When I used to pretend I was a superhero, I always imagined myself with really cool powers. Invisibility. Super strength. Super speed. But never, never, in all my imaginings, did I ever think that one day I'd really, truly end up with the most uncool power of all. In a paragraph, tell us about your "uncool power."
Use and Capitalize Nouns with Suffixes
I can make these noises that some people have NEVER even heard of. Some like a trumpet or a chicken you have heard of. But some others you haven't. Some like a mixture of an ox and a snake.
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik (PAV-PAV)
My uncool power is the INABILITY to run. I am a very slow person with my feet. Sure I would rather not have this power. It's just something that I live with. I lose in just about every foot race, by a lot too. This so called power is just not a good thing to have.
ReplyDelete- Tommy Egan
The most uncool superpower would probably be the power to touch your toes, because most people can alreadydo that. In my oppinnion, a superpower should not be wasted on something that a person can already do. That would be like using your last wish on a genie for a watermelon, when you have one sitting right in front of you. I know that I wouldn't want to waste any superpower I get for something I already have or ccan do. That would be INSANITY! But, if I could have super powers, I woud want the ability to control time or change people's thoughts, not to touch my toes!!
ReplyDelete-Carrie Weaver
When I wa little I had not FAMIRILARITY of any super powers,until that one day. BEEEEPPP!The bell had rung. I was the only person still taking my test.I went to go staple my test paper when the stapler flew towards me and hit me right in the head. Swaying backwARDS I couldnt see! I reached to see if anything was covering my face and there was the stapler hanging there. No-one had been in the classroom! Suddenly a bunch of paper clips came flying towards my face. And that is when I relized my head was a human magnet.
ReplyDelete-Olivia Harris 7-7
When i was YOUNGER and pretended i was a super hero i always imagined myself being invisible, having glowing arrow tattoos(like aang in Avatar the last AIRBENDER,I imagined that i could fly,be super fast,have a forcefield. I always imagined to have much more powers. But i feel that the most "uncool power" i imagined having was the ability to turn into a piece of paper. I never wanted to turn into a piece of paper because it would be boring and i wouldn't have any fun at all. That would have to be the most "uncool power" i imagined me having when i was younger.
ReplyDelete~Sarah Vosler
My uncool power is the power of acting. I am a pretty good actor but I have horrible stage fright. I mean it is MORTIFING the way I get all clammy. My ears get red, I get butterflies in my stomach. It is horrible. But I am really good at acting. Which I have heard many times that acting is gay. And uncool. And retarted. But I think that ACTING is cool.
(FYI I still think that I am a psychic) You wanna mess with me about it? I didnt think so. ☺
I do remember that time when I was a YOUNGSTER a long time ago and dreamed myself as a super hero. My powers were always to read minds, have INVISABLITY, and to be able to fly. Even thought it’s considered very “uncool” to imagine you’re self as a super hero still I do, I just think it brings back my little kid side of me. The most important and “uncool” power I could have to me is either being able to fly or read and control people’s minds. About flying I mean in my thoughts who wouldn’t want to fly around anywhere you wanted to go….. I mean you would never have to worry about your feet getting sore and hurting. Also about the mind reading and controlling minds that is just an over all power that you can make pretty much anyone do whatever you want. Want a servant just use your power to make them do anything for you .I know being a super hero might be considered lame but I know I still want to be that little kid dreaming about what powers they will have and how awesome it will feel , well that’s me I want to become a super hero! :)
ReplyDelete-Carissa Novelli
My uncool power would probably be my INTELLIGENCE. I never would think of it as a super power but it's still somewhat of a power that I like. But in my opinion, there isn't really an "uncool power" even a power that you don't like that you have, could come in handy some day. Even if it's stupidity, your "stupidity power" could be used in a master plan to recover your stolen plans that were stolen by Kitty Galore. He wouldn't stand a chance against that!
ReplyDelete7-2 Ian Mastroianni aka Maestro
My "uncool" power would be super smartness. I wouldn't like it because a lot of people would want me to do everything for them. After a while, it would be EVIDENT that I'm frustrated and not want to help people, no matter how much they beg me. Also, other people would want to be my TRAINEE, apprentice or whatever, that would get really frustrating, too. So, that's my "uncool" power.
ReplyDelete~Jimmy Waters~
P.S. I don't have super smartness now, people. I just study and listen.
My power that i would think was to be able to read peoples minds. If you could read someone's mind you could tell if someone was really your friend. Say someone walks up to their best friend and starts reading their mind and they are saying stuff in their head about them. Like if i walked up to someone and started reading their mind they could be saying something in their head like "ugh do i have to deal with them again." This could really hurt someone because you could find out who really liked them as a friend or who was pretending to be their friend. This would ruin your FRIENDSHIP.
ReplyDeleteAnother power that i used to think was cool was that everything you touched turned to gold. After i thought about it it is really not that cool. What if you were playing a basketball game and someone made the basket to win the game and you high fived them and they turned to gold. I could walk up to my best friend and give them a hug and they would turn to gold so really it would be a horrible power because you would lose thing you loved because you touched them.
I really dont think that we have "uncool" powers. I think we just have things that we are good or bad at. like someone could be really strong and that could be their "superpower", but then their "uncool" superpower could be that they are very unintellegent. I think that is what you mean but im not completely sure.
ReplyDeleteFrankie Caterina
sorry ^ MAggie Mitchell
ReplyDeletelol im the first but.....the most "uncool" power i have....well for me it really comes down to almost the fact that...i have no powers at all...my life is..i wake up...go to school...come home....do homework...and get sick lol....occasionally my little siblings (1 brother and 3 sisters) would ask for my help...years ago i remember helping my oldest little sister and her calling me "superman"...of cource thats not true...all i did was help her with...well who knows i completely forget but what i guss im trying to say is i dont know the true "definition" of superpowers but what ever they are....i guss helping people is one of them..if it isnt well then i dont know what is
ReplyDelete- Brad Orth
Well I've always wanted to be a superhero. The POWER I would wanna have more then anything else would be INVISIBILITY, for a lot of reasons. I could spy on people, like if i wanted to hear what they were saying. I could go to unseen places i could sneak out at night a take midnight walks. I could scare my enemies and have lots of fun on Halloween.
ReplyDeleteWell, my "uncool power" is my nerdiness. Whenever I dreamed of myself being a superhero, I pictured myself way different then I am now. I IMAGINED myself gliding through the air, the wind blowing through my dark, brown hair as I try to save someone who APPRECIATED me. I see them, seconds away from danger and all the sudden a villain! I turn invisible and beat the villain to the ground. Then, they fade away into the air. Well, that is a fantasy. Now I realize that no one in the real world can turn invisible and fly through the air. A hero is someone who sticks up for people and says what they believe in. Whatever you look like or how smart you are, you always have a lot of good qualities and maybe, deep down, you have a so called “uncool power” So when I say I am nerdy, I mean, seriously, I have glasses and I am not the skinniest person on earth. It doesn’t matter what you look on the outside, it matters what is on the inside, in your heart.
ReplyDeleteLaura Pfeffer (PEPPERCORN)
Ummm.....I don't know if we are supose to give uncool powers that we feel that we have in real live, or if we really have imagined us with a uncool super power. I will just do the real life one! If I had to say I had a uncool super power in real live it would probably be REPETITIVENESS. I hate repeating myself; not just to other people but sometimes, before I say something I would say it over and over to make it sound right.This way people aren't confused when I tell or ask them something. Although I would even say it to myself, not in my head like whispering. Anyway That wouold be my uncool super power. So this is the uncool super power that I think I have!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S.- I can see why teachers hate repeating their selfs, maybe there's a point to why teachers hate repeating them selfs....sooooo maybe we should listen before they start to say, "...and I say it again..." I just kinda thought of it when I was writing this.
<3Jordan W.<3 AKA:J-dub and Bubba Gump
My "uncool power" is being slow. I am not EXTREMELEY slow but i am DEFINETLEY not fast. I would rather be very fast. It is definetley a bad power to have. I guess that is my uncool power.
ReplyDeleteJoe Funk [FUNK IN THE TRUNK]
Tommy I have like the same uncool power as you!
ReplyDeleteJoe Funk [FUNK IN THE TRUNK)
I agree with you Brad O. GOOD JOB!
ReplyDelete7-2 Ian Mastroianni aka Maestro
I, myself have the uncool power of not being able to run long distance. I am a very good SPRINTER but I can not run long distance for my life. This year my mile time was 8 minutes 16 seconds. I thought it was pretty good at first but then i realized that other students were getting mile times in the 7's. But there was also students getting over 10 minutes. So i was proud to be average. I just have to work hard and then i will be able to run long distance.
ReplyDeleteHailey Moss 7-4
My uncool POWER would have to be the power to make situations ackward.When i was little i IMAGINED that one day i would be able to fly but since that didnt happen i RESORTED to the horable power i have. One day i think i will make the perfect situation ackward,but untill the i will continue making the wrong situations ackward.
ReplyDeletesarah morris
Laura, I liked what you wrote. Superpowers aren't real (although I wish they were...) so the heroes of everyday life would be jus an ordinary person who is kind and does good things!
My uncool power would be my attitude. I am too protective of my friends, and i can get violent at times. I am also very competitive. Like for example, one time I was playing Mario Kart with my VERY annoying brother. Then I got really competitive and started screaming at the TV.
ReplyDelete"Get out of the way Yoshi!" Then when I got first place, I accidentally smacked my brother in the face with my Wii remote. i honestly didn't notice until I heard him crying on the floor.
So like I said, my uncool power is my attitude and my competitivity.
~*~*~*~*~ Lydia Leach ~*~*~*~~*~*
My uncool POWER is being a bad drawer. I cant draw like anything. If I try to draw a car it will end up looking like a box with circles. Thats how bad of a drawer I am. ~Grace Abrams~
ReplyDeleteMy amazing "uncool" POWER is that I can laugh so hard at the stupidIST things, now that's cool. If one of my friends say one the lameST jokes, and everyone just looks at them,and I will be sitting there cracking up almost peeing my pants. I find this power very amusing! Ever heard of the qoute, "A day without laughTER is a day wasted." Well, I fallow that qoute everyday! (:
ReplyDelete-Emily Metzger :D
My super-fantastic "uncool" superpower is me peeing my pants. I have a tendancy to pee myself when I laugh a lot. I honestly don't care if people make fun of me for this becasue this is my power that i am really good at. An example of this would be when i went to a basketball camp away in Pennslyvania with Emily Metzger, she ate a very hot chicken wing and bursted up. I sat there on the floor while, it turnded into a puddle with the color yellow everywhere.
ReplyDeleteLady Guyguy(:
I agree with you Bubble Gump!! (Jordan W.)
ReplyDelete~Jimmy Waters~
Carrie I really liked yours! good job!
ReplyDelete-Olivia Harris 7-7
The POWER I would wanna have more then anything else would be INVISIBILITY, for a lot of reasons.My reasons are i could spy on people to find out things.I could go to unseen places i could sneak out at night a take midnight walks. I could scare my enemies. I always IMAGINED to do this. By: Ana Castro
ReplyDeleteMy really uncool power is not being able to do a split anymore!!! I used to do that everyday,but now I can't. It's so depressing!!! Atleast i can still do back hand springs. I loved showing off at the beach every summer doing my splits. Now I just do flips and other stuff!! I wish I just had that POWER to do so again. I think I will NEVER do one again!!!
ReplyDeleteAlexis Kelso
I agree with tommy too!! im not fast at running at all....i hate it!!!
ReplyDeleteAlexis Kelso
When I was a YOUNGSTER I always wanted to have the super power of INVISIBILITY. Now that I am older I faced the tough fact that no body is perfect. I have one "uncool" power and that is that I can shake my eyes without moving my head. I personally find this power pretty cool, but my peers think it is kind of creepy!
ReplyDelete-Danielle Packard(DP)
Brad Orth,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you! I have four sisters and I get called super woman by them a lot :) Truly, I do not know the real definition of super powers either! Good job!
-Danielle Packard
My uncool power is probably that I forget things too much. While a cool power would be superspeed, you probably consider the things you're bad at your UNCOOL powers. I think that I get distracted and don't remember things. I will forget to do homework, clean my room, walk the dogs. But they may be things I'm avoiding too. So my uncool power is RESISTING the fact that I should be doing one thing, but I insist on doing another.
ReplyDeleteEverybody has an uncool power. Nobody's perfect!
Jamie cesanek
I agree w/ Tom sorta. I mean I'm pretty fast. I could probably beat Joe Funk, Tom ,Jacob U, RJ,and Isiah in a race. (NO OFFENSE TO YOU GUYS)(I JUST NEEDED SOME NAMES) But compared to Pierce, Sean, Ian, Brett and Randy, just to name a few, I'm as slower then molasses on a cold day.But just like what Peppercorn said, it matters not what you look like on the outside,But on the inside is what counts.
P.S Take me for example: 116 lbs(Whoa wide load coming through), tan skinned, and pretty short. But hey, do you see me complaining?
P.S.S I SHUT DOWN MY BLOG. SO IF YOU TRIED AND IT SAID : (The blog you were looking for was not found. If you are the owner of this blog, please sign in) THAT'S WHY
P.S.S.S Why you ask? B/C it just was not that cool anymore. Or popular, fun and new.
And Hailey I was one of those over 10 ers.(10min 5 sec) You trying to start something?☺
Ian I agree with you intelligence is a a great uncool power it helps you succeed in life and it will help you get far.
ReplyDelete-Carissa Novelli
Good job tom way to admit it you too funk in the trunk( Joe funk)
ReplyDeleteDan Pavlik(PAV-PAV)
technically i have two. My uncool superpowers i have are CONFUSION and randomness! What ever i say or do i end up confusing people. sometimes i even confuse myself which can turn out funny but it can also turn into an EMBARRESSMENT. I am also probably the most randomness person alive! (exept for my cous-cous Gracie) my friends or family members would be talking about their favorite song, and then all of a sudden I say " hey did you see that squirrel? It just threw an acorn at that bunny!" the wierdest thing is..... that really happend! I was with my cous maggie and.... wait a minute..... reading this over..... I think i just got carried away again! I guess that could be considered another very uncool superpower!
My uncool POWER would definitely be the ability to go SUPER slow, almost like going slow motion. I could make myself go slow motion/really slow. When I was little, I always imagined SUPER POWERS to be powers like invisibility, or flight, or even mind reading. I never really thought about an uncool SUPER POWER.
ReplyDelete~~Alyssa Matchett~~~
ReplyDeleteYour blog was cool and still is. I loved it!
My uncool power as a kid is being a procrastinator. I take off my dad he gave me the trait of PROCRASTINATING. As he does I do also, just as an example if I have gymnastics at 3:00 o'clock then I usually would have to start getting ready at 2:45 but I dont start untill the last minute like at 2:55. This would ONLY leave me with 5 minutes to spare. This is my uncool power that i am gifted with :)
ReplyDelete~Elizabeth Andress~
Nice post Megan I totally agree with the fact that you said how you are random. I am random as well :) ~Elizabeth Andress~
ReplyDeleteI don't think I have an uncool power. People might think what someother people do are weird. But they are probaley the only people that can do that so they are unique . Like the usual sounds Dan does, the chicken noise creeps me out. I hate it when he does that but his trumpet it pretty cool. It's unique because he is the only that I know who could do that. Nothing no one does is uncool unless they are doing drugs or something because thats not a cool/fun thing to do.
ReplyDeleteAdriana Tirado
My uncool super power is I can't run fast. Not that I run really slow, but I run SLOWER than most people. That is my uncool superpower. -Michael Romanchak
ReplyDeleteI have the same uncool superpower Tommy and Joe F. -Michael Romanchak
ReplyDeleteWell first of all, I use to love imagining what superpowers I could have. I always wanted to fly I thought that would be UNBELIEVABLE. Anyway, I guess you could say that my most “uncool power” now is that I am not the best at sports. I mean it’s not like I am terrible at sports, it’s just not one of my stronger qualities. But to be honest it doesn’t bother me that I am not good at sports because I know I have other “cool powers”.
ReplyDeleteMadison Richards
OMG DANIELLE!!!!!!!!! I don't think shaking your eyeballs is an uncool super POWER!!!!! I can do that too!!!!! I think it's REALLY COOL!!!!!! That's just my opinion!
ReplyDelete<3Jordan W.<3 AKA: J-dub/Bubba Gump!
O also I agree with what laura said!!!! I love how she said it matters on the inside, no out!!!
ReplyDelete<3Jordan<3 AKA J-dub/Bubba Gump
My uncool POWER would definatly be flexibility. i can`t stretch that easily!That would be the uncoolest super power i could ever have, when I was YOUNGER i wanted to be a ballerina but i couldnt do a split or even touch my toes its the most embarassing thing!
ReplyDeleteEvie Brody:)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was younger I wanted to be invisible too. Well, really I wanted to have every super power!
Madison Richards =)
My EXTREMELY "uncool" super power would probably be that i can't run far distances at all. Just like Hailey I'm not EXTROIDINARILY slow but I'm not the fastest. On the mile I got 8, 20 but there were some people that got wayyyyyyyyyy above me, and then there were some that got wayyyyy behind me. I guess I just have to accept the fact that Im an average runner.
ReplyDelete~~~Gabby :)~~~~
My uncool POWER would most likely be the ability to change into some awesome animal and have a POWERFUL voice so that everyone in the world could hear me yell!! When EVER I'm with my friend from New York we always pretend to be something like that because we think that it's funny because we know that, that could NEVER happen! But, it's fun to pretend sometimes!
ReplyDelete~Brooke Michael <3
Ok Mr.G told me to come up with the STUPIDEST "uncool" POWER ever!!!! I think he was being sarcastic but I wanna do it anyway! I think the STUPIDEST "uncool" super POWER ever would be reading someone's mind....BUT then saying whatever was on that person's mind out loud!!!!
ReplyDelete<3Jordan W.<3 AKA: J-dub/Bubba Gump
P.S.- Tell me what you think of this superhero power???? Do you think it's "uncool", can it be useful??? Post what you think!!!!!
My uncool super power would have to be, that sometimes I can be talking to someone and for no reason I will give out attitude. I don't mean to it just kind of slips out. Sometimes it even happens to me when speaking to adults, which is disrespectFUL since to them I am a youngSTER. That uncool super power is something that I do not enjoy having. I mean I'll be having a nice conversation with someone and boom! I give out attitude which doesn't get me anywhere but in trouble. I hope that when I grow up my uncool super power goes away because I am pretty sure a boss doesn't want an employEE to be giving out attitude to others. So, from now on I'm going to try and get rid of my uncool super power.
ReplyDelete-Sam Cuva
My "uncool power" is that I can be a huge gamer. I know it doesn't sound that bad but I can be GLUED to the computer of the gaming system for hours. Sometimes it can get a little embarassing and my family members use it against me for some laughs. Yeah hahaha I go along with it by really inside I have rosey cheecks and I am twittling my thumbs.
ReplyDelete- Chris Koebert
I agree with with Sarah Morris 100%.
ReplyDelete- Chris Koebert
I think the most uncool power is the power of 100 beacause its really hard to figure out in math. HAHA just kidding. All though I think math brings a read hardSHIP and the fact is that its hard to me, that would be my uncool power.So thats what is what I think is my uncoolIST power.
My "uncool" POWER is that I talk to fast. My mom said if I'm ever an EMPLOYEE at my job when I'm older and I work with people they'll think I am talking in gibberish. Sometimes I talk so fast and I don't even know what I'm saying. It's not like I choose to talk fast. Almost everyone except my mom talks fast in my family. I ramble and ramble just about some random thing and people tell me to repeat it again and again just so they can understand.
ReplyDeletemy uncool power is being fat. It slows me down. It helps me withstand a punch but really slows me down.
ReplyDelete-Isaiah Voigt
I don't think I never had a super power before. I don't think I had a superpower when I was a YOUNGSTER.
ReplyDeleteQuinn Gidzinski 7-7
I agree with you colin
ReplyDeleteQuinn Gidzinski 7-7
Most people might or mightnot know my uncool powers. I would have to say it's snezzing loudly and snorting when I laugh. 1st we'll start with snorting. I don't know what makes me just SNORT when I laugh. It is horrible when I start to laugh becuase I will end up laughing at whatever weird thing thats going on or laughing at myself. I don't know how it comes to me. A bunch of people think it's genetics because my mom sort of snorts when she's laughing real hard, too. I also think snorting is contagous. Because now between Sam, Maggie and I, in science class, it's so hard to laugh about something little becasue we all just start bust out laughing. Because we see one person snort, then we snort, then another person snorts and so on. It's so insane! My 2nd uncool power is sneezing loudly. My sneezes aren't as you would normally call a 'sneeze'. My sneezes are me falling off things, making loud noises, body going everywhere, nocking over things, actions like that. It's uncontrolable, you can call it. Those are my uncool super powers that I have:)
ReplyDelete****Sam Scarpello****
Well, guess my uncool super power would be PUTTING myself down. However, I’m not one of those people that thinks really negative about everything. But, whenever I’m about to get a test back I always think the worst. Another example would be that when I'm on my way to a basketball game, I always feel like I'm GOING to let someone on my team down by doing the wrong thing. Then once I get on the court with all my friends everything seems okay. I try to think more POSITIVELY but sometimes things just get worse even though I know it’s all in my head.
ReplyDelete~~~Kasey Williams~~~
Gabby, I definetly agree with you. I have the feelings and I'm also an average runer.
ReplyDelete~~~Kasey Williams~~~
My "uncool" POWER is not being able to act. I can't lie at all watsoever If someone told me a joke that wasn't really funny but they thought it was hilarious I wouldnt be able to laugh along with them....even if I tried I would fail sooo badly!!
ReplyDelete<3 Katie Calvert!!!!
My uncool power is that my laugh makes other people laugh. It is an EXTODINARILY weird laugh , well atleast I think so.That is what some people have told me that.
ReplyDeletetyver Butler
Well, I kinda have two different types of the "uncool" super powers. Well, the first one is that when I walk into the room, all eyes are on me. I really dont know why, its kinda awkward. Ysterday, I walked into the science room and everyone looked at me like i was like weriod or something..like i was a giant dinasour going eat them. My second "uncool" power is that my thumb is double-jointed only on mt left hand. I cant do it on the other hand its kinda weriod. I drew a face on my thumb on my thumb and it looked like it was doing the wave. People say its gross, and it kinda is...because I csn push it in and out!!! Always when i was a YOUNGSTER I thought I could fly...but, still to this day I wish every night at 12:12 A.M. to fly.
ReplyDeleteRiley Bednar :)
Yeh i totlay agree brad O good post i liked it.
ReplyDeleteWow I sit here reading all of ur entries and realize that I share something in common with a lot of you people. I have a lot of "uncool powers". I am very intelligent, sometimes really hyper, loud, not the most physically fit, and I get really bored very easily. That's just a few. Even though that my high intelligence is a very good thing because it will get me far.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I agree with Danielle, Jimmy, Jamie, and Maddie. Well actually most of you. Just noticed I put the names in alphabetic order.
$Ryan Stradling$
My uncool power would probabLY be to read minds. then i would always know what people are thinkING.
ReplyDeleteAlizabeth Dinsmore
My uncool power is that i can't be flexibLE. i can't even touch my toes. i think a need to be more flexibLE.
ReplyDeleteAlizabeth Dinsmore
I guess my "uncool power" would have to be my SENSITIVITY. Sometimes I just find myself getting all worked up about something that I really should just let go. When I was little, I always dreamed of being able to become invisible or teleport to other places, but I know that isn't going to happen any time soon!
ReplyDelete-Jordan Hill 7-4
I agree with Jamie when she said that everybody has an uncool superpower and that nobody's perfect! I think everyone has at least one major flaw.
ReplyDelete-Jordan Hill 7-4
Well, i actually have 2 totally uncool super powers. The first is that i have a really high pitched voice and it tends to get on peoples nerves but i cant really help it. people think I'm faking it but my voice is just naturally like that. HONESTLY, it gets on my nerves too. Another thing i think is super uncool about me is i have this tendency to make really odd faces out of nowhere. I'm not sure where i get it from but i think its really weird and i feel like such a freak after i make those faces. :)
ReplyDeleteKaylee carlin
My most uncool superpower is the fact that I have very little common sense sometimes. I usually dont get things like jokes and stuff like that. Sometimes it seems i am full of stupidITY but really I am very smart. It's okay though because it's part of who i am.
ReplyDeleteEmily Gardner :)
ReplyDeleteI always want to have the power of invisiblITY too!!!
Emily Gardner :)
Alizabeth, that's probablly because your'e really tall. I know how you feel and i'm not even as tall as you.
ReplyDelete~Justin Cappeta~
My uncool superpower would probaBLY be having huge feet. They're really easy to trip over and people are always saying "Woah! your feet are giant Justin!" When I play basketball sometimes i"ll be dribbling and the ball will boumce off me feet and go out of bounce.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a YOUNGSTER I imaged I had super speed. I used to run around my house and try to catch my friends. But now I find out I have an “uncool power” and it is super slowness. I still imagine having super speed sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Tommy. I’m “uncool power” is slowness. I don’t like to run but in P.E. we have to and I am always last place on the track.
ReplyDeleteBy: Anthony Martin
My uncool power is I am so competitive. Its horrible I cant control it I have that INABILITY that when I play a game I get so competitive. Ask the people in spanish 1, we play a ton of games that involve slapping cards. Dan and I were playing and he got a card that I clearly should've won and I started screaming at his face and slapping his head and bit the other card in half. It got pretty intense!!
ReplyDeleteBrett (Rabbit) Barnes
dan im goin to miss u in spanish 1
tom way to admit your slowness!!
ReplyDeleteBrett (Rabbit) Barnes
my uncool power is that I'm super slow. This uncool power always come back when I'm running in a race.I think this is one of the worst uncool powers.
ReplyDeleteKyle Rossi
My Uncool super power would have to be drawing.But i have a lot of good superpowers....if they were real.I'm very good at horseback riding.
ReplyDeletePaige gigantiello
Now,now Isaiah. Don't be so hard on yourself. being fat can be a good thing. Like take me. You can't really tell that I'm pudgy by just looking at me.( OR CAN YOU?????)I would have to take off my shirt and sit down.(But I'm not a stripper so don't ask me too) But then again it is sometimes a good thing.
ReplyDelete1.you can take a well aimed punch
2.you can bodyslam people harder
3.belive it or not it gives you a higher adrenline rush. No lie
It also gives you more waist strength. Like I am a pretty good kicker.I may look scrawny but I could probally kick quite a couple people's ...uh...butts in a fight. No you don't want to run into me in a dark alley☺. But I would never really hurt anyone unless I have to. Like I say "there is no reason to outrun or outfight something you can outwit"-Me
Oops I think I miss understood what we were suppoesed to write on the blog...... o well.
ReplyDelete-Olivia Harris 7-7
All throughout my life I've been able to walk like a runway model! When i was a YOUNGSTER i had this "uncool" power of fitting my fist into my mouth whole. I never really liked this "power" because i thought it was very strange and weird. And also, i thought my mouth was extremely Huge! haha! But i've come to realize that it actually isn't.
ReplyDeleteAdriana Walsh ♥
My uncool power would be making noises that people have never even heard of. You heard of people sqeaking like an old house. But what if you heard a person make a perfect cricket noise. That would be the most uncool power yet.
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
In mine i ment to capitlize NEVER.
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
Adriana I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteRandy Roach
Ok I have some uncool amd weird super powers. The first power is have the ability to make annoying high pitched sounds. One other one is that i forget stuff alot. So I have the power of forgeting things. Haha but i'm co,img to realize that as I get older I start to not forget things.
ReplyDelete*Pierce Adams*
I agree with Carissa because I still think about seeing myself as a superhero.
ReplyDelete*Pierce Adams*
Not that it matters or anything, I mean no one cares about little old me. But I have a new blog. Yup. Just made it. Not that you'll care or anything but it is kinda cool.
ReplyDelete(If your a Harry Potter fan. Which most of ya ain't)