Tuesday, November 16, 2010

#8: Feeling Good?

Is there something about yourself (or perhaps something you have done) that you feel very good about? Why do you feel good about it? How has it (or how does it) affected your self esteem? What does it tell you about yourself?


  1. I am confident that I am a positive person and people can't influence me no matter what they say. If people think that they can push me around because I don't seem tough then they are wrong. When people who think they are so great at something tell me I'm not as good I won't back down. I know that I'm a person who doesn't put other people down, and it makes me feel good that I know I'm a good person inside.

    Natalie Narkiewicz <3

  2. A) I don't usally feel too good about myself.But I guess that I am happy about my ego.
    B) I feel good about it b/c it takes alot to get me sad.
    C) It IS my self esteem.
    D)It tells me that I'm tough mentally.

  3. I feel good about living on a farm. Alot of people dont get to experience that but I get to. I love living on a farm. It makes me and my family feel good about making good fruits and vegtables for people to eat. It is so cool to walk outside and see like corn growing or watermelon in the feild. It tells people about myself that I like to help others. ~Grace Abrams~

  4. I feel good about a lot of things I have done. Like help someone with their homework or make someone feel good about themself. Something about myself, well that is a different story. This time has been a hard time for me so I am not feeling good about myself right now with all that is going on with me and all of this CHANGE.I hate change, so this is a very frustrating time. Well, I am proud about helping people. That boosts my self esteem (even though it is very low) because it makes me feel proud about myself. What it tells about myself? Hmm.......well, it tells that I am a helpful, trusting, honest person.

    Laura Pfeffer

    P.S. The people that are reading this probably have no idea what I am talking about with this frustrating time. But eventually, you will find out. One way or another.

  5. I feel very good about myself because I am always happy!! :D I almost always have a smile on my face. I like to be happy, no matter what is going on. You only live once, so why not make it the best it can be? Why waste time being unhappy and dwelling on the past? You honestly don't have enough time to waste to use it on being sad. I am healthy, happy, and safe, so what is there to be unhappy about? Well, that is just the way that I like to look at things... You might not agree with what I am saying, but that is okay! Everyone has different oppinions. It has not really affected my selfesteem in any way. I mean, I have found friends that make me even happier that like me just the way I am, so I guess it has, in a way. Without my positive attitude, I might not have the same, awesome friends that I have. And my self esteem is always higher when I am with them. So, that is why it did affect me. It tells me that I am a good, kind person, and that is all that matters. As long as I am happy and kind to other people, if they don't like me, who cares? I am giving it my all, and what else is therre to do?

    Carrie Weaver

  6. I feel good about how I can always make my friends laugh. According to Carrie, I am very good at this. I don't know, maybe I make a funny face, or say something hilarious, but all my friends seem to laugh with me. I feel godd about this "talent", because if my friends are feeling sad, I can always make them smile somehow. it affects my self esteem becuase I like to see people happy. It's just that whenever i see someone sad, I have an urge to go and help whoever is feeling down. I have no idea whta it tells aobut myself. For all I know, my friends could be laughing becuase I look funny! Anywayz, I'm just glad that I can make people happy. :)

    ~*~*~*~* Lydia Leach *~*~*~*~*~*~

  7. Lydia, I am so glad that you mentioned me in your entry! It makes me feel special that I could be documented as a viewer of your wonderful talent of making peopple laugh. And by the way, you do a VERY good job at that! You are one of the funniest people EVER, so.... yeah.... Thanks for giving me that chance to laugh out loud, and really not be able to control it. :D

    Carrie Weaver

  8. I volunteered to work at a soup kitchen twice! It was a great experience and i learned alot! I feel good about it because i was helping out the poor. It made my self esteem go up too. I thimk it really showed that i think about others and I care about others.

    Hailey Moss 7-4

  9. I have done something that I am very proud of!This is getting second place in the whole state of New Jersey for gymnastics. I now have very high self esteem. This tells that I try very hard to be an athletic gymnast and hopefully going to be in the olympics one of these years!
    ~Elizabeth Andress~

  10. There are many things in life that I feel good about. One is my pride for softball. I feel good about this I am always trying my best, even if I'm not the best on the team. I've played since T-ball, and I hope to always play. I will always have pride in softball. This effects my self esteem by giving me pride in myself and letting me have fun. Softball tells much about me. One is that I like to play it, and that I have fun doing it. It tells that I'm sporty to. I will always love to play it.
    By Alyssa Matchett

  11. The thing that I did to help out was becoming an eco-friendly person. I help everyday by recycling bottles and cans. Everytime I acheive my goal I get a hug from my parents.
    By:Ana Castro*

  12. well i usually help people...like alot, that makes me feel good and helps my self of steem and it tells that im a good person...ill comment more if i have anything els to say

  13. The thing that I feel good about is getting good grades throughout the school year. I feel good about it because I think I can achieve more by doing well in school, and get scholarships to a good college. It has also affected my self esteem in both a positive and negative way. The positive way is when I get my report card is the joy of seeing an A. The negative way is thinking people will make fun of me, but they don't. It tells that I am a smart person.

    ~Jimmy Waters~

  14. One of the things that I feel good about is how when I feel someone needs a friend I go up to them and talk with them. I try to make them feel good about them selves and how they are. I feel good about it because when i do that it makes the person happy and me. when I help someone I feel like a good person and I feel like I can help them even more. I think that helping people is good for your self esteem because your doing stuff for some one else and not just yourself. Helping people is good for your self esteem and the person your helping.

    ~Sarah Vosler

  15. I got good grades for this marking period. I feel good about it because I worked very hard to recieve my goal. It effects my self essteem by makeing me feel smart. It tells me that I didn't believe in myself, but now I now that I can do anything I set my mind to.

    -Olivia Harris 7-7

  16. Well I feel good if I have achieved something, which I did. I have achieved making the basketball team. This makes me feel good because it makes me feel like I'm good enough to play with these girls! I think it has affected my self esteem because, I have to get good grades to play sports. It makes me want to do better in school so I have a chance to play for the school team!!!! To me it also says that I am good at what I love to do!!! Like there are some people who love to do something, but the don't have the skill to do it. So that's what I think!

    <3Jordan W<3 AKA: J-dub

    P.S.-I didn't know if there was any grammer because nothing was said.

  17. One thing that makes me feel good about myself is that I am nice to everyone! Since last year I have learned to change myself and treat others the way I would want to be treated. I couldn't do this alone though. I had the help of friends and Mr.G! This helped boost my self-esteem because it makes me a better person and it also encourages people to follow in my foot steps. This tells me that you can do anything as long as you try and there is nothing wrong with feeling good about yourself.

    -Danielle Packard (DP)

  18. One thing that I personly feel very good about is my friends and the way that I picked them. the reson I feel so good about that in perticular is becuase I know they would never let me down or make me feel bad about myself.Yes it has had an affect on my self esteam because I am never nervouse or embarresed when they are around. Which tells me that I have some pretty great friends and I Know how to pick them.

    ~~~~~Lauren Delp~~~~~

  19. I haven't really been taking the right "path' lately. The last time that I felt good about myself was a long time ago. to everybody who is reading this it may look like i'm happy most of the time, and that is true. But I just don't think that I have anything to feel good about myself about. I haven't really done anything good lately for me or others.
    Dan Pavlik(PAV-PAV)

  20. My positive attitude and high self esteem makes me a happy person. I feel this way because I can’t be influenced by anything!!! No one can make me upset in any shape or form. It doesn’t matter if it’s a friend, enemy, family member, teacher, ECT. No one can bring me down!!! Another reason is because I try to be nice to everyone! I never really bring people down. If I do I usually confront the person and apologize that makes me feel very good about myself!
    --Rachel Disipio--

  21. I completley agree with Danielle and Natalie.
    --Rachel Disipio--

  22. Collin,
    I think you should feel good about your self! Bring your self esteem up!
    --Rachel Disipio--

  23. I Agree with Danielle Packard because now that we've grown up we relize there are better things to do then make infron of people. the One thing that makes feel good bout my self is i don't blow people off. If a friend needs my help i don't say ask some one else, i help them. to me, and i know to Lauren Delp helping other is a very good thing! Lauren is one of my bestest friends and im always there for her and shes always there for me!
    Adriana Walsh♥

  24. One thing that makes me feel good about myself is that I can take good photographs of things. I feel good about it because when I look at the picture, whether it's bad or good, it drives me to want to take it again or try taking a shot of something else. It affects my self-esteem because it makes me feel like I can do anything, take any picture of anything. It tells me that I try hard and don't give up on a picture, and that I have a way of seeing the small things in life that can make a great picture. Something you feel good about sshould be something you really love doing.

  25. I feel good about my personality. I love that i am very peppy and easygoing. Having a good personality is always enjoyable and it helps your life go by smoothly. I like being fun, crazy, and sometimes a little blonde. It helps me make good friends and not have many enemies. It helps my life by not having many problems or much stress to deal with.

    :*) Caitlin Lange (*:

  26. Some things that make me feel good about myself are my friends. Even when I am having a very low self esteem day, they always make me feel special. One day, one of my very close friends said to me "I always have a way of making people smile". Those 9 words completely made my day. After that day I wanted to keep going in that direction. Ever since then, I've felt very good about myself. I hope people will someday go in the same direction in me, and feel good about themselves, too.
    -Audrey Parr:)

  27. Some of the many things that make me feel good about myself include being a good person. I will always help some in need.I am nice to everyone, even people who are not my friends. This postivly affects my self esteem. It tells me that I am a good person.

    -Adrian Jones

  28. I felt good about myself when I signed like 5 petitions to end dolphin slaughter. This makes me feel good because I love dolphins and I just did something to help them! This makes me a sea animal lover kind of girl. Alot of people think I'm a drama queen but when I finish my homework,I go straight to my laptop and start searching sea life! This tells me that I can acheive my goal to become a marine biologist or volunteer for a marine activist.

  29. I agree with you 100% Olivia!!!

    Alexis Kelso


  31. If there would be one thing that makes me feel good about myself is that I like to help people who need help! I have learned that helping others in need will make me more social.

    Brooke Michael (M&M)

  32. When you do good things, it makes you feel good and PROUD. I remember getting honor roll for the first time and it felt really good to achieve something like that. When I share with others, I feel happy to do that. Like, when you help someone with homework-it's a nice thing to do. Something else is that I try to be friends with EVERYONE-not just a few people. Many things can make you feel proud and make others happy!!

    Amber Lo Presti:-)

  33. I feel very good about my report card. I feel good about my report card because it tells me that I have improved more than last year. This tells me that can do better and get even better grades that I have now. This helps my self of steam by saying that I am smart and that I can ac heave more things. This tells me that I a smart.

    John Williams

  34. When I was 13 I took part in a donation to help with the collection of Halloween costumes for needy children. I collected 73 cotumes. Once I was done collecting I felt so proud of myself. Myself estsme shot up to the moon. Most importantly it tells people that I care.

    -Chris Koebert

  35. One thing that makes me feel good about myself is that I have gotten good grades. It makes me feel good about myself because people congradulate me, and it makes me feel pretty good. This tells me that I am doing pretty well in school.

    Luke Anderson 7-5

  36. I. I felted great about helping my friends with homework.
    II. I feel good helping my friend’s b/c I get their respect.
    III. By helping others, I get a higher self-esteem.
    IV. It tells me I’m a helpful person.

  37. Jimmy I totally agree with you.

  38. One of the things about myself that I like is that I'm a confident person. I like that I'm not too confident so I'm not a stuck up person that thinks everything I do is right, but I'm the type of confident person that when i do good on anything I feel great. I love the way I feel when I do something right it makes me proud of myself for trying(not in a stuck up way). I like the way I am and it gives me a great self esteem.
    ~~~~~~Gabby Magasic~~~~~~~

  39. Is there something about yourself (or perhaps something you have done) that you feel very good about? Why do you feel good about it? How has it (or how does it) affected your self esteem? What does it tell you about yourself
    Anything I do I usually feel good about it. I feel good about what I did because when I do something I give it 100% which makes me feel better about myself. This makes my self esteem go up, since I always believe in myself. This tells me that I am a confident person.
    -Sam Cuva

  40. good job libz and jimmie way to get good grades!!
    Dan Pavlik(PAV-PAV)

  41. good job jimmy and libs way to get good grades
    Dan Pavlik(PAV-PAV)

  42. Good Job Natalie I really liked yours!

    -Olivia Harris 7-7

  43. There was once a time when I found a friend's personal item that they had lost which made me feel good when I saw how happy they were when I found it. The reason why I felt good about it because they had lost it and had been looking for it for awhile and they were so happy to see it. It made me say to myself, "Man, my friend was really happy to have their item back."

    7-2 Ian Mastroianni aka Abs

  44. The thing that makes me feel good about myself is that I am a friend to everyone! Its like this I see a person that maybe isnt my friend but, you have to do something about it. Right? So, you go and talk to the person. I love seeing similes on other peoples faces, it makes me happy. I have learned this since I moved here in 5th grade, ill admit it I used to be so negitive about everything!!!! I have really changed though, by my peers and teachers guiding me through it. This helped boost my self of esteem because it helps me help others and care about people as much as I care about myself....and Danielle I love the saying treat others the way you want to be treated. This way will lead you to a better future. Lets just say be friendly to everyone.

    Riley Bednar:)

  45. I like that Danielle being a good person always makes you feel good.

    -Carissa Novelli

  46. The thing I have done to make me feel good is when ever someone is down I will go over and try to make them feel better I don’t like seeing people sad so I like to let them know I care about what happened and its ok. I feel good about this because I like the feeling of being able to help people feel better about themselves or what happened. This has affected my self esteem lot it helped me know that even when I’m down other people are and they should be as happy as I am. It tells me about my self that I don’t like being sad a lot and I don’t like seeing others sad so I call my self caring for others and I’m happy about that.

    -Carissa Novelli

  47. One thing that makes me feel good is when I achieve things like getting good grades. I know I am working very hard and I am boosting my self-esteem. This tells me I should keep working hard and never give up.
    Brad Jankowski

  48. I totally agree with you Carrie good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Brad Jankowski

  49. I feel good about myself when I help other people or when I achieve a goal. I am really proud of myself for getting principal’s list this marking period. But I am more looking forward to this charity thing I’m doing for Christmas, called Spirit of the Holidays. It makes me feel good when I can help other people out when they have trouble making ends meet especially around Christmas time. This really boosts my self esteem knowing that I can make a difference in someone’s life!

    Madison Richards :)

  50. I agree with Danielle you should always treat people the way you want to be treated!

    *Madison Richards*

  51. One thing that makes me happy and proud of myself is art. I feel great when i make or draw something because I express how I feel without having to do so. My self esteem goes way up high when I finish drawing or painting the picture because I think my pictures come out lovely and I get support from my cousins or sister (my sister is the one who taught me everything i know). All of this tells me that i am confident in my work and express my feelings without affecting anyones life. Also when i do art, I express my sisters teachings and love it!


  52. I feel good about myself because this marking period I got good grfades and that makes me feel happy.The one thing I think that I am nice to everyone and that is why they are nice to me and I don't care if anyone makes up nicknames because I just let little things like that go.

    ~(:Bieber:)~ Sean Heins

  53. Grace...what a wonderful perspective for you to share with everyone as only a select few people in America get to truly experience life on a farm.☺ You are a very giving soul!

  54. Laura....Would you like to choose how we find out?

  55. Oh my gosh hailey I totally agree with you plus i think I was with you when you did that.

  56. Ana...Recycling is a very conscientious act! It shows how much you care about making things better for others!

  57. I agree with Danielle, and Dan!!!!!

    <3Jordan W.<3 AKA:J-dub

  58. On thing that makes me feel good is when I eat chicken. It brings me in a good mood. But when I don't get my chicken I get very mad.

    Quinn Gidzinski 7-7

  59. You are right Luke way to go.

    Quinn Gidzinski 7-7

  60. I agree with you Danielle because you are always nice to people.

    ~Jimmy Waters

  61. Something that makes me feel good about mysef is horseback riding. I'm always working and practicing everyday so I can do my best at competitions. Riding horses makes me feel good about myself beacuse it is something I enjoy and take pride in. Also, when I'm riding my horses, I can forget about anything that's bothering me and it makes me feel better.
    ~Francesca DiGuglielmo

  62. Like Hailey, I also have done volunteer work such as working at a soup kitchen. Also, my church has been building a house for a local lady whose house was basically falling apart. It’s nice to know that you have done something to help the less fortunate. It makes you feel good inside. :)
    Emily Gardner

  63. One thing that makes me feel good about myself is that I participate in a lot of inside and outside school activites. I love participateing in activites that help people and fundraisers. If you don't really know me, my favorite T.V. show is Extreme Home Makeover: Home Addition. I am OBSESSED with this show! I love seeing families in need get what they deserve. It sometimes brings tears to my eyes.
    This year I decided to run for student concil. But I wanted to be apart of it not just for the experience of being part of it, but for the experience of watching how much you can do for others while not even noticeing it. For example, we just finished the coat drive. All of these coats and mittens and stuff go to kids who don't have these things to wear in the winter. It just makes me feel great that I helped being apart of this. And I also love cleaning my closet out trying to find old clothes to donate to others. So participating in things like this makes myself feel really good inside. :)

    ****Sammy Scarpello****

  64. Good job to everyone who got good grades!!
    Emily Gardner

  65. I have done something that i feel good about. That would be Making a lot of new friends this year with the people i used to never hang out with. I feel go about it because my parents and teachers are always saying it is good to make new friends. Now i understand what they mean!! It has boosted my self esteem to a whole other level. this tells that i am able to make new friends (if i wanna) and that i am a very nice person :D :D
    Bryant Smith

  66. One thing that makes me feel good is when someone complements me or espeially getting good grades. It definatly builds my self as steam.

    Pierce Adams(CP)

  67. I totally agree with Bradly Beautiful JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pierce (CP)

  68. One thing that makes me feel good is getting good grades and getting trophies in sports. I push my self to the limit with everythimg I do.

    Randy Roach (SR)

  69. I totaly agree with you Pierce that was wonderful.

    Randy Roach (SR)

  70. I really dont know what makes me feel good about myself. so sorry every body and sorry mrs montrose but this week i have nothing interesting tonight.
    ^^^^Wyatt Thomas^^^^

  71. Something I feel good about is having superb grades this marking perionds. I worked to make that happen, and it turned out to a success! (: I feel good abouth is because it makes me feel proud of being a good student. This effects my self eestem by making me happy, and wants to mkae me try now everytime to do great on a test or quiz. This tells me that when I try very hard and study I succed! :D
    -Emily Metzger(:

    Nice job Libs!(: I like how we ha the same idea! :)

  72. Jordan W...no grammar for this BLOG...we forgot☺

  73. Dan...Is there anything you can do today to create a "true" smile on your face?

  74. Chris Koebert- Nice job with the figurative language! "shot up to the moon"

  75. Wyatt...No problem...we do love to hear your ideas, but we can certainly respect if your mind can't wrap around the topic.

    You'll still get your homework points for your effort of particpating☺

  76. One thing i am really proud of myself is that i am nice to everyone. I dont put down people that are getting picked on. its not that i try to be nice its just my personality. My classmates can always count on me to be their friend or pick them up. brett barnes


  77. john way to pick up your grade!!
    brett barnes

  78. Theres nothing I really can think of that has made me feel great about myself lately. Not saying i dont feel happy and that kinda stuff, but you get the point. It doesnt really affect my self esteem, and well it just says Im me.

    Dylan Reidenbaker

  79. I completely and totaly agree with Peirce.

    Dylan Reidenbaker

  80. As Randy said I like to get good grades. This not only makes me happy but also like I accomplished something great. When I play sports I do not hold anything back. I don not care if someone says that I stink or whatever, I mean first of all mind your own buisness, but they can not do or say anything that will effect my perception on sports.

    Gabby I agree with you one thousand percent.

    There was not any grammer so I didn't put any...
    Nick George

  81. Something i feel good about doing is not putting people down i always try to make the best of something even if it is not good. For instance if someone gets a bad grade on a test i still try to make them feel good about themselves even if its not the best grade in the world. another thing i like to do is be kind to everyone even if I'm not great friends with them.

    Kaylee carlin

  82. One thing that makes me feel good is hanging out with my friends. I always have a great time with them. We never fight or yell at each other. Other times when I feel good are when I’m on vacation. I get a little break from school and because we usually go to theme parks. That's when I’m usually feeling good.
    Michael Bresan

  83. Nice Sean.
    Michael Bresan

  84. Im usually happy most of the time it takes alot to get me sad. The thing that makes me mad is annoying people because they just want be quiet. I don't feel good about it because i'm always happy. It is my self esteem because if i'm not happy i'll be like nontalkitive. Michael Romanchak

  85. i completely agree with you quinn Michael Romanchak

  86. I've noticed that I'm very good at predicting things that usaully are unknown but true or will happen in the future. I know that sounds strange but its true! Now, my predictions are not always true like some psycopath but that does mean they are always wrong either. I just like the fact that i have this ... "gift" or whatever it is, I dont really know what to call it, because it opens my mind to new posiblities or anything really, it also can sometimes give me knowledge or other strategies for something that i've never tried. JUst to set one thing straight: this has nothing to do with my opinion, somtimes this "thing" and my opinion even clash, like Hailey Moss's boy friend for instince (she's my math "buddy" so she usually tells me everything), they had broken up and she was upset and there were other suspensful moments in their previous relationship (which i wont mention b/c its personal), my opinion was that they didnt look good together, but my prediction was that he was going to ask her out again, and i was right. There were many other instinces and i'm sure many more to come but one example is good enuf. Anyway, I like that, ... that feeling of what's going to happen and/or to whom. It helps my self-esteem because i feel like it gives me a special quality that not alot of people have. Like i'm easy to talk to if your looking for advice, or i can tell you what probably will happen if you have a question that needs an answer (not academically speaking). It just tells me i'm an easy person to talk to if you have any problems or anything.

    ~~Kyrsten Napolitano~~

  87. OMG! lydia and stewy i love what you wrote!!

    ~~Kyrsten Napolitano~~

  88. OH! wyatt i know what makes you feel good! its that "oh yeeah" thing you do.

    ~~Kyrsten Napolitano~~

  89. Somthing I felt good about was my report card. I was glad to know when I had a low B in one of my classes and brought it up to a B+ I was proud. I also got monney for it so that to hahaha. To know you did good on somthing rather then hide it, well thats a great felling.

  90. I feel good about myself alot. I do alot of community serves, which makes me feel like a good person. Jacob uscinowicz

  91. Alright, cool thanks Mrs. Montrose. Just wanted to make sure!!!!

    <3Jordan W.<3 AKA:J-DUB

  92. A couple of days ago when I was at I-Hop with my Father we met a man who was a Veteren and my father and I talked with him for a while. Just before we left he told my father that he thought I was a very polite and well-mannered child. I told his wife that after I got out of the Coast Guard I would join the Marines. She told me that was a really good idea and I felt very good acout that. And yesterday my father was suppose to meet the Gutter Guard man at our house to get a esimate. My father was late and I went outside and showed the man around and got the estimate. When the man was leaving my father was pulling in and stopped to talk with him. The man told my father that I was a nice young man and did a good job. It made me feel good.
    Sorry this is late. I don't really have a good excuse why. I forgot it.
    Matt Schwalbe

  93. atta boy Quinn. EAT MORE CHICKEN!!!☺☻♥•◘○
    p.s. thanks for the moral support Rachel. I feel loads better

  94. Language Arts for Thinkers

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. This post was mine:
    One thing that makes me feel good about myself is that I can take good photographs of things. I feel good about it because when I look at the picture, whether it's bad or good, it drives me to want to take it again or try taking a shot of something else. It affects my self-esteem because it makes me feel like I can do anything, take any picture of anything. It tells me that I try hard and don't give up on a picture, and that I have a way of seeing the small things in life that can make a great picture. Something you feel good about sshould be something you really love doing.

    November 16, 2010 4:34 PM

  97. BTW the adress is http://harrypotterisepic.blogspot.com/
    (sorry forgot that earlier)

  98. Great job Jamie!! Really like yours!! :)

    ****Sam Scarpello****

  99. When i have the time i help my neighbors,who are elderly, rake the leaves or help them shovel. I do many things for other people not because I have to but because it feels good..I feel really good about it. I love to help people. I have a lot of mixed feelings but i know they all feel good and warm my <3

    adriana tirado

  100. *one thing that makes me happy is when i do something good and my parents thank me for it than i know that i did something right. for example 2 weeks ago my friend need some help so i help her. and when i got home i told my perants about it and they thank me,so in my HEART i know hat i did something RIGHT.
    *Ana Castro 777

  101. Something i done that's makes me feel good is trying my hardest to get good grades. Last marking period i got very good greats.this make my try harder in the next marking period.

    Alizabeth dinsmore

  102. I) I don't usally feel too good about myself. I guess that I am happy about my ego.
    II) I feel good about it because it takes so much to get me sad.
    III) It is my self esteem.
    IV)It tells me that I'm tough mentally.

    Anthony Martin
