad said," Sometimes life is like a bully and shoves dirt in your face, you just have to get a clean rag and wipe it off good." To me that was inspiring beyond anything. It meant that life isn't pretty and not everyone is a billionare but you'll live good life.
Recently I have witnessed an air force graduation and at this event I was inspired by my brother Kris.The most inspiring thing that I saw was when the graduating class said the air force oath. It made me realize that you can achieve anything because nothing is too hard to accomplish.It inspired me to be a better citizen and respect what they stand for. ~~~ Sarah Morris~~
My family inspired me to work harder on my work. They said that my work was falling and that i was getting low grades. So they pushed me to work harder. The moment inspired me to work harder and to try me best.
I got inspired one day by Mr.G. It was the one day blog. I was thinking that there will be one day when nothing negative or bad will happen. But then again that could be a long time from now. So everyone would try and make it so that one day comes sooner. That one day is when I got inspired by a teacher.
Teachers here at IMMS and my family members are huge inspirations in my life. Mr.Giordano is one of those very inspirational teachers. Now, I'm not good at memorizing things so I am not 100% sure what Mr.G said to inspire me. He is always there for advice and helps me become a better person everyday. Another inspiration in my life is my sister Jessica. One day she told me to " think the unthinkable and dream the impossible". This was an inspiration to me and pushed me to pursue my dreams.
I can't say that i have had a particular moment with a teacher but i have had a fantastic teacher who over the coarse of the year has changed me. Mr tucker was a fantastic teacher and really knew how to captivate his students that most other teachers can not. He is a very skilled teacher and i bet all of his students would agree. tyver butler
At imms mr.G is very insprational teacher. if some one in school called me a nerd he would go talk to them for me. also if your messing up in class or your grades go down he helps get back on your feet to get higher grades. mojojojo cjbowker
I don't think I've really been told anything inspirational by a teacher. But my teachers always tell me that they know that I can do better if I try. I never try hard enough for school. It might be because i'm distracted by other things, or stressed out. Just always remember that anything is reachable as long as you try your hardest!
My parents inspire me alot on how to be a good person and respect everyone in my surroundings. They teach me to work hard and do my best. One celebrity who has made an impact on my life and makes me shoot for the stars is Lady GaGa. She is a mogul in the music world and changes people's perspective on life every day. Her song "Born This Way" is basically telling everyone in the world that shes a beautiful person and their rude or hurtful comments won't effect her personality. That is the exact reason why I don't take crap from anyone who wastes their time trying to hurt someone else.
Teachers everyday are such a big inspiration on me. Mr. G always tell me "boys are as dumb as lamposts." That has always stuck with me no matter what. Mr. G is the greatest teacher ever and he is so insirational. Thank you Mr. G!!! *Breana Dunn-Dunn Lollypop!*
Yes a teacher did say it. They said "you should worry about others before you worry about yourself". The emotions that i though were thoughtfullness and how much this teacher cared :) ~Elizabteth Andress
Well if a pep talk is like that then yea I've been inspired. My dad in the car told me I was playing lazy in lacrosse and was yelling and ever since then I've gotten better and better. Now I need one like that for my school work haha. Thats what I got. Matt Mozitis
People that inspire me the most have to be my mom and dad. They always say that as long as you try your best you will succeed in life. Anything I do they are there to support me along the way.
There are so many people that inspire me in my life that I don't know how to pick just one. Everyone around you is inspirational, so you just need to know where to look. I tend to know where to look.
Carrie Weaver
I know my post was really short, but I don't know what else to write.
I really can't remember off the top of my what someone in my family or a teacher have said to inspire me. But I know that they have said inspiring things to me. I don't know if this counts but a lot of times songs or poems inspire me. All of Taylor Swift songs inspire me in so many ways. I feel empowered just after listening to one.
A lot of people have inspired me, but my dad does most of it. Whenever I fall on the face (hypothetically not literally) he knows when to talk me through it or just joke around and make fun of me to laugh ha ha. He also inspires me cause he's loving, and caring, and he's really strong, and he's almost fearless, his only fear is losing my sisters and I. Ryan Stradling Good job Riley B, Bryant, and Dan.
The person that inspires me the most is my friend Becca. She goes to all of my horse shows and is always there at lessons!! Before every horse show she always tells me to try my best and it doesn't matter what placement you get rather its first place or seventh place, as long as i tried my best thats all that counts. I should never get decourged if I don't receive an acolade it's the effect that you put in to it! As long as that you had fun that's all that counts!! Those are the words that always gets me through my shows!!! ~Brooke
Many people inspire me but the one who stands out alot is my sister, Brittiny. When she was in high school she did everything, she played soccer, lacrosse, sung for many singing groups. Now she is a nurse and is getting married soon. I know i can always count on her if i need help or inspiration for anything.
my parents would tell me do better like i agree with emily G you cant succeed if your just standing there you have to work for it and if u dont you wont succeed
There was one person who has inspired me mostr along with my family. His name is Brian Spallina if you don't him I'll tell you. He is a profesional lacrosse player for the Long Island Lizards and is probably the nastiest player on the field but he is probably the nicest person I have ever met and he is a really great friend to our family and he's a first grade teacher. What he always says to me and Saige(my little sister) is that you should always work hard every time in school and sports because you never know who's watching and you also never know how long that person will be there. So when people ask me how hard I work I thank what Brian Spallina has told me. So even I'm playing a game of lacrosse for PYLA which is probably the best way toget a scolarship for playing lacrosse is to play for a summer all star team that will build up a college porfolio around the high school years and get scouted by other college lacrosse coaches and scouts. So you never know when a guy from Duke is watching you play so you shouyld always work hard. I remember the one time where I was playing a lacrosse game and the head coach from Holy Cross University was watching the game that I was playing and I didn't know that he was there until my dad told me in the parking lot.
i know someone who has inspired me, is my baseball coach mr rudman and my brother. mr rudman always wanting me to imprve in something and it inspires me to get better. and brother inspires me to not be like him. ~wyatt Thomas~
Alot of people inspire me but the one person that inspires me the most is my dad. Every time something bad happens he helps me out. If I ever need help I know he'll be there for me. Nick Ciquero
My parents inspire me a lot. But, my father is more of a person to be more influenced about things. He always tell me that "If i can put my mind and heart to do things right, then i can get the job done in no time". This makes me feel like if i go to a event, like a test, that if i study for it, i can get it done. Not only to get it done, but to do it the right way.
I understand this might sound lame although when i was little i used to be terrified of the toilet and my dad would always say to me stand tall sarah noble stand tall which i think was from a book that i had been reading at the time and that just always gave me the little part of courage i needed to face the toilet and it still gives me courage maybe not fir that but for other things. ~~lauren delp~~~~
I have been inspired by many people.But my parents tell me to never give up and if you try you will achevie.Mrs.Montrose has also inspired me.Everyday she says something that makes me change my mide about something.
I've always had inspiring people around me but one very special one (its going to seem weird but...) my dog-sitter she takes care of all of my animals while my family is away and whenever im with her she says some pretty interesting stuff. I can never remember what she says, exactly, it's always like being inspired at the moment... I really like her because she's got a lot of good things to say.
Pro athletes definetly inspire me. Just think of how awesome it would be to be in their shoes. When an athlete wins a championship it drives me to do better.So to me athletes inspire me the most.
Alot of people inspire me but one person that has the greatest impact on me is my mom. She has taught me never to give up. She said that some days are going to be hard but you need to keep on moving forward. Another person that inspires me is Michael Ore from the Blind Side. He had nothing, not even a bed, but he never gave up because he knew there was always going to be light at the end of the tunnel. When I get older, I want to put that same influence on my children and peers just like the people I mentioned.
Libz nice job, my parents said the same thing also and I guess thats my modo too.
My dad told me when i was playing football to not give up and to not quit. Also if you don't like something than try something else and to do what you want.
My mom inspires me. There isn't just one time when she has inspired me, but a lot of times. My mom always has something inspiring to say whether its about moving forward or not caring what anyone thinks or helping people or helping myself. i was most inspired when my mom said to me that "helping others helps myself" which she meant to say as a tip but really inspired me to help anyone. My friends, or my family, or someone Ive just met. She says this a lot and it kind of boosts my empathy.. so thanks mom :) Marissa
One of my inspirations is Justin Bieber<3 I don't no if he classifies in the "adult" section but he surely inspires me. When he says that he sings his song never say never i feel like he is telling me to never give up on your dreams, and follow through on everything you do. My favorite saying he ever said was "Never Say Never"-Justin Bieber. The moment he made me feel the best by using this quote was at his concert when he played the preview. He told us never to give up and u fekt as if he were speaking to just me(: Maggie Mitchell(Bieber)
My Dad's friend once said to me... Stop dreaming and start living. I told him that i wanted to be a pro soccer player when I'm older. Basically he said to obviously get to work on what I want to do when I'm older. For me that was inspirering to work harder in a myriad of ways.
my dad has always said stuff that has inspired me. in baseball when he is over at first base he says drive the ball or get a hit or line drive. It may not be much but it gives me more strength and courage to hit the ball as hard and as best as i can. also mr. gives me inspiration with the game time speeches before big games especially the championship game.
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik
Many adults have inspired me, whether it's about small things or big life changing things, I'm easily inspired. A teacher who has done something that makes me feel inspired is Ms.Montrose, almost everyday she says something thats makes me feel compelled to make a change or think differently about something. I can't think of one thing at the moment but she has definitely inspired me at some point and time.
ReplyDelete-Samantha Cuva
My parents always tell me to just always try my best. It may only be a small peice of advice but I belive its very important. If you dont try your best you will never suceed.
ReplyDeleteEmily G
Dan i agree. Parents can be very helpful in sports,etc.
ReplyDeleteEmily G
My parents hed always said stuff that has inspired me. Like for example when i get in trouble in school he always talks to me until i get it in my head. To get my grade up, to work better, to ask for help when i need it.
ReplyDeleteAna Castro*****
It was the day before the outdoor concert and my band members and I were really nervous because we hadn't rehearsed the song we were going to play enough. So my voice teacher, Frankie, inspired me (and probably everyone else) by saying "you can do anything you put your mind to" right before we went onstage. That stuck with me during the whole performance and we all did really great. The saying doesn't just help for situations like that either, it could be anything that you might feel that you need some strength to do, really. Well, for me, at least.
ReplyDelete.-#*Jordan H.*#-.
Everyday my teachers and parents or other adutls do things that inspire me. But one person that really inspires me is my mom. It doesn't have to be a specific event- it's just anything about her. She's caring, and trusting. She has this really smooth way of doing things. She isn't really affected when people say negative things. Like anyone else, my mom gets upset, but she won't flip out. That helps me to see the good person that I could be when I grow up- someone like her. Another thing about her that inspires me is her neverending love for animals. We have three dogs- one from a shelter, and another we rescued. We also have a stray cat that we feed everyday. My mom really cares about every living creature out there... and she shows it.
ReplyDeleteThat to me is very inspiring.
&Jamie Cesanek&
My coach for soccer always tells me to use my speed and so does Mr.G. When people tell me this it makes me feel like I really am notised and that there is a talent in me that is useful to not only me but my team mate too.
ReplyDelete*caitlin lange*
Dan i like yours!!!!!
My mom said something very inspiring to me.
ReplyDelete"Remember who you are."
This gave me the thought in the back of my head,"Remember who you are," so I won't be something or someone I am not. So, if there is a moment that I am not being myself, I always remember that.
Laura Pfeffer (Pheff it up!)
When I was little, my mom told me that I could be anything I set my mind to. This inspired me because as I grew older i went by that modo. Also I think songs inspire kids to. Like the song Dont stop Believing by journey. It tells the listening or fan to never give up, to keep fighting. I think this sets a positive vibe to whoever listens to it. Like if some-one wants to win a sports game and they are tied you have to live in the moment and keep thinking to yourself that your going to win.
ReplyDeleteLibs Harris 7-7
good job dan.
ReplyDeleteLibs Harris 7-7
My dad inspired me to not smoke marijuana. We were watching a tv show that had to do with people who were farming marijuana. He told me if I smoked marijuana I could die. He inspired me to be a better person and not do drugs.
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
I like how we both used are dad Dan. They must be very inspiring.
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
My parents inspire me every day, they show to be polite and respectful to everyone and go out of your way to help others. They are my bigest inspirations to me. TWO teacher that really shows me the right things to do is Mr.G and Mrs.Montrose they inspire me when they go out of their way to help and when Mr. G has his big speeches that inspire everyone near. These people are abig inspiration.
Nice one Libz!
Something that was said to me that inspired me was when my horseback riding trainer said to me "You and your horse are an unstoppable team." This inspired me to keep trying at everything because I had the support I needed to be able to know that I could do anything I wanted to do when riding my horse, because nothing is easy when you are on the back of a fifteen hundred pound animal! :)
ReplyDeleteFrancesca DiGuglielmo<3
I have a coach for my lacrosse team and all he does is coach me whenever we have practices. he is one of the best coaches i have ever had. of course i have had other coaches that were also the best but this one knows everything im thinkig....its wierd
ReplyDeleteFrankie Caterina
What inspired me the most is my dad he always used to say to me when I was little when I would go to bed is if you dream big,you can always make it true by believing in you. I have that aside my bed to remind myself that I can do anything. Whenever I play a game or something that is important to me I always think about that saying and from that point on, I believe in myself more and more.
ReplyDeleteRiley Bednar<333
My dad has Inspired me a lot. He has inspired so much that I can't even remember how many times he's said something inspiring to me. He inspires me to keep trying and try my best.
ReplyDelete~Sarah Vosler
Music inspires me, like Bob Marley he inspired many people. And just by the songs he sung when I was little I wanted to be just like him. I also think art work inspires us it proves you don't just get inspiration from words. My dad also inspires me, he is just so hard working he shows me that if you work hard at something you can make the impossible become possible. Also his sense of humor no matter how bad my day was he can always make me smile. He inspired me to want to become a marine biologist by always taking me out to the bay where we go boating. He told me about the tides and a lot of things about the ocean and the bay and ever since always wanted to be out in the water.
ReplyDelete*Gabrielle Bingemann*
My dad has inspired me in basketball. He has helped me become a better player by sharing his knowledge of basketball. Even if I mess up he still encouarges me to keep going.
ReplyDeleteLuke Anderson 7-5
Nice post Randy, Good job.
ReplyDeleteLuke Anderson7-5
i agree with Dan 100%
ReplyDelete<3Jdub<3 AKA: Jordan W.
People that really inspire me are my parents, they always know the right thing to say even if i did'nt like it very much.I rememer at my old school I started hanging out with the "wrong group of people". When i told my parents about my new friends they told me to watch out for them, and they gave me a big speech about it. Which i relized was a good idea because I recently found out from a fiend at my old school that they were smoking and drinking. I was just happy my parents told me those inspiring things so I did'nt get involved with them later on in life.
ReplyDeleteKaylee Carlin<33
Great job Laura I go by that saying to stay true to the true you.
ReplyDelete-Carissa Novelli
I agree with emily gardner:)
ReplyDeleteKaylee carlin:)
My parents inspire me by saying things that I can do anything I put my mind to and that if I try my hardest that is enough. These things make me feel good about my self and it helps me not let what people say get me down. They also say that I can only be who I am and to never change that if it’s not good enough for someone.
ReplyDelete-Carissa Novelli
Hmmm...Cody Simpson. He inspires me everyday because he's cute! and he speaks alot about stuff that inspires me. There are so many things he does and says about his music that can easily inspire anyone. And i love him and will marry him!<333
good job dan!!!
ReplyDeletealexis kelso
yes adults have inspired on stuff. Mrs.Montrose inspires me to be a good person. my parent inspire me to be nice and to have good behavior.
ReplyDeleteAlizabeth Dinsmore
I like lauras post. i like how she used a quote.
ReplyDeleteAlizabeth Dinsmore
Well, sometimes my friends might reach out to me and say something like "Yo man, this is your only chance. It may be scary but it something I know you want." That's not how it is exactly said but I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say. It really inspires me to do the thing I want to do even when it seems so hard.
ReplyDeleteIan "Maestro" Mastroianni
Nice entry Randy.
ReplyDeleteIan Mastro
Alot of people have inspired me over the past years, but one person is my daddy. One time I was playing in a very important basketball game while he was coaching, and he pulled me out to the side and said, " I don't see the "eye of the tiger" in you. Where is that spark you always have when you play? We need you tonight." That moment inspired me to try harder, and it pushed me to do my best.
ReplyDelete-Emily Metzger(:
&& Libs... I love you song connection, and Dan good job! :)
i have been through alot of moments when i have felt inspired to do something. Sometimes i get inspired several times a day. Like when you are watching TV and those ASPCA commericals come on. I really want to call the number provided, but i never do. Or when i see an insperational movie.
ReplyDeleteRiley Fisher
i have been inspired by my cousins to go on rollorcoasters. If they were not with me to encourage me to go on them my fesar would live on
I like Megan Sloan post so much!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAna Castro*****
My parents inspire me alot. They tell me to never give up and always try my best. My Dad tells me all the time everything is possible if you try. They cheer me up all the time. My Mom always helps me!!! When I am down they always find a way to cheer me up. Same with my siblings, they are always saying funny things. You can always talk to someone. ~Grace Abrams~
ReplyDeleteI'm not really sure she is a true "adult" but she is like one to me, I'm talking about my sister Jess. She inspires me for a lot of reasons. She once said that say true to your self and that was the "quote" that touched me the most. When she said that I felt that she was really my best friend.
ReplyDelete-Rachel Disipio
There are a lot of adults who inspire me. One of those. who inspires me the most is my softball coaches throughout the years. They have told me always to try my hardest and smack the ball out of the park! They have always supported, no matter how many there were, and how old I was. My softball coaches have been really supportive.
ReplyDelete~~Alyssa Matchett~~
People that inspire me a lot are my parents because they always know the right thing to say. Things my parents say encourage me to do the best job I can at whatever I am trying to achieve. They always have I back and I'm inspired to keep trying and to never give up.
ReplyDelete-Brad Jankowski
Good job Dan and Randy.
ReplyDeleteBrad Jankowski
Words of advice I have been given:
ReplyDelete"Be yourself, not who others want you to be" -School assemblies
"Who gives a *(BEEP)* what other people think?!?" -Mom
" You're never gonna get a date if you don't lose some weight tubby!!!" -My 300pound;smoking a pack a day; drug dealing;now in jail Uncle
(These are the words of inspiration and love I hear all the time. Espically that last one)
Normally my elementary teachers would love to have the opportunity to take a dump on my front lawn, but I found one who cared about me. It's amazing how good my memory is because I remember exactly what she told me:
"It doesn't matter if you're red or orange,yellow or green,blue,indigo or violet; you are an important part of the rainbow" -Mrs. Morgan
You know the one person who inspires me the most? (Ok people out there, you're gonna thnk this is REALLY weird.) The person who inspires me is Albus Dumbledore. Yeah, go ahead and laugh. Haha. Very funny. Yeah we all knoew I was into books, but this?! Hilarious. But seriously, any one you who have read the Harry Potter books or seen the movies, (Mr. Shultz), know that Dumbledore is a really smart guy. His quotes really inspire me and when I hear them I feel smarter somehow. Here are two of his quotes.
ReplyDelete"To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
Well there isn't much more for me to say. To me, all the Harry Potter characters are an inspiration. So... yeah.
~*~*~*~Lydia Leach~*~*~*~
First of all vocabutoon. Just had to put that out there. A lot of people have inspired me when i was younger and i never really understood what it meant until now. Soccer coaches, Steve and Michelle are very truthful. They will tell us the truth if we are playing like people that just started to play soccer. At our level if you play that for 10minutes you are done. All of us know how boss we can be. They gives us good speeches before, halftime, and after the game. Whatever we did weak we will practice that during practice. No one takes shortcuts to be at the top.
ReplyDeleteAdriana Tirado
Alot of people inspire me everyday. By the way they change something into a different perspective. By looking at people different,the world, our life. My parents are definently one who inspire me a whole lot. By the way they coach me on the sidelines or at home while I might be studying for a test. Just a giving me a little spark into me to get me "traveling" faster in life. Another person who has changed me to see people and things around us in a new way is Mrs. Montrose. As I can see a bunch of us had said this already. Just the way when we do connections to the world really stops and make you think for a while. She really connects you to make you think outside of the box. My last people or show that inspires me is Extreme Home Maker. I truley get inspired by this show. It shows you completly how lucky you are to have what you have today. This show also makes me want to be a part of that and make a change. I just enjoy seeing families getting things that they deserve when they truley need it. Especially when they are helping their community when really they are the ones who need the help the most.
ReplyDeleteGood job Cuva!!!!:)
When I was 8 years old I would always tell my dad I would be the next big shot and have all the fame and money. One time I said it and my dad said," Sometimes life is like a bully and shoves dirt in your face, you just have to get a clean rag and wipe it off good." To me that was inspiring beyond anything. It meant that life isn't pretty and not everyone is a billionare but you'll live good life.
ReplyDeleteChris Koebert
I agree with randy and dan.
ReplyDeleteChris Koebert
Recently I have witnessed an air force graduation and at this event I was inspired by my brother Kris.The most inspiring thing that I saw was when the graduating class said the air force oath. It made me realize that you can achieve anything because nothing is too hard to accomplish.It inspired me to be a better citizen and respect what they stand for.
ReplyDelete~~~ Sarah Morris~~
My family inspired me to work harder on my work. They said that my work was falling and that i was getting low grades. So they pushed me to work harder. The moment inspired me to work harder and to try me best.
ReplyDelete~~~ Anthony Martin ~~~
I got inspired one day by Mr.G. It was the one day blog. I was thinking that there will be one day when nothing negative or bad will happen. But then again that could be a long time from now. So everyone would try and make it so that one day comes sooner. That one day is when I got inspired by a teacher.
ReplyDeleteBryant Smith
Teachers here at IMMS and my family members are huge inspirations in my life. Mr.Giordano is one of those very inspirational teachers. Now, I'm not good at memorizing things so I am not 100% sure what Mr.G said to inspire me. He is always there for advice and helps me become a better person everyday. Another inspiration in my life is my sister Jessica. One day she told me to " think the unthinkable and dream the impossible". This was an inspiration to me and pushed me to pursue my dreams.
ReplyDelete-Danielle Packard-
I can't say that i have had a particular moment with a teacher but i have had a fantastic teacher who over the coarse of the year has changed me. Mr tucker was a fantastic teacher and really knew how to captivate his students that most other teachers can not. He is a very skilled teacher and i bet all of his students would agree. tyver butler
ReplyDeletegood job sam s very well written. tyver butler
ReplyDeleteAt imms mr.G is very insprational teacher. if some one in school called me a nerd he would go talk to them for me. also if your messing up in class or your grades go down he helps get back on your feet to get higher grades. mojojojo cjbowker
ReplyDeletegood jod dp mojojojo
ReplyDeleteIt's how you think and how you can do the best. You can with out giving up....
ReplyDeleteBranden Wyzykowski
i agree with Lydia Leach.
ReplyDelete-Rachel Disipio
I don't think I've really been told anything inspirational by a teacher. But my teachers always tell me that they know that I can do better if I try. I never try hard enough for school. It might be because i'm distracted by other things, or stressed out. Just always remember that anything is reachable as long as you try your hardest!
ReplyDeleteHailey Moss 7-4
My parents inspire me alot on how to be a good person and respect everyone in my surroundings. They teach me to work hard and do my best. One celebrity who has made an impact on my life and makes me shoot for the stars is Lady GaGa. She is a mogul in the music world and changes people's perspective on life every day. Her song "Born This Way" is basically telling everyone in the world that shes a beautiful person and their rude or hurtful comments won't effect her personality. That is the exact reason why I don't take crap from anyone who wastes their time trying to hurt someone else.
ReplyDeleteNatalie Narkiewicz <333
* Sam I find your paragraph very inspiring!! *
Teachers everyday are such a big inspiration on me. Mr. G always tell me "boys are as dumb as lamposts." That has always stuck with me no matter what. Mr. G is the greatest teacher ever and he is so insirational. Thank you Mr. G!!!
ReplyDelete*Breana Dunn-Dunn Lollypop!*
Yes a teacher did say it. They said "you should worry about others before you worry about yourself". The emotions that i though were thoughtfullness and how much this teacher cared :)
ReplyDelete~Elizabteth Andress
Well if a pep talk is like that then yea I've been inspired. My dad in the car told me I was playing lazy in lacrosse and was yelling and ever since then I've gotten better and better. Now I need one like that for my school work haha. Thats what I got.
ReplyDeleteMatt Mozitis
People that inspire me the most have to be my mom and dad. They always say that as long as you try your best you will succeed in life. Anything I do they are there to support me along the way.
ReplyDelete~Gabby Magasic~
Good job Stewy! I liked how you used quotes.
ReplyDelete~Gabby M.~~
There are so many people that inspire me in my life that I don't know how to pick just one. Everyone around you is inspirational, so you just need to know where to look. I tend to know where to look.
ReplyDeleteCarrie Weaver
I know my post was really short, but I don't know what else to write.
I agree with you Lydia. You are also an inspiration because you taught me to take risks and follow my dreams.
ReplyDeleteCarrie Weaver
PS. This is word for word from Lydia's mouth.
Adults inspire me when I am playing sports. They give me pointers and positive reinforcement.
ReplyDeleteKasey Williams
Lydia, I think you did a good job.
ReplyDeleteKasey Williams
I really can't remember off the top of my what someone in my family or a teacher have said to inspire me. But I know that they have said inspiring things to me. I don't know if this counts but a lot of times songs or poems inspire me. All of Taylor Swift songs inspire me in so many ways. I feel empowered just after listening to one.
ReplyDeleteMadison Richards(:
Great job Danielle!
ReplyDeleteI really liked yours.
Madison Richards(:
A lot of people have inspired me, but my dad does most of it. Whenever I fall on the face (hypothetically not literally) he knows when to talk me through it or just joke around and make fun of me to laugh ha ha. He also inspires me cause he's loving, and caring, and he's really strong, and he's almost fearless, his only fear is losing my sisters and I.
ReplyDeleteRyan Stradling
Good job Riley B, Bryant, and Dan.
The person that inspires me the most is my friend Becca. She goes to all of my horse shows and is always there at lessons!! Before every horse show she always tells me to try my best and it doesn't matter what placement you get rather its first place or seventh place, as long as i tried my best thats all that counts. I should never get decourged if I don't receive an acolade it's the effect that you put in to it! As long as that you had fun that's all that counts!! Those are the words that always gets me through my shows!!!
awesome job DP!! :)
Many people inspire me but the one who stands out alot is my sister, Brittiny. When she was in high school she did everything, she played soccer, lacrosse, sung for many singing groups. Now she is a nurse and is getting married soon. I know i can always count on her if i need help or inspiration for anything.
ReplyDeletemy parents would tell me do better like i agree with emily G you cant succeed if your just standing there you have to work for it and if u dont you wont succeed
ReplyDelete-brad O
Way to go Danielle!!
good job randolph
ReplyDeletedan pavlik
There was one person who has inspired me mostr along with my family. His name is Brian Spallina if you don't him I'll tell you. He is a profesional lacrosse player for the Long Island Lizards and is probably the nastiest player on the field but he is probably the nicest person I have ever met and he is a really great friend to our family and he's a first grade teacher. What he always says to me and Saige(my little sister) is that you should always work hard every time in school and sports because you never know who's watching and you also never know how long that person will be there. So when people ask me how hard I work I thank what Brian Spallina has told me. So even I'm playing a game of lacrosse for PYLA which is probably the best way toget a scolarship for playing lacrosse is to play for a summer all star team that will build up a college porfolio around the high school years and get scouted by other college lacrosse coaches and scouts. So you never know when a guy from Duke is watching you play so you shouyld always work hard. I remember the one time where I was playing a lacrosse game and the head coach from Holy Cross University was watching the game that I was playing and I didn't know that he was there until my dad told me in the parking lot.
ReplyDeleteQuinn 7-7
I agree with you Luke
ReplyDeleteQuinn 7-7
i know someone who has inspired me, is my baseball coach mr rudman and my brother. mr rudman always wanting me to imprve in something and it inspires me to get better. and brother inspires me to not be like him.
ReplyDelete~wyatt Thomas~
Alot of people inspire me but the one person that inspires me the most is my dad. Every time something bad happens he helps me out. If I ever need help I know he'll be there for me.
ReplyDeleteNick Ciquero
My parents inspire me a lot. But, my father is more of a person to be more influenced about things. He always tell me that "If i can put my mind and heart to do things right, then i can get the job done in no time". This makes me feel like if i go to a event, like a test, that if i study for it, i can get it done. Not only to get it done, but to do it the right way.
ReplyDeleteLady Guy Guy
I understand this might sound lame although when i was little i used to be terrified of the toilet and my dad would always say to me stand tall sarah noble stand tall which i think was from a book that i had been reading at the time and that just always gave me the little part of courage i needed to face the toilet and it still gives me courage maybe not fir that but for other things.
ReplyDelete~~lauren delp~~~~
Good Job Daniele!!!
ReplyDeleteLady GuyGuy
Way to go dan! keep up the good work!
ReplyDelete~~~Lauren Delp~~~
I have been inspired by many people.But my parents tell me to never give up and if you try you will achevie.Mrs.Montrose has also inspired me.Everyday she says something that makes me change my mide about something.
ReplyDeletePaige Gigantiello
I've always had inspiring people around me but one very special one (its going to seem weird but...) my dog-sitter she takes care of all of my animals while my family is away and whenever im with her she says some pretty interesting stuff. I can never remember what she says, exactly, it's always like being inspired at the moment... I really like her because she's got a lot of good things to say.
ReplyDeleteKyrsten Napolitano
Pro athletes definetly inspire me. Just think of how awesome it would be to be in their shoes. When an athlete wins a championship it drives me to do better.So to me athletes inspire me the most.
ReplyDeletenice job sam and dan
brett barnes
Alot of people inspire me but one person that has the greatest impact on me is my mom. She has taught me never to give up. She said that some days are going to be hard but you need to keep on moving forward. Another person that inspires me is Michael Ore from the Blind Side. He had nothing, not even a bed, but he never gave up because he knew there was always going to be light at the end of the tunnel. When I get older, I want to put that same influence on my children and peers just like the people I mentioned.
ReplyDeleteLibz nice job, my parents said the same thing also and I guess thats my modo too.
Nick George
My parents always tell me to try my best. Which doesn't sound like much but it encourages me alot.
ReplyDeleteJoe Funk
I agree with Dan.
ReplyDeleteJoe Funk
My dad told me when i was playing football to not give up and to not quit. Also if you don't like something than try something else and to do what you want.
My mom inspires me. There isn't just one time when she has inspired me, but a lot of times. My mom always has something inspiring to say whether its about moving forward or not caring what anyone thinks or helping people or helping myself. i was most inspired when my mom said to me that "helping others helps myself" which she meant to say as a tip but really inspired me to help anyone. My friends, or my family, or someone Ive just met. She says this a lot and it kind of boosts my empathy.. so thanks mom :)
One of my inspirations is Justin Bieber<3 I don't no if he classifies in the "adult" section but he surely inspires me. When he says that he sings his song never say never i feel like he is telling me to never give up on your dreams, and follow through on everything you do. My favorite saying he ever said was "Never Say Never"-Justin Bieber. The moment he made me feel the best by using this quote was at his concert when he played the preview. He told us never to give up and u fekt as if he were speaking to just me(:
ReplyDeleteMaggie Mitchell(Bieber)
My Dad's friend once said to me... Stop dreaming and start living. I told him that i wanted to be a pro soccer player when I'm older. Basically he said to obviously get to work on what I want to do when I'm older. For me that was inspirering to work harder in a myriad of ways.
ReplyDeletePierce Adams