Tuesday, May 24, 2011

BLOG : 27 Who are you?

s there something about you we do not know? Is it your personality, your life experiences or something else? Write a post and begin with this...I want the world to know.....


  1. I want the world to know that I am very talkative or verbal around people I know but I quiet and very mellow around people I don't know that well.
    Taylor Rosales (Ro-Ro)

  2. I want the world to know that i hate when people stare at me. It makes me feel wierd and it makes me think ur a little wierd if u wanna stare at me.

    Frankie caterina

  3. I want the world to know that I'm a very caring person and have a big heart. Whenever i say something offensive to a person, i think about what I said and I practically cry inside because I feel so guilty. Even if the person didn't take it so serious i just feel bad i put them down. Another thing i would like the world to know is that I'm super sensitive. I might not show it all the time ,but i am, just the littlest things make me so upset.Im kinda insecure about it sometimes because I feel like a Baby, or a wimp because I'm more emotional than other people. But i can't really help it.
    Kaylee carlin<3333

  4. I want the world to know that I am very artistic and a little bit of a bookworm. I fill my room with my own creations and i have my own art studio. My bookshelves are full of books and i read them all. Thats what I want the world to know.

  5. There isn't anything the world doesn't know about me.A lot of people know everything about me. There's nothing I'm keeping from the world. So i can't start my paragraph with "I want the world to know".I can't think of anything i haven't told people.

    ~Sarah Vosler

  6. I want the world to know....that I am scared of depresion, and loosing people. I'm scared of depresion because when I am depressed I feel empty. I feel like no one wants to hang around a girl who will bring them down. And then that gets me even more depressed, and it's just a big mess!!!! I'm scared of loosing people in my life. Like I hate hearing people say that they don't hang out with the same people they hung out with in high school. It scares me that I'm gonna loose all my friends because everyone else will hang out with people from other towns. Everyone always says..."Jordan, that's not gonna happen"...I want to wait and see when the time comes, if that really doesn't happen. And I'm not just scared of loosing people that are my friends, but also my family. Like everyone has fights with their mom,dad,brother,sister. But my mom and I can really get into a "heated convorsation", but I'm scared it's gonna lead to one of those situations where the daughter and mom, son and father, just stop talking to each other!

    <3JDUB<3 AKA:Jordan W.

  7. There is not anything that anybody does not know about me. I dont feel like i need to hide anything from my friends or family. I act the way i feel and dont change that under any circumstances.
    -Matt Mileszko-

  8. well its kinda bad comming in here with nothing to say but honestly i dont really know anything people dont already know about me :/

    -Brad orth

  9. I want the world to know that I would like to see the world without the immature jerks in life that make life...well, not worth living. I want the world to know that I want to live my life to the fullest and try not to let all of the jerks ruin my time here. It might be hard, but later in life they might *lament* making fun of me earlier in life, and they will get over the fact that they think that they can do whatever they want to people.

    ~Jimmy Waters~

  10. I want the world to know... I have nothing to hide :) I try my best to be open with people so honestly there isnt much everyone doesnt know about me. If you want to know something about me, just ask. If I feel comfortable sharing I will.I think it's important to bee open with people because then they won't assume things about you.
    Emily G :)

  11. I want the world to know that I'm BIRACIAL.

    Adjective: Concerning or containing members of two racial groups

    I get really pissed off when people say I'm black.(Doesn't matter if they are being nice or not) To me that is an insult to my mother, who BTW is WHITE! I am only half black, so stop dissing my mom. Another reason this is so annoying is everyone says dumb things like: "hey you should grow an Afro"or "you're black, you should be good at B-Ball"(FYI I SUCK at it) FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PEOPLE I TOLD YOU IM ONLY HALF BLACK!!!!
    How ever I do not mind racist jokes. I also love the nick-names I get( BlackSheep, Niglet)because it is creative and quirky.
    I also want the world to know that I am not always a comedy mastermind. I'm a bit of a nerd. There is nothing I love more then a nice; fat; 2,000 page book on quantum physiology.(kwan-tum fis-e-ol-o-gee) I abandoned my nerdiness in 5th grade in hope of making some friends. Needless to say it didn't work.☺☺

  12. I want the world to know that i am afraid to fail. I hate taking chnces because i am afraid that i will fail. I dont like to or want to make the first move unless i know that the person im asking will giv me the answer i want.
    Dan Pavlik

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I want the world to know...that not all blondes are stuiped. For example, look at Pippa Funnell. She's a amazing horseback rder and she's blonde. Also look at Taylor Swift, she is a great singer and she is blonde. Not all blondes are stuiped. So stop belittle every blonde. We are not all stuiped!!!
    *breana dunn-dunn lollypop(:*

  15. i want the world to know...i can't think of anything(: sorry! But I really don't know anyhting that no body else knows. Ummmm.... oh well i dont eat dinner because im fat!!! Thats all i have to say. I also dont eat breakfast. I only eat lunch so my friends at the table wont give me a hard time about not eating anything!!!
    Alexis Kelso

  16. I want the world to know, that I'm afraid of losing someone, really I'm afraid of losing everyone. Sometimes I try to avoid caring so that they will be easier to lose if I happen to lose them in anyway. I'm not proud of this and it's hard to improve but I'm working on it....
    -sam c

  17. I want the world to know that if you really took the time to get to know me, I'm alot different than you probably see me now. You most likely see me as that girl who never talks and always seems to have her headphones in her ears. That's really not me at all. Truth is, I just can't ever come up with the right things to say at the right times like all "popular" people seem to. I won't use names but if I came to school dressed as a wizard I'd probably be made fun of for weeks. Any of my friends will tell you that I'm actually a really outgoing crazy person who's obssessed with thrill rides and the boardwalk/beach!! Even if some people see me as a geek.. I still like Justin Beiber, I still go to the mall with my friends and hang out at wawa, I still have DRAMA with my friends all the time, and even if you'd never admit it to yourself.. I'm probably alot more like most of the popular girls in our school than you think.
    .-+*#Jordan H.#*+-.

  18. I want the world to know that I am a pain in the morning and hate anyone who wakes me up. I guess it is pretty comman for seventh graders but i'm bad about it. Although my mom who wakes me up I may not like for the first 20 minutes but i will respect her because who else would do the dirty job.

    Chris Koebert

  19. I want the world to know... That i'm not that quite everyone thinks i'm shy but i'm really not.at school i kind be quite at times but when i'm home or with friends i'm really loud. In the beginning of the year i was very shy but i'm not really anymore.

    Alizabeth Dinsmore

  20. I want the world to know that I really try my best and attempt to succeed at everything I do. People sometimes assume I’m a so called “dumb blonde” but if they really knew me they would see I’m actually pretty bright. (Not to make myself sound snotty or anything.) I really wish people would stop and think what they say before they say it, because basically every assumption they make is wrong, not just about me but about the whole 7th grade class. If we, as a class take a stand and stop making false statements and comments about each other everything would be a lot nicer at IMMS.
    -Rachel Disipio

  21. I want the world to know I am a person who never gives up on anything challenging. I work hard and try to succeed at every thing that comes my way. I also am the type of person who lives my life to the fulliest.I'm the type of person who would turn a negative situation and make it a postive.

    -Libs Harris 7-7

  22. I want the world to know that I can really listen to any music. But, really not much country or really any of that heavy rap stuff. I love Rock and Punk. Although not many people do, I like a lot of heavier stuff like heavy Rock and stuff. But, I am still a nice person though, well, to most people. Also, I hate this brace!
    Ryan Stradling

  23. Well there's nothing I want to tell you like that. If I did I would have already said it. Sorry this is a little personal for me.
    Matt Moz

  24. I haven't made a responce yet, but I just wanted to say that i really loved jordan and jimmy's posts. I would post me feelings right now, but I have to go on the bus so I'm making this short. Jordan, I know it can be scary feeling that you might lose someone, and you have to just see where that takes you. A closed door opens a new one... or something like that.
    jimmy your post was inspirational for me. I get bullied sometimes and honestly, I just smile and say "Ok. Good for you. Can you leave me alone now?" I know your parents always say, just ignore them, and it works. They still try to get to me, but I just stick my head in a book and sink into the world of fantasy.
    I'll post reasponce to the blog question tonight, I promise.
    Jordan, jimmy, good job! :P

    ~*~*~*~Lydia Leach~*~*~*~

  25. Well just like matt moz just my things are personal. cj bowker

  26. I want the world to know that i can speak spanish. Because i was born in Pure.
    Ana Castro*****

  27. I tell my friends every thing about myself. There is nothing that my friends don't know about me.

    Kasey Williams

  28. I want the world to know that I have nothing to tell you. Everyone knows a lot about me and I don't hide much. Sorry this is short, but I don't know what to say.

    Laura Pfeffer

  29. I want the world to know... that I am afraid of Frisbees. It sounds stupid but I am. I have other personal stuff, but I would tell you if I wanted you to know. So I obviously don't want you to know my "secrets"

    Hailey Moss 7-4

  30. I want people to know that I don't spend all my time talking. It is a great skill of mine to talk fast and read fast but really when im at home I am tired and quite. I like to socialize and hang out with my friends but when I am alone Its good to relax. Otherwise If I didn't say it before I wouldn't want to share it with my classmates.

    Natalie Narkiewicz

    Alizabeth you post is totally true, Paige and I know who you really are when we go shopping!

  31. I want the world to know that even though Kyrsten and I seem like we don't get along, we sometimes do. Not always, though. Actually, most of the time we are arguing about something. Even though there are definitely times where I want to claw her eyes out, we get along... Sometimes... Which is not usually.

    Carrie Weaver

  32. I like every ones post.I think it was very good.
    Ana Castro*****

  33. Stewy I agree with you. I don't think that people should do that to you if you don't like it.

    ~Jimmy Waters~

  34. I want the world to know that im talkitive around people that I know well. Im quiet and mellow around people that i dont know to well.

    Also, nice post Jimmy.

    Luke Anderson

  35. good job ro-ro
    dan pavlik

  36. I want the world to know I am a very friendly and cheerful person. Another is I hate lying to my friends it makes me feel horrible inside when people make me lie for them. The last thing is I get very sensitive when upsetting things happen i wind up crying like even in movies I cry ALLLL the time when people die and sad things happen but that's just me.

    -Carissa Novelli♥

  37. I agree rachel and nice job :).

    -Carissa Novelli ♥

  38. I want the world to know that I am a very sensitive person even though I might not always show it and also I worry a lot. Most of time my friends will say something that will hurt my feelings. But I don't say anything because I know they will just say, "Oh, we were kidding...what? Madi you can't take a joke?" So I usually just ignore it but in the inside I will be so upset. Also like I mentioned, I can get really paranoid about different things, too.

    Madison Richards<3

  39. Jordan Hill, I loved your's and I think you're really nice person, too.(:

    Madison Richards<3

  40. I want the world to know that i'm afriad of disapointing the people I love. If I fail on a quiz or test i'm scared to see what the outcome of it all is. I don't want my parents to think i'm stupid, so i'm afraid of what they will think of me. Also if I play bad in a basketball or soccer game I don't want my parents to think I didn't try. I always want to try my best for them becaause I love them. Disapointment is one of my biggest fears.
    -Emily Metzger(:

    && Jordan Hill...I really liked your post! :D and I think it would be pretty cool if you came to school dressed as a wizard. hehe. good job! (:

  41. i want the world to know that i don't think that one bad grade on a test or not being good at sports is the end of the world. i want people to know that i think its only about who you are what you stand for is the only thing that matters. Life isnt about being the star athelete or the smartest kid it is about doing what you love and staying true to it. so if you are one of those people who doesnt fit in i want you to know that if you are true to yourself and be a better person than the rest good things will come. Tyver butler

  42. I want the world to know that I can be really shy around people that I don't know. Even around people I do know. During my soccer switch the new girls all welcomed me and talked to me but I didn't really talk to them all that much. Now i talk to everyone. I love my soccer team so much now I'm afraid to lose them. Everyone is like "oh Medford strikers is for soccer freaks". That really ticks me off cause not all of us only play soccer and if they do they are so nice and amazing. People don't think they have another life outside of soccer but they do. They are the funniest and nicest people I have ever met.
    Adriana Tirado

    libs i like your post

  43. I want the world to know that I hate is being left out of things and people tellig me "JUMP FOR IT" it's annoying and people say it alot but I don't care about anything else people say. Onething I would always do is stick up for another kid geting picked on even if the kid is 6ft. taller than me.(Most people are anyway)I care for anyone.

    ~~~~BIEBER~~~~(SEAN HEINS)

  44. good post jordan hill it will be funny to see the girls reactions to your post. tyver butler

  45. Jordan H your was amazing and I personally thought that your wizard costume was really cool and whoever those people who were making fun of you must of just been jelous and wished they had one ,too.GOOD JOB JORDAN.


  46. I want the world to know that there is nothing anybody doesn't know about me. I don't think I need to hide information from my friends or family.
    Brad Jankowski

  47. Nice post Chris good job
    Brad Jankowski

  48. Okay well i really don't have any secret about me so i just dicided to go on and just talk randomly and see what you get out of it.... I was born in florida and lived in texas for a couple years. My favorite color is green and i am absessed with TURTLES!!!!! my favorite restuarants are UPPER CRUST and PJ WILLAHAMS!!! I am actually quite nicer than you think. I am the whitest person in my family (it is impossible for me to get a tan!!!!). I have 2 blonde cousins Maggie and Gracie. I am really absessed with TURTLES!!!! I paint, bowl, and do archery. I know almost all of the DISNEY SONGS! I'd rather have chocolate than jewlery as a gift because i don't like it when people spend to much on me!!! It always makes me feel bad!!!! I am very emotional!!! NEVER and i meen NEVER... make me watch a scary or sad movie. And if you saw me cry after watching The boy and the striped pajamas... you will defently know what i mean!! I will faint if i stay in extreme heat to long. Right now i have a disney song stuck in my head and it's driving me crazy. I am a very happy person, i meen, i am usually quite content!!!! Oh...... and i am really really really absessed with TURTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (")> MEGAN <(")

  49. Jordan Hill...i love you. And your actually outgoing!! your not anti-social or anything like that! and im some what your friend so I know that ur awesome and crazy and I love that!

  50. aww stewy! your not a nerd! i mean duhhh..we talk all the time in home-room(: And ur my bbbffffllll! and your also my "dad"! haha!!!

  51. I want the world to know that I can really listen to country music. I like rap, rock, and punk but I dont really like jazz. Im smart but I act like Im stupid.

    ~~~ Anthony Martin ~~~

  52. I want the world to know that even though i look really scary. I'm not..... Alot of people look at me like i wanna kill them when usually im just standing there minding my own buisness. Altough looking scary does come in handy sometimes but i don't want to be scary i just want to be like all of you.
    Joe Funk

  53. I want the world to know that behind all the outgoing Lydia, I'm actually really shy when it comes to meeting new people. If it's my brothers or friends' friends, I'm ok with it and I just be myself in front of them. Which is sort of crazy. I remember when Jordan Hill and I first met in 3rd grade, I was really nervice. We were all in a circle in the middle of the room, saying our name and our favorite animal. Jordan's favorite color was blue and her favorite animal was a cat. My favorite color was purple and my favorite animal was a platypus. A couple minutes later, we were paired up as partners or something. When we got to know each other, we would hang out EVERY DAY. We would never be seen apart. Then Marissa came in 4th grade and we were all like the 3 musketeers.

    Also, I want the world to know that I am beast at Mario Kart and climbing trees. Whenever I go over Carrie's house, I want to play Mario Kart. Its kinda my weakness, I just love seeing Baby Peach get in 12th place. I always play as Peach, which doesn't ft my personality at all. You would have thought I would pick Bowser or something. :P I love climbing trees. Usually when people are sad, they go and hide in their rooms. Not me. I go in my backyard and climb my favorite tree. Yes, I have a favorite tree. I love going up at sunset and seeing the golden red colors of day ending. It's peaceful up high, with just me and the birds. They have gotten used to me and instead of flying away, they just hop away enough to keep an eye on me, but not close enough for me to touch them.

    Another thing I want the world to know about me is that I hate crying. I know some people say they hate it, but I can't STAND IT! Whenever I catch myself about to cry, I mentally slap myself. Crying makes me feel weird, I can't really explain it. But whenever I really do cry, I go and hide somewhere until they stop. Besides my family, there are only 10 people that have seen me cry, and I would like to keep it that way. It's weird because I don't cry when I'm sad. I cry when I'm mad. 8 of the people who have seen me cry were the ones who saw me cry at one of the dances because I was REALLY mad at one of my friends. I'm good at fake crying, and I use it when I have to, which is rarely.

    Well that's not all that the world knows about me, but there are some things that I'm not comfortable sharing. I'm sorry, but I don't like the feeling of somebody knowing ALL my secrets. Nobody knows all my secrets, only me.

    Wow. That made me sound really mysterious. Don't worry, I'm not a vampire or anything. Haha... *Nervous Laughter*

    ~*~*~*~Lydia Leach~*~*~*~

  54. I agree with Dan.
    Joe Funk

  55. I have one thing that people don't know about me. It's embarrasing for me to say so I'm not going to say it. Only a few people know about it but the people i can trust the most (no offense to my other friends). Sorry for not wanting to say.

    Pierce Adams

  56. I want the world to know a few things about me.............I don't take silly little jokes that would be insulting lightly most of the time. "You retard/your retarded" same thing with the gay thing, people can't help it for who they are. "Your mom!" Some people don't have mom's so think about that next time you say it. "Midget!" Now I'm not called midget anymore 'cause I've caught up to most people now but I was called that all the time and I never liked it.

    Bugs make me so mad when they are bothering other people or me because..... It makes everyone stop what they're doing to focus on this floating little rat.

    Telling people to stop talking when they are just trying to state their opinion on something or if they're trying to tell a joke. Some people do talk about random things that are unnecessary but when I see that happen to someone, it makes me mad and I'm always like "c'mon man, would you just let him/her talk so we can get on with our lives."

    I could go on some more but I'll stop there.

    Ian "Maestro" Mastroianni

  57. Stewy, I feel bad after what happened thursday with you know what with you know who. So I hope you feel better.

    Ian Mastro

  58. I want the world to know.....that i absolutely HATE blondes being discriminated against! Everybody is always saying "oh you're such a dumb blonde" and actually some of the most successful people are blonde. I don't get why people judge you for what you look like and not what you are capable of doing.

    Another thing i want the world to know is that i am TERRIFIED of scary movies...I can barely even watch harry potter (voldemort scares me). Well i think i've told the world evcerything i had to say.

    ~Gabby Magasic~

  59. Rachel and Breana GREAT job on your blogs I agree with them 100%!


  60. I want the whole entire world to know that I have probably one of the toughest and probably the most hardest life in the whole entire school. I lived my first 5 years in an appartment in the hood of Winslow which is one of the most dangerous suburbs in New Jersey which is about 10 miles and 15 minutes away from Camden so life was very tough back then. When I was 2 my poppy died from lung cancer and when I was 7 my aunt died in a nasty car crash on 206, also last year on St. Patricks day my great grandmom died. So it stinks that two of my family members died at an early age when I didn't know why they didn't live forever.
    Also another thing that I want the whole world to know is that sometimes I help out the cats and somtimes the dogs at the Animal Orphanage in Vorhees because these little animals had tough lives if not maybe tougher than mine. I saw one cat her name was mittens andher past was very brutal. Her owner didn't feed her at all and weighs about 4 pounds and is 1 year old which are skinneiest cat wasd about 7 pounds when she was one so she was really underweight and he also cut most of her tail off. When I saw a family was going to adopt her I was getting excited. But when I was at Pets mart in Marlton to buy a toy for the cats I saw mittens and she didn't get adopted. I was very sad that day when I saw her, and I was returning home after I played a lacrosse game in Delaware which we won 10-0 that day.
    Also I want the world to know that I probably have the most pressure in the family. From what all the cousins and my sister that are living now, I probably will have to make a name for the family My oldest cousin has special needs. My second oldest cousin was probably going to have a really great future ended up dropping out of Ithica went to BCC got in 5 car accidents and she is 23 and dated 2 losers and now lives in Texas so she dosn't want to be with the family because we all live in Jersey. When I look behind me my second youngest cusin is a mean and an ignorant person that her atti9tude and behavior of her parents giving her everything she wants is going to get her nowhere. My youngest cousin is too young to know if he's going to do anything. So then there leaves us to 3. My cousin Matt, my little sister Saige, and me that can show the name. from the 3 I'mthe smartest and were all really great sports players. But when its all set in done Matt's a Kholer Saige will have her last name changed when she gets married and I will be the last Gidzinski unless I have a son. So that's why I work hard maybe the hardest in this grade because I might be the last Gidzinski on Earth. So I got a lot of pressure on me so I got to work hard in hockey, lacrosse, basketball, school, and most importantly life. I might have had a tough life already but I know my life will get tougher the older I get.
    Quinn 7-7

  61. i liked yours tay!
    -Libs Harris 7-7

  62. I really liked your post alot Jordan H. great job.
    Quinn 7-7

  63. I want the world to know that i have no secrets at all. I basically tell everybody anything! all my friends know everything that there is to know about me. There's probably nothing important that i don't share with them!!!!! :)

    ~ Brooke

  64. I agree with Pierce! Awesome job :) Your right there are some embarrassing things that most likely everybody has in them but that's okay that you don't share it!

  65. I want the world to know that I am a caring person that doesn't only think about myself. When every I hurt someone by accident I always want to hurt myself. If I say a joke about one of my friends and they know I was kiding I still feel terrible inside.
    Michael Bresan

  66. I completely agree with you Kaylee.
    Michael Bresan

  67. I want the world to know..that I'm me for me. I'm very impatient..and only people who know me well know that. It's one of the things about me that IS hard to change. I also am very outgoing and can be very quiet. As I said..me for me..some things you CAN change, but these are just the things that build my character.:)

    ~Amber Lo Presti

  68. I want the world to know I play tennis and it's really fun. And I hate how people say it's not a sport because it is really rude and it is a sport .most people who said that probably never played tennis ever in there lives. And I would like the world to know I love dolphins so cute! And I always wanted to go parasailing and sky diving.
    Gabrielle Bingemann

  69. I agree with Tyver I don't understand why people exclude other people just because they don't play sports. A's long A's you have a good heart why does it matter?

    Gabrielle Bingemann

  70. alizabeth- you are DEFINATLY not shyy!! ur awesome and my own peronal bullyyy!!

    alexis- you are NOT fat your perfect get over it

    Jordan- I know the real you and it is EXACTLY like that and I will come in with a wizard costume if you do it with me

    Libs- I loved yours and I can definatly relate to that(:
    ---Audrey P---

  71. I want the world to know..that I'm not "shy" like many people think I am. I am actually very outgoing and loud and funny. I have a broad social life and I really like meeting/making new friends. Not only am I really outgoing and all, but I never lie to anyone because that's just horribel and I would die inside if I lied. I also never get embaressed to anything because school is like a second home with me. If any of you saw me today, Alexis Kelso and I skipped around the hallway with reinforcment rings all over our faces:D Ohh yess haha anyway the reason I'm "quiet" in classes i because I'm not very used to not being with my friends in all of my classes 24/7. Another reason I dont' really "try" to talk to new people is because I am HORRIFYED of being judged. I feel that noone else really is eager like me to meet new people. I feel that some people just think their lives are perfect and they think that they dont NEED any more friends. To me, you can never get enough people in your life..because why would there be so many in the world? So if you really want to see that ourgoing side of me, just take your time and get to know me.(:
    --Audrey P--

  72. I want the world to know that I am not perfect. Not even in school. People always say that I'm the straight "A" student and that I am all the teachers favorite. Not true. I am just another good student who trys hard and doesn't like to fail. I also want the world to know that I love everyone. If I see someone getting picked on, I will not let the bully feel powerful. I like to stand up for people even if they are my friends or not.

    -Danielle Packard-

    PS: great job kaylee carlin!<3

  73. JORDAN HILL! I love your post and your perfect just the way yu are. Don't worry I know alot of girls that feel the same way as you: including me! I really made a connection with your post. Your the nicest girl I have EVER met and keep up the good work! Everything will mix together, it just takes some time.

    -Danielle Packard-

  74. I have a life experance that will scar me for life i was rideing home on a pontune boat and a t-storm came and a huge thunder bult hit the water. my friend peed his swim trunks.

    isaiah voigt

  75. Marissa Fink

    I want the world to know that I am a really caring person. When somthing bad happens to someone else I casnt help but feel sad to, even if I dont know the person. Sometimes when I watch TV and i see a movie or a TV show where a person is in a bad state or is very upset about someone I get upset too. I know it isnt real but, to me it is. I even feel bad for things that happen to people that I dislike.. as weird as it sounds.

    Another thing I want the world to know about me is that Im really not so dark and smart as I seem. I just like wearing black, and I dont try to get good grades, I dont even study that much. But i pay attention and try my best.

    :) ok well thats it

  76. Some thing that people do not know about me is that. I have food allergies. its very pverwhelming and dificult to deal with. i wish i never had them. ~elizabeth andress

  77. I want the world to know... Nothing tha it already doesn't know. I don't hide anything from anyone, and my closest friends know everything about me. Especially my friends at the horse farm which are practically my sisters.
    ~Francesca DiGuglielmo<3

  78. I want the world to know that I really have nothing to hide. If you have something you don't know about me, just ask. I am not afaid to give you the true answer back. Another thing I want the world to know about me is that I can't stand failing or not being able to be good at somthing. I try to keep my expetations as high as I can reach. And keep them there at all costs. I don't like being the last one behind with anything I do. Especailly in sports and in school with grades. If I feel like that I have tried the best that I can, then thats all I can raise my head high about and that I am happy about.
    ***sam scarpello***

  79. Good job emily gardner!!:)
    ***sam scarpello***

  80. I agree with Carissa!
    -Rachel Disipio 7-4

  81. Ok wow i just want to say THANKYOUU to all of the people that said my post was good. I've never got that much feedback before and it's really awesome (: so thanks!! I also really liked ur post Ty, it made my day actually :):) P.S. Yea ik I was kinda scared to see what people would say when I posted it :/ lol

  82. that last one was Jordan H's (sorry I can't remember if I put my name on it or not)
    -Jordan H

  83. Good job Sean! Your's was really good! And i does't matter how short you are...it just means you'll be taller when you're older! And I'm short too!!(:
    _*~Audrey P~*_

  84. Actually I do have something to tell y'all. I want the world to know that I am not the shy, chubby person some people think I am. (And if you don't believe me, ask my family, seriously) I am actually very outspoken. When people say really mean and critical things, I feel really guilty(even though I didn't say it) Like Collin, I feel really guilty about your situation. And Jordan, I know that you aren't that shy girl that people think you are :).

    Another thing is that if you ever see me sitting by myself with no one around it is because I feel really bad. My sugar has been out of control lately. Like one second it is 350 than it is 70 (which makes me feel irritable and grumpy) Another thing is that I am very emotional (which is partially because of my diabetes, seriously, stay healthy and exercise, don’t get this disease) Even though I am not a type 2 diabetic my dad is. I got it from my meningoencephalitis (idk if I spelled that right) Ok, back to the point, I cry a lot, even though I HATE IT!!! I cry over the silliest things. Oh yeah, I just don't talk to people who I don't know very well. And I LOVE COUNTRY MUSIC!!!!

    Laura Pfeffer

    P.S. This is my full diabetic story if you guys just think I got it from being fat.

    I got really bad migraines one day. Told my mom, she told me to take ibuprofen. Next morning, blurred vision and bad headache, told my mom again, took more ibu's. Then I had really bad coordination. Like really bad, I couldn't write a word. Then my parents knew something was wrong. We went to the local pediatrics. Told us to go see someone else. Still very bad migraines. So we went to the ER. Took some x-rays and stuff, then told us to go home. We went at like 8 at night so we left a like 2 in the morning. So we went to the Marlton Diner, my parents were starving ‘cause they haven’t ate like since 6 pm. So I wasn’t very hungry, so I really didn’t want anything. But my parents said I had to eat so they ordered me some fries. Now this is where it gets scary. BTW: The stuff I am about to tell you my parents and siblings told me. That morning, I went into my sister’s room and started pulling chords. I woke up my brother that was in there too cause there was a thunderstorm that night so he slept in there. Woke them up, they told me to stop, but I didn’t. So they went to tell my parents and they came to the room. Turns out I was seizing. Foam and everything. It was a tonic klonik. So I was shaking like crazy. My mom looked in my room and turns out I peed my pants and threw up those few fries I ate. They didn’t take me in an ambulance (which they say wasn’t the smartest idea) Got there, rushed me to the ER and like they sucked stuff out of my nose and a lot of other things that I don’t remember because I seized so you don’t remember anything for that day. They connected these wires to my head and I got the IV like 4 times. I had another seizure in the hospital, it was horrible. Turns out I was diabetic and my brain swelled up. It was the worst experience of my life. But I am so blessed that nothing serious happened to me. Oh yeah, I didn’t eat for 14 days because I wasn’t hungry. Symptoms:
    Unusual weight loss:13 lbs
    Blurred vision: ALOT OF!!
    Alrighty I am done. Sorry this is really long.

  85. I want the world to know that i'm not anti social or quite.I'm loud and crazy but if i don't talk to you that much it's because i don't know you very well or i don't like you.My friends and my lunch table know i'm very loud and funny.

    Paige Gigantiello

  86. I agree with Breanna Dunn.

    Paige Gigantiello

  87. I want the world to know that i'm sooooooo outgoing (my friends know) I might be shy at first (depends on who you are) or maybe I just don't like you.Well so yeahhh
    ~ Katie Calvert~ <33 ;)

  88. I would like the world to know that I hate it when people comment on my red hair and pale skin.
    Jacob Uscinowicz

  89. If I had to pick onething for the world to know about me is that I want to put my stamp ont the world and have the world know me. I dont want to be a face in the crowd I want to be known.

    Jordan Hill I really liked your post.

    Nick George

  90. I love your post Jordan!!!!

    <3JDUB<3 AKA:Jordan W.

  91. I want the world to know that i am a very funny and bright person and i love to be with friends. It might not look like it but thats me. I dont have much other stuff to hide awa y i usally tell people about my self.
    Kylie Rado
    ps.love your post jordan

  92. Nice post Danielle!(BTW thanks for making me feel better about what happened on Thursday with what you know who said)

  93. I want the world to know that I love horses! Everyone probably already knows this but I love every thing about them; the way they look, smell, and there personalities! I just LOVE horses!

    -Adrian Jones
    ps. I agree with Jordan Hill!!!

  94. I want the world to know that I am really scared if I do something wrong. I want to do everything the best and if I mess up I get rally frusturated and scared to maybe get a bad grade or benched for game. Maybe I feel this way beacause both of my parents are in education.

    brett barnes rabbit

    nice job stewy

  95. I want the world to know.... that I'm not the type of person that will walk up to a stranger and talk to them, but if there's an option to without me feeling weird about it, I will tell you all about myself.
    I'm usually open to new people. I like to tell them about myself in order to get to know them.
    The other thing that you may not know about me is that two summers ago I got a bad stomach ulcer, which I why I'm really skinny. I also have zinc deffiancy, so it's really hard for me to gain weight. I want the world to know that if you call me anorexic or say I have an eating disorder... I will be very upset with you. I can't stand it when people say that to me.

    All in all, I'm willing to tell you about myself, but if you judge me, I'm not going to appreciate it.

    Jamie Cesanek

  96. Sam Cuva, I don't think yours is something to be ashamed of. We all have our fears, whether they sound stupid or not!

    Hailey Moss 7-4

  97. I always thought that i had a tough life but when i read yours, Quinn, I almost went into tears!!! (as brooke as my witness)I really hope life gets better for you!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3


  98. people think that i am a very non-talkitive person but thats not true. At home i am very talkitive. also i dont judge people. ~Grace Abrams~

    Good Job Quinn

  99. laura your post was very touching and almost made me cry...i just wanted let you know that i think you are a great person (even though i don't know you very well ) great job!!

    Kaylee Carlin and Hailey Russell (cuz she is over my house)

  100. Jamie, I feel sooo bad for you! With my diabetes, it is very hard to LOSE weight because insulin makes you hungry and then if you exercize your blood sugar gets too low. Anyways, like I said, I feel really bad for you!

    Laura Pfeffer

  101. I want the world to know...that i am deeply afriad of heights like i wont go on a roller coaster by myself i have to be with someone if i go somewhere or on something high. Its really difficult for me to face my fears but i am going one step at a time:)

    Riley Bednar<333

  102. I want the world to know I am really scared of spiders. If I see one I yell and screem. I don't even want to kill it because I'm scared to get near it.

    Randy Roach

  103. Laura I loved your post. It was sad, but good.

    Randy Roach

  104. http://www.harrypotterisepic.blogspot.com/

    Go to this website if you are a Harry Potter fan. Or don't. I don't care.It is my new blog. If you hate me then please say so. Leave an anonymous mean comment. But please go to this website.

  105. oh my goodness QUINN! your post changed the way i look at you. i was you as like a crazy person with long hair who loves to read and totally deserves the awesome award from mr.shultz but seriously you opened my eyes. you do so much work to follow this heavily orchestrated plan. you are a real trooper who deserves every great thing that happens to you. you are such an awesome person and good luck with what you want to do in the future u know you'll make the right choices in life :)

    COLLIN YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON ALSO! I'M BIRACIAL TOO! WE NEED TO STICK TOGETHER TO PROVE TO THE WORLD THAT PEOPLE CANT JUST STEREO TYPE US!!! i mean my dad German and my mother Vietnamese. but Asian is dominate when you have a child so i look different from a group of people from New Jersey. And i mean (no offense) but i LOVE some racist jokes about Asians people some people make because some are completely true. collin we survived "Mrs. Hains's" together i was always you friend since i met you in 4th grade and no one can change that . you have friends you just dont know it :). but i do love both your post a lot good job guys and ill miss you both in the summer along with the rest of our 7th grade class <3333

  106. ok well some people know this but not all and im ready to tell ANYONE WHO READ THIS MAINLY BECAUSE ITS LATE! IM ASIAN! :O no that not it you probability all knew that but really i want everyone to know that i have dyslexia with math so if a number is 46 i'll say 64. ALSO i was bullied brutally as a child by the way i looked and read and whatever i did people would turn it around on me.when i would get home from school i would cry and then sit at the table and make little clay people that i would name and they would be my friends...i know its weird but i didn't have friends. but look how i turned out...TERRIBLE! no i have many friends now whick was great but like Quinn and Collin i had a rough childhood. AND ANOTHER THING! i have trouble opening myself up to people. as some of my new friend i made this year i would sit in the coroner with like the 2 friends i had and put my i:Pod in and blasted my screamo punk rap and anything BUT COUNTRY GOSH I CANT STAND COUNTRY IT MAKE ME WANNA GO LIVE UNDER A ROCK SOMETIMES! but back to the point i would be blinded by new people but i over came that gladly.for my last memo is to tell everyone who read this far a real deep secret. everyone knows the joke that is "were you dropped as a baby" and my answer to that is yes. i was droped as a child i have a lump scar thing on my for head to prove it. and when people say that it really hurts me. and when people do all i can say is look at them in the eyes and say yes, i was. I LOVE YOU ALL AND TANKS FOR READING <3

  107. idk if i put my name its was hannah :B and sorry for any spelling mistakes :)
