"Popular kids didn’t really have friends. They had alliances. You were safe only as long as you hid your trust. At any moment someone might make you the laughing stock, because then they knew no one was laughing at them"
Do you think this is how the socially elite view themselves? Are their lives devoid of any real friendships?
GRAMMAR: You must include and bold 2 verbs and or verb phrase in this blog.
No I do not think that this is how the socially elite VIEW themselves. The socially elite have real friends. Friends that have their back. But everyone, no matter if your popular or not, have people that aren’t their real friends. People that TALK about them behind their backs and when they are confronted about it they lie and say they didn’t. I think everyone has a true friend, and has someone that has their back and sticks up for them no matter what.
ReplyDeleteHailey Moss 7-4
I agree that the popular kids may not be friends with everyone, but they have close friends that will always stand up for them and will always have their back. Some kids in our grade think its a big popularity test. And some kids like to be in the middle and flow through school with out any drama.
ReplyDeleteJohn Williams 7-7
John and Hailey, I agree with you completely. If you are popular or not, you will always have friends that have your back. There will be friends in your life that will TALK about you behind your back and start rumors about you, but you need to forget about them and find new friends. You need a friend that will LISTEN to you when you talk, and won't tell anyone about it.
ReplyDeleteBreana Dunn
No, I don't think this is how the socialy elite people VIEW themselves. They HAVE friends that will be their for them. Popular kids may not what to be friends with everyone.That's why You need friends that you can trust and like to hang out with.
ReplyDeleteLuke Anderson 7-5
I agree that this is how the socially elite view themselves. OK, why do you need to be popular? Some people will have their OWN 'clique' and only be friends with the people with them. You should be friends with EVERYONE. Especially, when you don't know a person; but then go and gossip about them. That's not how you treat people. Every person is DIFFERENT and UNIQUE in their own way. You SHOULD think positive about yourself, but you should'nt take it to the next level, and be mean. I agree with John. Your right. It shouldn't be a popularity competition. You come to school to learn and try to make friends with every student. Be positive. Be YOU.
ReplyDeleteAmber Lo Presti
Poular kids do not have true friends. There always SPREADING rumors about them. They don't care, all's they care about is having popularity. They WANT people to like them for their popularity, not for who they really are. You can't possibly have a real friend when you tell them what to do and treat them like a slave.
ReplyDeleteAlexis Kelso
Breana, Hailey, and John I totally agree with all three of you! Being at the top of the popularity list or in the middle is not a big issue. You and your friends are pretty much your own popularity becuase you still have atleast one friend you know you can trust your secrets with and depend on them not to TELL rumors about you. And sometimes there are those other friends you are not so sure about. I guess what I'm trying to say is no matter what place in popularity you are there's always drama! I have LEARNED that over the years.
ReplyDelete-Olivia Harris 7-7
Libs, Hailey, John, and Brena, i agree with you completly it dosen't matter if your popular or not. If your popular your friends aren't really there for you. If someone MAKES fun of you no one will be there for you. There fore, if you had real friends that person would be there to help you. People THINK they are popular because alpot of people HANG with them, but they could just be hanging with you because they think it's "cool".
ReplyDeleteEmily Metzger
Amber, I totally agree with you! Who needs to be popular?
ReplyDeleteAlexis Kelso
I agree that popular people aren't friends with everyone, but no one is. Everyone always has a friend. Friends are people who STAND up for you. Friends are someone who will PROTECT you from those nasty rumors. Plus (especially) friends never TALK behind you back no matter how nerdy, or popular they are. There will be times that a friend will say something mean behind your back;but that's okay. Just work things out with them, or just find a new friend.
ReplyDelete-Audrey Parr
Not everyone tries to be popular. Kids can't do anything about it. You pick who your friends are in younger grades and usually you stay with the same group of friends for the rest of your school life. So if someone just happens to be friends with a kid in 1st grade that becomes popular in 6th grade then the friend would become popular too.
ReplyDeleteHailey Moss 7-4
I think that the higher class of people think of only themselves and nobody else around them. They make people feel kind of small like they are not important. They like to hurt other people that might not have everything that they have. People like that seem to be very snooty to others and don't care about other peoples' feelings. Elite people like to boss everyone else around, ignore them, and they don't go anywhere alone, they go with a group of their friends so they think that they have a lot of power. Really they are just like anyone else in the world.
ReplyDeleteTheir lives are to me really lacking of real friendship. They only hang out with people they know not people that are actually their friends. They may think that they are their friends, but they really are not. People just hang out with each other and say that they are friends. So, it makes them feel like they have more friends than anybody else. Being popular doesn't mean that your better than anyone else.
Brooke Michael
John williams ^
ReplyDeletePopular people do think they are cooler than eveyone else and without popularity they wouldn't be anyone they would be like everyone else and they wouldn't think they are the best and if they switched places with kids they pick on they wouldn't have much fun in there shoes and my favorite saying is and will always be is treat others the way you wanted to be treated. All the friends they will have are the ones who think bullying is funny and it's not it's rude and obnoixtous so be nice and people will be back. Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete~Sean Heins~(A.K.A.-BIEBER-)J.B.
Alexis I agree with you 100% that is really worded good and I hate when people spread rumors.
ReplyDeleteI think that the popular kids could have real friendships but at the same time they could have alliances. The real friendships are the ones that are loyal and trustworthy. They will always STAND up for you no matter what. The ones that may be alliances, are phony and self serving, they just want to be your friend because you are popular. When things may be tough, they don’t STICK by you.
ReplyDeletePierce Adams 7-5
I don't think this is how the socially elite veiw them selfs.They at least have to have some real friends that care for them and will never let annyone get in there way.People pick there friends so they will have more real friends then alliances.So i think if you popular or not you will always have a true friend.
ReplyDeletePaige Gigantiello 7-4
I think that the "popular people", actually have friends. Its the Popular-wanna-be people, that tend to over do it and not have friends. I think no matter who you are, you will have friends that ADMIRE you for who you are (exept if you have a bad personality and annoy others). Just because your "popular" doesnt mean that you arent nice, and good enough for a friend. Especialy when there are so many out there for you to MEET.
ReplyDeleteMarissa Fink
Wow Brooke, i think what you said is kinda smartical :D, nice perspective. Your totally popular, and YOU do have friends.
ReplyDelete~one of your friends
I think the popular kids have one or two great friends but most of those kids can not be trusted,so they are considered alliances.The friends that you think you have but are alliances go off TELLING people who you like or who you don't. The true friends KEEP secrets.Everyone at least has 1 best friend that always will have your back but in middle school so far you dont know who is an alliance and whos a friend, but as long as you TRUST them, then you make the decision.
ReplyDeleteEvie Brody 7-7
I think that the popular people view themselves as totally different people as that describes. I believe that popular people view themselves as the best and think that they are everything, when the other people (the non-popular) view them as the description. The socially elite think that they are smart, nice, funny, and the coolest, but usually that’s not the case. They are usually not nice and they MAYBE BE funny to the ones around their friends but other people the ones that the popular people make fun of so that people think they are funny get hurt. So, the popular people view themselves as better than what they are.
ReplyDeleteSam Cuva 7-5
I totally agree with Sean. I THINK kids want to BE popular so they are not BULLIED or picked on. At one time or another everyone has BEEN made fun of. It is hurtful and humiliating. Not everyone has to be best friends, but everyone can at least treat each other the way they want to be treated. I hope this assignment will make some kids think twice before they are mean to someone else.
ReplyDeleteIan Mastroianni 7-2
I BELIEVE this is true of all people not just popular people. It isn’t till we RUN into this is our own lives that we realize that true friendship are much better than popularity. Overtime, friendships prove to be true. Popularity fades as we grow older and while it exists it depends on what your popular for.
ReplyDeleteHailey i agree with you 100% as well!
Delaney Baptiste
I love these posts. You all show a level of maturity that is rarely seen in 7th graders. Can we put an end to "social classes" in middle school?
ReplyDeleteToo true John. Kids should be able to THINK the way they want to and be who they wanna be, popular or not. Unfortunatly life is not like that. You have the uncool kids and the bimbos who think they are cool but arent. Once in a while you get a genuine cool kid. Like you John
ReplyDeleteThis comment is for your best friend ^
ReplyDeleteI THINK that you are right you need to TRY to be a friend to get some!
-Sam C
I think that popular kids have no friends because they want to make other kids FEEL miserable and they can get AWAY with it. Thats why they have alliances.
ReplyDeleteQuinn G.
I agree with you Amber. Who wants to really be popular.
ReplyDeleteQuinn G.
Populare kids are just strong and some pepole fear them and some JOIN them. Theres a differnce beteewn populare, bullies and populare bullies. Populare kids might be nice like the four amigos ARENT mean. Bullies are insucure and might not always be populare. Populare bullies CHOSE there freinds and stay mean to every one else. Thats the differance.
ReplyDeleteMatt Mozitis
I agree with haily moss cause thats perty much what i said.
ReplyDeleteMatt Mozitis
I don't think this is how the socially "elite" view themselves. In my opinion they prance around the school claiming that they're "higher in popullarity" than anyone else who they look down upon without even GIVING those people a chance a friendship. Although, I DO BELIEVE that the socially elite have a friendship circle of their own. They just aren't willing to expand it any further.
ReplyDeleteMy definition of a true friend is someone who will never lie to you or create devious rumors about you because of something you did in the past. They will stay by your side through whatever drama comes your way and provide a shoulder to cry on if it's needed. I have experienced this with all my friends... "love you guys!!!"
-Jordan Hill
Yes, I think that the popular kids think they are "top notch" and better than any other kids in the grade. Most of the time popular kids LAUGH in their own little group making fun of people and SAYING things about one-another behind their back. I disagree on the part when it says they have no friends, in my view I think think that the popular kids have more friends than most people. No, I don't think they devoid or reject other friendships. Usually I see that they leave their other friends to become a "higher level" of popularity. Also they may make newer friends but they never turn down a new girl/guy that comes into school and asks to be their friend.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth Andress
Hey Sean,
ReplyDeleteI completley agree with what you said. If "popular" people were to spend a day in an "unpopular" person's shoes, would they really change? I would sure hope so. Anyway, great post!
-Jordan Hill 7-4
I agree Jordan!!!! They do march around thinking that we are their "wanna be."I totally agree with all your comments and by the way nice paragraph!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteJordan it was me Elizabeth Andress who commented sorry forgot the name.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever NOTICE that "popular kids" only hang out with other "popular kids". I do. I've had experience. A "popular kid" started hanging out with me and then another popular kid came up to him and said i'm not your friend anymore. Why? Because that popular kid was hanging out with me. And am I popular, no thats why.
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik
I agree the popular kids think they are all that. They don't have true friends they just have people that FOLLOW them around and do whatever they do. So when they go up to others and make fun it's not just one person it’s a whole group which PUTS you down even further. The so called “unpopular” have friends that have their back all the time. Those are what real friends do not follow one another they take charge and become a leader. They will do what’s right. In our school we don’t have this issue we have friends that help us and other people I don’t put my classmates in a group of popular and unpopular I put them down all as my friends. But, in other schools there is this problem and I hope it gets fixed because it doesn’t matter if your popular or not.
ReplyDeleteBrett Barnes
Sam Cuva you are absolutely right i am with you on that paragraph 110%. They do view themselves as better than everyone else.
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik
ReplyDeleteI totally AGREE people that popular kids think they can't HANG out with anybody but others of their type its bad.
Brett Barnes
Yeah Dan your right Sam great answer I agree they think they are better and think they can do whatever they want.
ReplyDeleteBrett Barnes
When i think of popularity i think about the kids that make me fell like dirt and just another ugly unpolished piece of charcoal to throw into the fire called school. I use that simile because you can get "burnt", you can get made fun of. Laughed at,or talked badly about you always have that one person who give you a ban-aid and aloe to help heal you when your in need. That the one person you can call your friend. The person that you would know that would back you up in a fight out of school if you had to. Or the person stay behind until you got somewhere not just walk away and leave you out in the blue. That the person who get you out of the fire and see you for who you really are and polishes you,and turns you into a diamond.
ReplyDelete-Hannah Knight 7-2
Brett I agree who cares if someone is popular? As long as you have friends that care about you and like you for who you are and not what you have then there isn't really any social classes. Then it's more like the real friends in one group and the popular kids that don't really have friends they just want to be better than everyone else.
ReplyDeleteJustin Cappeta
i think that is the way the scoicaley ELEIT view themselves they think that they are at they top of the world. they will call everyone bleow them that they are un cool and thats a PUT down and the more poplur they get the meaner they get the more it makes them feel better and i would know because thats what happenes top me.
ReplyDeleteMatthew Jac Schwalbe
Dan I agree completley the popular kids just follow eachother around.
ReplyDeleteJustin Cappeta said the last comment. ^
ReplyDeleteAudrey, I so agree with you. Your friends should never talk about you behind your back. and no one is friends with every one.... its just the way the world works
ReplyDeleteRiley Fisher
Yes, i AGREE. I think the popular kids VIEW themselves as the leaders of the grade and can do whatever they want to the other kids. The popular kids don't really have real friends. the only reason kids are "friends" with the popular people are so they don't get bullied. The "unpopular group" have real friends that are at there side all the time. You should just do the right thing and not care what other people think of you.
ReplyDeleteBrad Jankowski
I think that the "cool kids" just make fun of other people and don't have a lot of friends anyways. The reason why they make fun of other people is because they're jealous. That particular "popular kid" will bully one smart kid because he/she got straight A's for the marking period. He/she will CALL them a nerd, walking computer, (I got that one before), and other things. Also, the socially elite of one school only have alliances that FOLLOW them around and laugh at everything they make fun of, like an unfortunate person doing something that the popular kid thinks is stupid or uncool, and he/she will try to make a joke that offends that person, and everybody just laughs, and no one in the so called "alliance" will stand up for that person. I hope this won't happen anymore around our school or other schools and I also hope this gets fixed.
ReplyDeleteJimmy Waters
I completely agree with you Hannah. You should have real friends that are with you no matter what happens.
ReplyDeleteBrad Jankowski
Oops now I didnt make my verbs in caps. I'll just copy and paste it again and make them bold....Brett I AGREE who cares if someone is popular? As long as you have friends that CARE about you and like you for who you are and not what you have then there isn't really any social classes. Then it's more like the real friends in one group and the popular kids that don't really have friends they just want to be better than everyone else.
ReplyDeleteJustin Cappeta
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI seems to me the socially elite do not have any true friends. They go from being best friends with a person and then five seconds later they are their worst enemy. The social butterflies that are sometimes known as the “popular crowd” do not have the right to call there so called “friends” friends because they are really just like them for beauty, looks, and senseless objects that are suppose to make a person happy. To me a real friend is someone who LISTENS and CARES. CRIES when you’re sad, who is there for you through thick and thin, and likes you for who you are and not just what’s on the outside but what is on the inside. To me that is the true definition of friendship.
ReplyDeleteRachel Disipio 7-4
Jordan Hill,
ReplyDeleteI completely agree where you are coming from. Very good!!!!
-Rachel Disipio
Sam Cuva,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you also as well as hailey moss.
-Rachel Disipio
John yours was awesome just flat out awesome especially the last sentence. That was just amazing
ReplyDeleteBrett Barnes
that wasnt me sept. 15 1:07
ReplyDeleteBrett Barnes
I think you should just be yourself and not WORRY about being popular or not. Being popular dosent last. You might be popular one year and not the next,so why worry about it. Nobody is really better than the next person, just DIFFERENT. To make fun of a person just because they are not like you is ignorant. You might be missing out on making a Real friend.
ReplyDeleteI THINK that all the popular kids SEE themsevles better than every one else, because they make everyone else LOOK bad. All of those hurtful rumors were started to make everyone else look bad, so that the popular kids didn't. You never hear any rumors about the popular kids, because they are the ones that started the rumors about everyone else.
ReplyDeleteI dont know if they have any sort of friendship, but I sure dont hope so. Anyone that nasty or mean, anyone that snoops that low to make them selves look good, doesn't deserve anything as great as friendship.
Riley Fisher
I don't think you should name kids on here as being unpopular. It's not very cool at all.
ReplyDeleteAlexis, I totally agree with you completely. You shouldn't have to be popular just to HAVE a lot of friends. People SHOULD like you for who you really are. Not, who you WANT to be! Like you SAID “who needs to be popular anyways!”
ReplyDeleteBrooke Michael
hoever is putting Brett's name on comments in totally uncool and a example of what not to do.
ReplyDeleteMarissa I agree with you i think that it's also the popular-want-to bes that have a lot of friends. But, out of my opinion i think that popular kids have some true friends but, not a lot of them.
ReplyDeleteBrooke Michael
I THINK that some popular kids have friends and some don’t. Some kids PRETEND to be a popular kids “friend” to become more popular. That most likely would not work because the other kid is not really popular. On the other hand some popular kids do have loyal friends. The actual popular kids’ friends will get more popular and their not even trying too.
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
I THINK populairty is exacctly like that. You could be the next laughing stock or you can make the next laughing stock. It said in the forum that so called "popular kids" don't have friends but alliances, I think that is complety true. When you are popular you don't care if the person really likes you, you just want them to notlaugh at you. That is what I THINK.
ReplyDeleteBy the way iwhoever is pretending to be brett stop
Nick George
Stewy what you said was great. It was just........ awesome. Right now I just can't figure the words to say. That was just amazing.
ReplyDeleteBrooke (M&M)
Thanks Brooke
I totally agree with you Em. Who needs popularity!?! Not IMMS
ReplyDelete-Olivia Harris 7-7
Brad yours was absolutly awesome. The bully part was way true too. It was the bomb!
ReplyDeleteYour Friend,
Randy Roach
Who is the Anonymous that said
ReplyDeleteI don't think you should name kids on here as being unpopular. It's not very cool at all.?
September 15, 2010 1:25 PM
I agree with all the people who say popular kids have friends. i THINK that everyone has friends, doesn't matter if their popular or not. If everyone is their selves they'll have friends because your you and not somebody else.
ReplyDeleteSarah Vosler
oh your welcome Stewy. I've never heard anything like that before!!
ReplyDeleteBrooke (M&M)
ReplyDeleteI AGREE with you because just because your popular dosent mean you don, have any friends, also you can still MAKE friends when you are popular
Nick George
I absolutely agree with you Sarah! Everybody should just be themselves!!
ReplyDeleteBrooke (M&M)
P.S whoeevr is pretending to be brett stop
ReplyDeleteOlivia Harris 7-7
Yeah Brett I don't think who ever is signing your name to the mean comments are not right!!!! They SHOULD be STOPPED!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBrooke ^
ReplyDeleteYeah Brooke it touched me what Hannah said. But I'm not a softy ok?:)
ReplyDeleteJust Saying
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI AGREE with Rachel. Most of the socially elite do not have real friends. They are always worried about what everybody else is doing and going behind people's backs that were supposed to be their friends. There is always so much drama beacuse the people in the "popular crowd" turn on each other at one piont or another because all the care about is being popular. They all have alliances, but few have real friends that STAY together no matter what.
ReplyDeleteFrancesca DiGuglielmo
yeah that's fine Stewy i completely understand
ReplyDeleteBrooke (M&M)
Unlike in some movies and television shows, I believe that the socially elite kids in our school really do have friends. They have people who really do CARE for them and would STAND UP for them. I’m not SAYING that some of the people in their own group don’t talk behind their back because I’m sure they do. Also, I think the popular kids are welcome to MAKING friends with people outside of their group but sometimes they just don’t have the same things in common. Everyone is different in their own way. This is how I view the popular kids of our grade.
ReplyDeleteEmily Gardner
OMG stewy i know that it's upsetting what someone is doing to Brett but i think that might make them more mad and they might write meaner things than what they already said!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBrooke (M&M)
yupe no problem Brett
ReplyDeleteBrooke (M&M)
Hey Randy,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. Some popular kids have friends and some don't because all they want is to be popular.
Emily Gardner
Hey whoever u are fake brett barnes please stop...
ReplyDeleteSam C!
Personally, I don’t think that the socially elite want to view themselves that way. But, in the end, I think they end up with not that many real friends. In order to get where they want to be in life or to achieve their goals, they would have to HURT some of their closest friends in order to form alliances with other people, just so that they can be where they want to be. In other words, you have to pick a side. It is very hard to be elite and non-elite so you would have to know that if you are CHOOSING to be elite, you would end up stepping on someone’s toes. You have to be willing to take the risk of losing friends if you really want to be an elite/popular person. At the end of the road some people may end up with real friends and some may not. Also, I think that the real popular people are the people that are honest and loyal to others, not only when they want to be, but all of the time. People that are the opposite aren’t really the popular people.
ReplyDeleteHailey Russell
You go Stewy!!! Yea I really don't think that, that's right what that person is doing at all!!
ReplyDeleteBrooke (M&M)
ReplyDeleteYour post was amazing. Some popular kids really do treat others like that and it's not nice at all.
who are you?
ReplyDeleteSam C
Everyone looks at the words socially elite, in other words popular, differently. I consider being socially elite as being a good friends towards everyone, even those of which you don't like. Conflicts happen with all friends, but that does not mean they aren't true to you. I agree with Emily because socially elite people do have really friends. Mistakes happen to everybody because, let's face it, we all know nobody is perfect.
ReplyDelete-Danielle Packard (DP)
I really agree with Jordan and Hannah. They did a great job of SAYING things that I feel. There are multiple people in our grade who I feel THINK OF themselves as "better than everyone else". That is so not right. There is no popular and unpopular. However you think of yourself is what you are. Some "popular" people may think their friends have their back, but they might not. The people who have the most true and loyal friends are the least popular. I don't know why, but the people who view themselves too highly will eventually end up friendless. IF you are popular, one wrong move and you are out. Like I said though, it depends on the person. I also agree with what Sean said. The people who think their "all that" would have a difficult time in someone elses shoes. Just try to be nice to everyone, "popular" or "not"! You never know when you'll need someone to lean on! :D
ReplyDelete-Carrie Weaver
Carrie Weaver
i totally agree with you riley! If your friends TALK about you behind your back then oviously they arent really your friends.And should STAND up for you when something goes wrong.
ReplyDeleteKatie Calvert
I absolutely agree with your post Emily Gardner! Great Job :)
ReplyDelete-Danielle Packard (DP)
I agree with Hailey and John also.Oh,and the last comment at 1:59 was me!
ReplyDeleteEmily Gardner
Who are you saying these things? You act like your some big macho man. But, really you aren't!! So just STOP!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you...people should at least try be friends with everyone.
Sam C
I <3 my friends! Not just because they are AWESOME (which they are) but because I know I can aways trust them to stick up for me. I feel like I can tell them anything and they will be there for me! Thanks, guys!
ReplyDelete-Carrie Weaver
OH and who ever is posting things as "Brett Barnes" please stop, because this is an example of people taking advantage of being socially elite or not. I know this is not the real Brett Barnes so please stop before you get yourself into any troubles. Thanks
ReplyDelete-Danielle Packard (DP)
i agree with whoever wrote this comment
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Who are you saying these things? You act like your some big macho man. But, really you aren't!! So just STOP!
Alright you go Stewy!!!!!
Katie, I think what you said is so true! If all people acted like that, the word "popular" would cease to exist!
Stewy that was me who wrote that!! And thanks
Guys and girls,
ReplyDeleteAll of this stuff with being a fake person should stop. It is causing conflicts between classmates. Also, this blog is for the fun of our language arts classes. Mrs.Montrose, (with the help of Mr. G) can take down this post in a snap. It won't be there anymore for the experience of incoming 7th graders next year. So, whoever you are please stop, for the health of our language arts class and our new blog!
-Danielle Packard (DP)
ReplyDeleteI agree!!
-Sam C
I completely agree with Danielle. The person that is being fake Brett needs to be put to an end right now!!!!
ReplyDeleteBrooke (M&M)
Yeah, seriously! Period 2 saw him make the one from "hannah". Now its gone!
ReplyDeletewhat do u mean???
Has anybody find out who the imposter of the fake Brett was yet????
ReplyDeleteBrooke ^
ReplyDeleteI don't think this is how the socially ELITE see themselves. If they did they wouldn't have any friends or even best friends that would have their backs when someone TALKS behind them in a bad way. Although they might not be friends they talk to to much but they are still there when you need them.
ReplyDelete:)Caitlin Lange:)
I agree that people should stop impersonating other people.
ReplyDeleteSarah Vosler
I also agree with you Sarah I don't think that, that is right at all! Do u know if any one found out who wrote that stuff about us???
ReplyDeleteSorry keep forgetting to sign my name at the bottom but, that was Brooke M. who just wrote that letter to you at 2:35 Sarah Sorry :)
ReplyDeletei agree with Sam C do think that some of the popular kids see them as the best but others see them as the same as everyone.
ReplyDelete:pCaitlin Lange:P
Whom ever is writing the comments and signing them as Brett Barnes, you will be caught and face the consequences. Your ISP is showing up all over the server.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Riley and Carrie. Popular kids do veiw themselves as the leader of the group, when really everyone talks about them behhind their back. They always try to make less popular people feel worse about themselves, and that's not right. Poular kids might HAVE a few real friends, but the unpopular kids have way more.I mean who cares if your unpopular at least you have real friends who you CAN TRUST that will always have your back. Also popular kids always think about themselves they never think about what will happen to other people if they say something. In my opinion I think everyone should just be nice to everyone else no matter who they are.
ReplyDelete--Gabby Magasic
What Caitlin said is really true!
Thanks, Gabby!! :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mr. G because I really dont think that it was very nice of the person who sent that and they were also threatening other people including me and a lot of my other classmates. It was very affending!!
ReplyDeleteBrooke (M&M)
If you’re popular, it usually means your mean. People who are MEAN don’t usually have many friends. So I WOULD SAY if you are popular, you don’t have all that many friends. I don’t THINK they have real relationships with friends because real friends wouldn’t tolerate having their feelings hurt all the time by their own friends.
ReplyDeleteKasey Williams
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI COMPLETELY agree with Amber and John. Who really needs to be popular? Everyone is an individual and there really shouldn't be a competition for popularity. Everyone has there own friends and no one should be judged by who they are, or who they hang out with.
ReplyDelete--Alyssa Matchett--
Ya guys seriously this whole brett thing is stupid its defeating the whole reason of this blog!!!! i know i havn't put my thing up but i had computer problems and this whole brett thing came up wen it got fixed!!! but really it has to stop!!!!
ReplyDelete-Jordan W.
This blog is a great idea for the kids to be able to use. However there are always those who will misuse a good thing. I've been following this blog for the last couple of hours and feel if this blog continues it needs some kind of adult monitoring on it. The ones that are misusing it are defeating the whole purpose and ruining it for the kids that are trying to stay on point. The one giving Brett a hard time should be banned from all blogs until they are able to be more responsible. At this time it is just inexcusable.
ReplyDeletehey, guys its riley bednar I agree wth you all. you really dont have to BE popular to have great friends by your side. I mean that if your ARE popular or not you will have good friends. just if your popular and have people by yourside 24/7 they arent your real friends they just like how you act and socialize with people.like in the tv shows with the people surronding you and that you think like you own the school. but that doesnt matter go your own way, have real friends and enjoy every second with them.
ReplyDeleteRiley Bednar 7-5
Hey Mr G did you get him/her yet?
ReplyDelete(My mom wants to know)
~Collin Stewart~ (AKA Stewy)
I don't think that this whole popularity thing should even be true!!! It MAKES no sense, I mean who wants to PUT someone else down for their own benefit. I think it's stupid if you ask me! To me a true friend is someone who's there for you and your there for them. Not just one for the other. This is the total opposite of what the so called "popular" kids are. Another thing I don't think IMMS has this probem...but the sad thing is other schools do. Hopefully some day those schools can be more like our school.
ReplyDelete-Jordan W.
I don't know who I agree with more Justin, Brett, or Audrey, I geuss I agree with all of them!
ReplyDelete-Jordan W.
yea..like jordan said that is not the brett barnes we all know..so whoeve is doing this its very immature and get over yourself its not cool at all..just write a blog and get over it..just please cut the cheese and stop what you are doing..
ReplyDeleteRiley Bednar
ReplyDeletei so agree with you! I really love your comment.
Kasey Williams
Popular kids are usually only friends with popular kids. But that does not mean they don't have REAL friends because they do. And they usually are nice to everyone else but not ALL the time that is pretty much like everyone,everyone is not ALWAYS nice to one another. But I know that most of the time people are not friends with people outside their clique. And I think that should change.
ReplyDeleteGabrielle Bingemann
The principal has been informed and the culprit(s) will be caught. This is my third year running this blog and never has there been a problem. We will not give the "bandit" another post of acknowledgment.
ReplyDeleteSide Note: Mrs. Montrose and I are so very proud of all of you for standing up for each other. Involving your parents was the right thing to do. Your posts say so much about how wonderful you all are.
I AGREE with the people that said popular people don't have that many true friends. It's not that all popular people are stuck up but some are. But, my opinion is who really cares if you are popular or not. I think as long as you have friends that will stick with you through good and bad times thats really all you need. But the people that say they are your friend and can STAB you in the back the next day just aren't real people and you need to walk away from them and give other people a chance because they actually might be the people you can trust and be friends with forever. I would rather have close friends than be know as a mean person who makes fun of people because they think it is cool.
ReplyDeleteKaylee Carlin 7-2
I agree and don’t agree because the “popular kids” might have a true friend or two but most of them I do agree are just alliances. Which mostly means they will be your friend but next they could be talking about you be hide your back. I just really don’t think it matters if you are so called “popular” all of us have friends if you are popular or not. The difference between being popular and not is mostly popular kids make fun of the other kids that aren’t considered popular. I don’t think this is right, if you are popular or not it shouldn’t matter your still all normal people and you all have friends even if some friends are not true friends. Many people I think WISH to be popular but as you look at it I don’t really think its great all they pretty much do is make fun of the “lower class” of people so all you have to do is IGNORE them. Just remember that you have friends that are there for you and they will help you get through all the bad times. Mostly I think just instead of having a bunch of friends that you just put up with instead of having many best friends that will help you whenever. Popular kids view themselves I think as having many friends that aren’t really true to them but I think there ok because they think everyone likes them. Being popular isn’t everything to me and it shouldn’t be everything to you.
ReplyDeleteCarissa Novelli
c my question is y did someone do it and think they can get away with it...it's the internet people!!!!! There are people that can track down the computer these comments are coming from so it doesn't matter if you think gonna get away with it or not...ur gonna get caught no matter what, and brett...dont wrry b/c every1 knows there is no way that's u and i know mr.g is gonna find this person!!!!
ReplyDelete-Jordan W.
i agree with you Kylee i think being popular isnt everything and i dont think everone should care so much about it.
ReplyDeleteCarissa Novelli
I agree with Gabby 100%
ReplyDeleteGabrielle Bingemann
Good job mr g. I told my mom and she is litteraly jumping for joy.
Way to go d.p.! For the Popular Kids homework.. I totally agree with Kaylee and Carissa!! I think that thats true about popular kids only making friends for alliences, not just friend, friends. And it doesn't really matter what 'group' your in, because all you want is just good friends to always be there through good times and bad. You want to have a friend that you can talk to, no matter how embarrassing it is. You don't want a friend that loves you one day and hates you the next. That just shows you what can happen to a so cool, popular person who always acts it. So I stay stick with your good friends and never let them go. And try to be as nice as you can to those people no matter how mean they are.
ReplyDelete-Sam Scarpello
ReplyDeleteDo you think it is hard to be popular? What kinds of pressures do you think the popular kids endure?
Remind me to explain love and fear. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI do think some socially elite VEIW themselves like this. They feel the pressure to stay popular which they shouldn’t. Deep down inside we are all still the same. We all are afraid of something and we just want to be accepted. However I do BELIEVE that everyone has real friends. Everyone has at least on true friend that they can trust.
ReplyDeleteMadison Richards 7-4
ReplyDeleteWhat you wrote was so amazing and it is so true. Sadly, I don’t think some people will ever realize that.
-Madison Richards 7-4
i agree Jordon W
ReplyDeleteThe blog is now FOOL proof. Your posts will not appear until Mrs. M or I approve.
ReplyDeleteI AGREE with Gabby 100%. Popular kids see themselves as the pack leader and they think everyone just adores them, when actually everyone doesn't absolutely like them and we all talk about them underneath our breath. They try to make the unpopular kids feel bad about themselves, and that would be called bullying. Popular kids think they HAVE soo many friends but they have more enemy's then friends.The unpopular kids have more loyal friends that they CAN TRUST. In middle school is not about who's popular than everyone, or drama, or boys, or even being competitive at anything you do. Its about learning what you need to learn. Also, the "kewl kids" think its so kewl to tease on someone, but when it gets turned around and the kewl kids getting picked on, they don't think its a joke anymore. They only think about themselves and when they tease someone they don't know what its like to be embarrassed or hurt. My opinion is that it shouldn't be a popularity test and everyone should just treat others respectfully. Its only Middle school just wait until we get into high school. It's gonna get worse then this. So just respect others and don't try to be a popular kid and be mean.
ReplyDeleteAdriana Walsh
Way to go sammy Scarpello!! You really SHOWED everyone how we should all treat each other. Also, its hard to be friends with mean kids when they might JUDGE you for anything. true friends don't JUDGE you! i mean we've all had bff's that say ur my best friend, i love you, then the next day their hangin out with someone else and saying i like you better than blahblah. lol, but its true, even with the student council votes coming up i think you should vote for your friends but also dont just not vote for someone just because their not that popular. I've been in student council last year and its hard work. Even though im trying again this year i hope that some people vote for me. My point is that it doesn't matter who's popular or not.
ReplyDeleteAdriana walsh ♥♥♥ ☻
I do think many socially elite VIEW themselve like this. Some people think popularity IS the most important thing in school. everyone should be friends. If your popular your not really friends with anyone, You just using people to be the most popular person.Everyone should have one close friend.
ReplyDeleteAlizabeth Dinsmore
I honestly don't THINK there's such thing as socially elite. If you have lots of friends it just means your a people person. I mean come on were TALKING abouit middle school not armies there aren't aliances durring school. Still there are some people who think they are better than others but thats just the way things are. Popularity to me is just a word who think their better than others.
ReplyDelete-Wyatt Thomas
I do think that sometimes the socially elite VIEW themselves this way. I agree with you Sam S.! Just be nice to everyone and then you don't really need to create a problem. I feel like the popular kids 'friends' are just SUPPORTING them when they are putting others down. But if a socially elite's friend is well-liked, I feel like the socially elite would put that friend down. The socially elite don't have real friends because the people they consider 'friends' could very well be jealous of how popular they are. You never know when a popular person's friend is talking behind their back. The only way to avoid that is to be nice all the time and never stop because it doesn't give them anything to gossip about! Also, that way you can be friends with everyone. Whether you're talking behind someones back, putting them down, or ignoring them, that's bullying. So be nice to everyone and don't form your own 'clique'. Include everyone.
ReplyDelete~Jamie Cesanek 7-2
Popular and unpopular are like myths to me. Trying to be popular is like lying to yourself to know who you really are. There are people in schools that get new friends by trying to be popular, now I'm not saying that making new friends is wrong, but I think you should make new friends by saying, "Hey, we should hang out sometime!" Be nice to the person and hopefully they will be nice to you. You will find a true bestfriend this way.
ReplyDeleteHailey Moss I totallllllllyyyyy agree with you. :) same to you Sean.
Alyssa Guy 7-7
aka ^ Lady GuyGuy :)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with everyone's answers to the question. Great job!
ReplyDeleteHailey Russell :)
Hey John Williams... I LOVE the way you explain how some people "flow" through the school without any drama"...that IS a great observation! I think I was one of those kids☺
ReplyDelete~Ms. Montrose
Hey John Williams…I HAVE just FINISHED (verb phrase) reading your first post. I DID ENJOY (I’m on a verb phrase roll here!) when you explained that “some kids like to be in the middle and flow through school with out any drama”. That’s a great observation! I think I was a kid like that
ReplyDelete~Ms. Montrose
I know it's late but I was at softball...I agree with danielle on the whole brett thing....and way to make it fool proof mr.G.....I think that's a great idea!!!!! I was getting worried if someone could do that to my name....THANK YOU MR.G!!!!!!
ReplyDelete-Jordan W.
Breana…Great point about real friends being good listeners! One of the best things you can give to someone else you care about is your “ear”☺
ReplyDelete~Ms. Montrose
AKA-Cheeseburger(softball name) from the last comment
ReplyDeleteAmber…I love the strength and voice in your writing! Those two imperative sentences, “Be positive. Be YOU.”, make your writing just come alive
ReplyDelete~Ms. Montrose
Emily…What insight you have when you state, “People THINK they are popular because a lot of people HANG with them, but they could just be hanging with you because they think it's "cool"”. Isn’t that a scary thought? Someone MIGHT BE BEFRIENDING you just to raise their own status…hmmm
ReplyDelete~Ms. Montrose
Tonight I’ll end with Audrey…Your comments, “Friends are people who STAND up for you. Friends are someone who will PROTECT you from those nasty rumors” couldn’t have rung more true that with our Blog today. All of the adults watching this Blog we’re especially proud of the way you students banded together to STAND up for your fellow classmates and PROTECT them. You go 7th grade!
ReplyDelete~Ms. Montrose
When kids ARE popular they acually have no one. They Are just another person TRYING to be everything at one time. Later on you can BECOME more popular. When people ARE popular this day, then tend TO BE very rude and mean to the " unpopular kids". But everyone IS the same no matter how "weird" you think they ARE. They ARE just another person like you!!
ReplyDeleteAdriana Tirado
Thank you so much Mrs. Montrose and Mr.G for keeping on top of this and protecting those that use it like their suppose to. I think that it will make everyone feel better and safer knowing that you guys will be able to look at our comments first. So, if there's something mean or shouldn't HAVE BEEN SAID it will be catched before anybody sees it!!So thank you so much Mrs. Montrose and Mr.G!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteBrooke Michael (M&M)
i like totally agree with you Madi: )
ReplyDeleteKaylee Carlin
Thanx for agreeing withh mee guys. Just remember that your special just the way you are. I, myself, have known a girl who has been mean to me and everyone else if they werent popular. But, really, where are you gonna get in life if your just like everyone else? NOWHERE.
ReplyDeleteI THINK popular kids have friends but those people are only friends with them so they don't get picked on by the popular kids.Of course the popular kids don't think that. They think that they are better than everyone else. Real friends STICK up for you and don't be mean to you.
ReplyDeletei totally agree with you Jamie!
ReplyDeletealizabeth dinsmore
Ian, I totally agree with you. Your so right, people should think twice before they are mean to someone else. So i hope they do too.
ReplyDeleteI THINK that popular kids have friends but they are only friends with them because they don't want to get picked on by them. Of course popular kids think they have friends and they also think they are better than everyone else. Real friends STICK up for you and don't be mean to you. -Michael Romanchak
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you John -Michael Romanchak
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Jammie, you should include everyone.
ReplyDeleteFrancesca DiGuglielmo
Everyone is AWESOME! You all have some great comments
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this blog :) WE ARE ALL WORKING VERY HARD ON THIS! Real friends always stick up for YOU. Right on Michael! btw fogot to put my name on the September 16 12:24 comment. urgg
ReplyDeleteAmber Lo Presti
I BELIEVE that it depends on who you ware talking about when you say that they have no true friends but you SHOULDN’T try to be popular because then you are pretending to be something you really are not and I also think that if you want to be friends with some one who is popular you should just say hey you want to be friends and most likely they will say sure so to sum this up I think that it is not how popular people work but some do it all depends on who you are talking about... so in all I agree with you Alyssa and I think you put it in a great way :)
ReplyDeleteI think some kids try to just FIT in with the popular kids and ACT like them and BE like them but they just end up TURNING their back against their real friends, the ones who LIKED him in the first place
ReplyDelete^ Lauren Delp i agreed with Alyssa
Thanks Lauren :) I agree with your too!!
ReplyDeleteLady GuyGuy (Alyssa) 7-7
I totaly agree with you Brooke. And I hope this fool proof agjusments work. B/C I really like this blog and it was a shame that sombody thought they were so cool and anonymous that they could get away with being a cyber-bully. But Mr.G is smart so he can figure it out. IF ANY OF YOU GUYS READING THIS ARE RESPONSIBLE,THAN LOOK OUT B/C MR G IS ON THE CASE.
I aggree with everyone populars are annoying calling people annoying and ugly...i dont agree and the truth is there no better themselves...they put people down...
ReplyDelete-Brad Orth
In my opinion, popular kids have true friendships. I FEEL that everyone in our school has someone to "fallback on" or TALK to when they feel they can't talk to anyone else. But then again, no one is friends with everyone... so it's possible that popular kids, along with many others, may have a few alliances.
ReplyDeleteAdrian Jones
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you!!!
Adrian Jones
Adriana Tirado, Audrey Parr I agree with you guys. When you're putting everyone else down to bring praise to yourself, then you're just another bully. Bullies ARE the same as most popular kids... their only friends ARE scared of them, or just using them for popularity. Why does it matter whether you're poular or not? True popular people are just the people that everyone likes because they're nice to everyone.
ReplyDelete~Jamie Cesanek
I agree with what Jordan Hill and Hannah said. I THINK that popular people have friends, but they are in a tight circle. They dont even BOTHER to MAKE new friends with the "unpopular" people. They THINK they are better than them, so they TREAT them like dirt. I am very grateful to have the friends that I HAVE. They are real friends that STICK by my side no matter what. Thanks guys!:D
ReplyDelete~~Lydia Leach~~
Popularity isn't a need. Not everyone has to be popular. Some of the socially elite people in our grade are really sweet and caring. Some are two-faced people that say they are you friends and then they go and talk bad about you behind there back. Most of the kids in our grade are good friends. They are nice to everyone. I think Socially Elite people that are not very nice to people VIEW themselves as being funny or just a joke when they make fun of people. The people that they are making fun of get really HURT on the inside but they really don't no it. Some people think they are friends with people but they wind up being just them. Them against everyone. People that are sweet to the other people wind up having alot of friends. You no you have a real friend when they have your back.
ReplyDelete-Maggie Mitchell
I FEEL when I hear the work "popularity", I THINK of the people who only care about themselves. But when with you are with you're friends, you are popular. Right? Real friends care, listen, and respect their other friends. Popular kids don't do that to their peers.
ReplyDeleteSome popular people might have a few real friends but not that many. One minute they are talking to you about how cool and nice you are and the next you hear someone telling you that this person said this about you. The social elite do lack friendship and that is sad. That is what I think about popularity.
Laura Pfeffer
I feel that if being popular means having no good friends and never knowing when you are going to be in the nextrumor why would anyoneone want to be popular.you can have confidence in yourself but if you feel PUTTING some one down will make you the bigger person you are wrong ,and that should not make you popular. I feel that if you are happy in your group be with them dont worry about waht anyone else tinks. if you are yourself then the 'the soicaly elite' cant put you down..(: because you mighthave real friends and the popular kids are putting on an act. So if a spot in the popular crowd opens up i wouldnt Jump on the oppertunity,take a step back and be greatfull for what you have.....(:
ReplyDelete* sarah Morris*
John And Sammy Cuva,
ReplyDeleteI love both of your comments. I totally agree with the both of you. John I like how you say that some people flow right threw the drama and then other people are always stuck in the middle. Sam I like how you said that popular people describe them differently then everyone else. You two had great posts!
Danielle i agree to what you and emily said that you can have friends if you are soically elite but i thing it depend who is in the soically elite crowd. All the kids in our school are really nice so i think we wont have a huge problem... (:
ReplyDelete*sarah morris*
I think that the popular kids in society don't have friends only alliances. I say this because one second you could be good alliances and cool with the person then BOOM!! Arch rivals. Usally that boom is caused be rumors and false statements. By: Chris Koebert
ReplyDeletei agree with Nick George 100%
ReplyDelete-Chris Koebert
I think popular kids are hidden in alliances. It’s just not right to make fun of people when they’re the ones with the normal lives. They can say everyone is not as cool as me but there the one that doesn’t have real friends think we should all be equal.
ReplyDeleteKyle Rossi
I think that to rephrase what i had said before. Everyone has friends. Some are better then others. Just because you treat someone one way doesnt mean you treat everyone that way (although you should treat everyone the same). As we all found out in L.A. today, we all have simaler interests, and thats what makes us our friends. Not popularity.
ReplyDeleteMarissa Fink
Mike i agree with you, I thought your post was great. Good Job!
ReplyDeleteKyle Rossi
Popularity is an easy way of saying "top of the pack" because they have everyone below them. It doesn't matter who they hurt because they are above them in there minds. But everyone knows the higher the height the harder they fall. They all hate being on the edge of a circle and don't like when people speak over them. They do have real friends though, someoone who likes you for who you really are. You can have a friend anywhere, your social class doesn't usually matter.
ReplyDelete- Natalie Narkiewicz :]
I wanted to say that i love all the posts on here. Last year i got made fun of and put down alot. But hearing these, kinda makes me wonder if popular kids actually DO have lives out side of school, and are actually nice kids. It is kinda hard for me to believe what some of you guys are saying... its so touching and thoughfull... anyways, i hope someday, i will be thought of as everybodys friend. That would be awesometastic. One more thing, alot of you guys say, "Friends KEEP the secrets they are told". Just so you know secrets are really bad, and they will probably never be kept forever. So if you have somthing to say, just keep in mind that everyone will here it. Yay friends! :)
A lot of people want to be popular and be on the top. They think if they make fun of people, they are better than them. If they think they are better than everyone, they are in the middle of drama.
ReplyDeleteFrankie Caterina
Hannah I like your post, and sorry everyone for talking so much, BUT as Mrs.Montrose knows, i LOVVEEE talking more then i have to, even if i may be quiet (QUI-ET) in class. So yaay for the blog, and i didnt get to see who posted all these things, cause i was not on yesterday. TGIF tomorrow, and PEACE OUT.
ReplyDeletesince evryone is using nicknames, ill use my two nicknames.
-CB (chestnut brown)
-Red deliscouse (dunno how ta spell it)
Ya i like totally agree with you kaylee!! ♥♥
ReplyDeleteAdriana Walsh ♥