Tuesday, May 10, 2011

BLOG: 25 Survival

Here is an account of an actual Holocaust survior. When listening to the speaker from today, what emotions and thoughts ran through your mind?


  1. When I heard this speaker, I was very upset. She had witnessed everything bad had happen to everyone. I felt so bad for her. She was through so much pain and I would feel very honored to meet her.
    *lolly-pop dunn-dunn&*

  2. My toughts in my mind were very sad,because i did not know that people went throught a lot of problems when they were children. Like for example when their parents or brother or sisters die. So to be was very sad. And i think people that talk about their what happen to them is just brave.
    Ana Castro*****

  3. There were a lot of thoughts and emotions running through my mind. One of them was sadness. Why would someone kill so many Jews because of Hitler? It just doesn't make sense! Another one was anger. This is because so many German soldiers actually followed through with this horrible request of Hitler's! A thought that occured through my mind is if he hadn't his in that room with his mother and brother, where would he be now? What would have happened to his brother? Father? He must have been very brave to have gone and visited the camps. And to have talked about it and how he felt about it. He also told us not to hate. It was a very emotional experience (even though I couldn't cry)

    Laura Pfeffer

  4. When listening to the holocaust speaker today I felt his sorrow, the pain he felt when talking about his mother, also the need to speak up and tell people that they have to remember this story cause like in the book we read before if we don’t remember we will allow it to happen again and that is so depressing when I think about it. Another thing I felt was guilt the fact that we cry or become upset over little things like not getting a cookie when we were younger yet his little brother had to witness all the death and pain and torture of losing his mother. I will NEVER forget what happened to those people who suffered through that torture.

    ~~~Lauren Delp~~~

  5. when we listened to the holocaust survior, so many different emotions ran through my head. Empithy was one of them... empithy for the speaker. Because was he had to go through was truly devastating.

    Riley Fisher

  6. When listening to the Holocause speaker today, it was a little emotional for many of us, including myself. At first I thought, "ok, WOW this is a REAL life Holocaust survivor, this isn't a joke." It really touched me-that he survived something as horrible as the Holocaust-and was brave enough to re-tell the story. It was a little depressing, but it was interesting to understand and to listen to.

    ~Amber Lo Presti

  7. While I was listening to the speaker from today, I really felt sad. I mean I don't know if I'd really be able to make it through such a hard time. He most have been really strong, and I also felt privelliged that he actually told us his story.

    Hailey Moss 7-4

  8. At the beginning, I felt really bad for her, having to go through all that. It must have been awful!When she got to become a midwife, which she had always wanted, it showed me that just because someone has a lot of hardships to deal with in their chilhood does not always mean that their future is ruined. Of course her future was affected because she lost her family, but she eventually got to do something that made her happy.

    Carrie Weaver

  9. Some thoughts that ran through my mind were that i couldn't believe this man was actually there during that time. I was also very upset because people’s family died and to hear some ones real story about how their family got separated made me feel very up set and emotional. Another emotion is confusion about how some people can say hat this didn’t happen when the camps and survivors and other evidence is right there in front of them.

    -Carissa Novelli

  10. Wow. This holocaust survivor must have gone through alot. If i were put in her shoes, i don't know what I would've done! This just seemed so sad when she explained that her family never came back. I feel sorrow and this is just unbelieveable! It's just so sad. That's pretty much the only feeling I have right now. Just plain sadness:(

  11. All I have to say is wow what a day. 2 great stories in 1 day.

    I was thinking that wow a holocaust survivor that wasn't in a camp. Every time someone mentions a survivor I think of someone who was in a camp. So this is a great experience for me. I was also thinking that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. My kids won't be able to see a survivor in person. They will only be able to hear or read about them. Overall I was thinking how incredibly good he was at telling his story.

    Bryant Smith

  12. When the holocaust surivior came to speak to the 7th grade class, i was truly touched. Not only did he tell us his life story but he did it in a way we could understand what happpened in that terrible time period. Alot of emotions crossed my mind as he spoke what he's gone through. For example I was sad when he told us some-one sent him a note that his mom was taken away. I was happy when he told us his father,him and his little brother were reunited. I would of never got the courage to stand in front of young teens and explain the horrible things that happened. I give him great gratitude for doing that. Not only did he share his story but he gave us a message to send out to other genereations. To not hate or to not think that the holocaust never happened, becuase it did.

    -Libz Harris 7-7

  13. Honestly, I wasn't touched generally by his story, just that he could tell it to us. If that was me who had survived, I would never speak about it again. Yeah, I know that we have to remember, but I couldn't go through re-living those horrible memories time and time again. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't go to the holocaust musuem, couldn't look at pictures of my dead relatives, couldn't re-visit the camps, couldn't do anything involving the pain. That might make me sound weak, but it's true.
    For those of you who have read my other posts, you know that I write alot. Well there isn't alot to say here. It's just so horrible and I don't want to think about it, let alone talk about it. Sorry guys. This isn't something I freely talk about with my peers, just to myself.

    ~*~*~*~Lydia Leach~*~*~*~*~

  14. When I look at this women's story and the man who came and spoke to us today I feel like who in there right mind would want to hurt other people like that? Taking someone's life away from them is one of the lowest things that anyone could think of. When I think about Mr. M's story I think of how brave he had to be and how emmotional his journey had to be while he was just a young child. This subject he spoke of today was very touchy that it effected me in a personal way that was hard to handle. Since we are the last generation that can hear the survivors stories, I consider it an honor that I got to hear someone's life story so we can never let it be untold.
    -Rachel Disipio

  15. As everyone probably knows i am a very emotional person. I cry over everything. Today when Mr. Milberg was speaking i felt as if he was putting us in his place and how the emotions ran through his body. As he was telling his story tears rolled down my face and all my makeup smeared. I felt as he made me endure his feelings. These feelings were sadness and fright. I put myself in his position when he was walking down the street and walked in to the bakery. I also felt nervous when he was walking by the guard when he walked by his apartment. I felt relief when he said that himself and his brother were reunited with there dad. I want to say thank you to Mr. Milberg and everyone else for helping tell us his story.
    Maggie Mitchell(:

  16. Thoughts and emotions that ran through my mind were what he must've felt inside. Im sure there were nights that he cried himself to sleep. To not know where your parents are, and also to know that they were being brutally tortured or killed would make me feel so weak. I cant imagine it. The other things running through my mind were thinking of how hard it would be to loose all of my family. Although the speaker's brother survived also, lots of the survivors lost siblings and parents. I can't imagine loosing them-or even just never hearing from them again. My sisters and I fight a lot, but our bond is stronger than any other. To loose that would be the worst possible thing ever. And to know that they most likely died a slow, painful death would just kill me inside. The same goes about my parents.
    I just, honestly, couldn't help but feel really sad for the speaker.
    That is a really sad way to grow up.

    Jamie Cesanek

  17. I am moved and in awe of your posts. It is rare to see such thought and compassion in the writing of seventh graders.

  18. I was devastated it was just horrible how one mad man can cause that much chaos and sorrow. And to think so people don't believe it ever happened is pathetic there is all the evidence but they refuse to accept, and it is truly said how the speaker who came in today lost almost all of his family. And he is very brave to have gone to the camp where his mother was. If I was in his shoes I would not go anywhere near it. It would just be unbearable. I was moved by what the speaker said and I hope our generation will never let history repeat itself.

    *****Gabrielle Bingemann*****

  19. When I heard the Holocaust survivor speak today, there were many thoughts running through my mind. How did this man manage to hear his mom had just been taken away to a place unknown? I can't even imagine losing a relative especially your parents that took care of you and raised you your whole life. What I still dont get, is how people can actually believe this never happened when all the proof and evidence is right in front of them.
    Brad Jankowski

  20. I agree with you Carissa, good job!
    Brad Jankowski

  21. I felt sad for the woman. She had to go through such a tough time. During this year I learned a ton more on the Holocaust.This made me understand the hardships she went through and how lucky she is to be alive.

    brett barnes

  22. I really liked Maggies post way to go

    brett barnes

  23. What i saw in the mans eyes when he was speaking. I could see he was very sad and was almost crying when he talked about his mother dying. He made me feel like he was putting me in his place and it was very sad. It made me think why they would want to have peoples lives and families taken away. I would like to see what the nazis would feel if it were to happen to them. Im not saying it should happen to them cause it should happen to noone. They just need a taste of their own medicine

  24. While watching this video, I felt many different thoughts. One of them was hope. I feel that even if you think that there's no hope, there still is. This holocaust survivor suffered a great loss, and still recovered. She wanted to be a nurse, and she did eventually. While in the camps, she whitnessed many people dying and being murdered. By being a nurse she helped people survive instead of watching people die and doing nothing. Another thing I felt was sorrow. Ever since I learned about the Holocaust, I felt sorrow. The speaker from Monday the 10th had a really inspirational story, and so does this person. Everyone who was in the Holocaust had a really harrowing experience, and I hope the Holocaust never happens again.
    ~~Alyssa Matchett~~

  25. When I heard this speaker I has touched. It was amazing thing how she can still talk about those camps. She saw so many people die and was scared for life. I thought it was really cool how she always wanted to be a nurse and then put out her dreams.

    Jasmin (Jamie) i like the way you put you essay.

    Nick George

  26. I feel that Breana stated her opinion nicely.
    -Rachel Disipio

  27. The ammotions that ran through my body was horror and fear. Death is horrible to expirience. Toture death pain, all examples of doings done by hitler. Hitler should not have done this to jews. God Bless Jewish People! Elizabteh Anderess

  28. Yesterday when the speaker came in was an awsome experience and i was really touched. They emotions that were going through my mind were saddness, confusion, and joy. The sad part was the poor man lost his mother, who risked her life to save theres by sending them to the farm. Confusion because how was one man able to convince Germany that the jews were evil. Joy because the 2 boys and his ffather survived. It had to be so exciting to have most of the family together. The last thing i'm going to say is the saying that got me that the speaker said was," no matter what race, religon, anything we all bleed red."

    Chris Koebert

  29. I agree with bryant because it was a once and alife time chance to hear from a survivor.

    Chris Koebert

  30. Lydia i think you are right because if that had happen to me i will not talk about it again too. It would be sooo sad to be to talk about it again. Your post was very good.
    Ana Castro*****

  31. I agree with Luaren Delp I also felt his sorrow.

    -Carissa Novelli

  32. LIstening to Mr. Middleberg's story brought tears to my eyes.As some of you know I got very emotional during the movie we watched in Language arts. Its just the thought of people being so cruel to other people just because they are different. I just don't understand it.
    I think we were very fortunate to meet Mr Middleberg, he is one of those people i will always look up to because of his braveness and his kindness. I respect him very much knowing what he had to go through as a child.I think Mr. Middleberg inspired me , as well as alot of other people.
    Kaylee Carlin:):)

  33. good post jamie i enjoyed reading it. tyver butler

  34. i mostly feel sorrow and almost a type of rage at some of these people. what they did was undiscribable and what people went through is also undiscribable. this is one of the saddest points in our worlds history. There is no words for my emotions. It is just absolutley sickening that this occured. This world is a dangerous place but i didnt expect that anything could escolate to this rate. i am appauled by these stories but i can only imagine the raw fear that these people experinced. tyver butler

  35. When the man came in and when i heard the womens stories, I was shattered. I already knew that the holocuast was a horrible time for just about everyone. Being told these stories made me have so many different feelings and thoughts I can't tell exactly what they were. So many emotions being proccessed in my head I got confused.

    Through this section of the war I have had only but one question left to be answered. WHY? Why has this begun? why was it that people thought of jews to be so mean? Why are people so terrible? I hope that someone can explain this to me and for me to understand. I hope that people in the futur could have some more common sense.

    (")> MEGAN <(")

  36. While listening to this woman, I thought about what I might do if something like ever happened to me. I thought that if I was the only one to survive, I might as well of died with them. I don’t know what I would do without my family and friends.

    Kasey Williams

  37. Lydia, I agree with you. If i was in that person's shoes, I don't know that I would be able to talk about it either.

    Kasey Williams

  38. Maggie Mitchell I felt the dsame exact way that you did. Good job(:

    -Danielle Packard-

  39. Basically the whole presentation I was in tears. I was very moved by Mr. Middleburg's story. My emotions were let out in the form of tears because I was thinkingf about my little siblings and myself. If I was seperated from my mother when I was 8-12 years old I would be devastated. Never seeing her again would be ever harder one me. Having three little sisters, I was able to make a connection. Taking care of my sisters without any parental guidence would not be the way I would want to live. Many thoughts ran through my mind. The feeling was undescribable. Over all, Mr. Middleburg taught all of us a very nice lesson through his childhood story.

    -Danielle Packard-

  40. Wow, is all I have to say for him, to keep it all together, it amazes me. The emotions that ran through my mind, I cant even discribe it was so devistating to hear and I loved the way he put us I his position saying that he was only ten years old when his mother got taken away he probobly hasnt seen her in about 71 years thats a long time not seeing your mom, when hesaid his brother was only eight that made me cry because my sister is eight and to have her and I getting our mom taken away was everything to my little sister shes attached to my mom. She goes everywhere with her, and he made me feel what he felt and that was a special thing for him to do. This is fasinating and disurbing what this lady had to go through 21 months of putting dead people in holes! thats gross and sad, justknowing when she was sick that she had noone to turn to or what to live for, is pretty depressing. I cant even imagine what I would do without my family when I was that young. Wow! she has 21 grndchildren that she has given herself! Thats amazing! just imagine 21 kids i dont think my mom could do that or me, how does she do it? But, then again it is truly dsturbing and sad what they have gone through, but truly amazing stories.

    Riley Bednar<333

  41. When I heard this speaker I felt sad and happy. In the begin of the video I heard and watched what she went though. Near the end I felt happy for that lady because she wants to help others and she saw many of adults and children die and she want to save people life's.

    Alizabeth Dinsmore

  42. Good job Brett
    Libz Harris

  43. I felt that he was a good guy and told his story and history. It was sad when his friends and family died in this mess. I was grateful when he found out his father survived and I felt relive. I kinda saw him as a grandpa thought telling about his life expect his was more interesting. Im not saying my grandpa's boring but this guy had a good story. I was said though at some points. That what I got.
    Matt Moz

  44. thoughts and emotions ran through my head like nothing i have ever experienced before. Alot of people were also experiencing the same. But definitley sadness and sorrow. I can not believe that anyone would say this horrible event did not occur. I would love to look that guy in the face. Mr.Midlebergs story broke a lot of hearts but also made alot more stronger.
    Dan Pavlik

  45. i agree with danielle good job!!
    Dan Pavlik

  46. To be honest... When I first saw this I sat there and stared at my computer screen... no reaction what so ever. Because I was in shock. And when I was able to come back (to reality), I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I shed a tear in empathy (and I usually NEVER cry, no matter how sad the tale). I had been listening and looking at all the things about people and survivors who WITNESSED the holocaust... but I always wondered about the people who actually had to go through it. This woman, Sophia Engelsman, brought me there. With just words she made the images of her gruesome experience appear inside my head.

    She had to bury the murdered. She could've had to bury some people she knew! I don't even want to think about having to look into the cloudy, dead eyes of someone I KNOW and then have to just toss them in a ditch and cover them with dirt. I felt her loss, having the large family I do. And also having lost so many of them (and counting) :( I know that it is very hard to move on.

    But aside for my sadness, I also looked up to her. She survived multiple concentration camps, she survived losing her whole family, and she survived the hardest part of all of this... continuing life... almost as if nothing happened, and it was harder for all of the survivors because most of them feel like some people say and act like it never happened. But it did. She survived all of that... AND she had the strength and bravery to tell it. That's why I give her my respects. She told her story and reminded us that it really did happen and we can never forget or deny... because if we do... if we deny the inhumane events that occurred... where is OUR humanity?

    ~Kyrsten Napolitano

  47. In this video many emotions went racing through my mind. Sad to happy within a blink of an eye, towards the beginning i felt sad and she was very sorrow. She talked about her life in the concentration camps and talked about horrific experiences. But towards the end she made it through and got to turn her life back to what she wanted it to be like by being a midwife like shes wanted to be. (:
    ~Katie Calvert~

    ALEXIS KELSO<3 (lexi-poo)

  49. As soon as I saw the speaker I wanted to cry (which I did) just knowing what he had gone through. I felt that he was brave, obviously for having to go through the holocuat. But the fact that he shared his story with us was even braver. For me, I could have never done that. It would have been to painfull to retell such horrible memories. Overall, I will never forget Mr. Middleberg and the stories he shared with us. No one should ever have to go through that.

    -Madison Richards

  50. I agree with Lauren Delp, I loved what you wrote!

    Madison Richards(:

  51. When I listened to her story it was heart shattering. I had emotions jolting throughout my head. I felt very sad and sorry for her because she lost her mother, father, and both her brothers at a very young age. That's how I was feeling after the video.
    Michael Bresan

  52. I completely agree with you Brad J.
    Michael Bresan

  53. When the speaker was telling her story I felt heartbroken. She lost all of her family and almost died herself. It’s horrible to know that just one man could do this. She was inspiring, she saw so many people die so she became a nurse to save people life.

    Paige Gigantiello

  54. when the speaker had come in the other day his story was very emotional and sad!! it was very sad to hear that him and his little brother weren't allowed to see their father once they moved him! But then towards the end i got happy because Mr. Middleburg had said that him, his brother, and his father were all reunited!!!!

  55. great job danielle!! :)
    ~ brooke

  56. when i heard her speak i felt sad for her and i hope that she gets through the rest of her life.

  57. When I first heard this I felt happy because she survived the holocaust. When she got farther in with her story I felt very sad because her entire family died. She wanted to be a nurse and she got that dream in a way, she got to deliver 21 grandchildren. It's happy to see someone to survive.


  58. When the speeker was talking i was thinking about how it would be to be put in his spot.
    It would be hard to haft to disapeer in a mint.
    When your walking you haft to look over your shoulder every mint. when you have your famoly taken away. Trying to find a reason to move on every day. So I tink it would be verry hard to go thrugh that.

    Joe Browne

  59. I think its horrible that this woman had to live life and go through that. I agree with Alizabeth Dinsmore on the fact that there was a happy part at the end.

    Dylan Reidenbaker

  60. I also agree with Madison Richards.
    Dylan Reidenbaker

  61. I agree with Ty

    Joe Funk

  62. My thought were o my gosh this is so depressing and sad. To think that peoople had to live throught stuff llike this is unimaginable. It gets me so depressed just to think about it.

    Joe Funk

  63. My thoguths were how could he endure all of that? His father was taken away from him, he lost his mother and most of his family. He stayed in an attic for about a day and a half with barely enough food, and he was away from his home for 2 years. I think it was very sad.

    ~Jimmy Waters~

  64. I agree with Joe Browne.

    ~Jimmy Waters~

  65. When we were listening to the Holocaust speaker, I felt sad thinking about how the Nazis could have done all of those things to the innocent Jews. I aslo felt sorry for the speaker because he lost all of his family, due to the Nazi's selfishness and hatred for the people that didn't live their lives the way they wanted them to.
    ~Francesca DiGuglielmo<3

  66. I was not in school the day if the speaker but I know the emotion I felt while reading some of the scenes in the book. They made me feel very upset and emotional. When I read I try to put myself in the characters position so I can have a better perception of the story. I can't ever imagine having to lose my little sister and even if we disagree over everything it doesn't mean I love her any less. I would do anything in my power to protect her from the possibilities of death.

    Natalie Narkiewicz <3

  67. I like Maggie's comment I felt it was very inspirational.

    Natalie Narkiewicz

  68. I thought that it was really cool that we could get a person like that to come to our school. It was a great learning experience. My emotions were frighten and amazed. A million of questions went into my mind. He had a wonderful story. I was pretty happy that he wasn't in a concentration camp because that would have been even harder to listen too. Mr.middleberg went through a lot in his life time at such a young age. Not seeing your father for such a long time and not known where he was. Also losing your mom to one of the worst camps. But the best par of the story was when he was reunited with his dad. It made me think about my life. Sometimes my dad can go away on business trips for almost 2 months. And where he usually send that much time in one place on a trip is Japan. Like I have no clue what goes on there so I dont what is there. I et very afraid. Well my fingers are starting to hurt so I am goin to stop typing
    Adriana tirado
    Maggie I agree with you

  69. When I heard the Holocaust speaker I thought he was very brave to withstand the Nazis and how mean they were. Also he must have a lot of strength because he lost his mother to the Holocaust. -Michael Romanchak

  70. When I listened to the Holocaust survivor today tell his story I just felt really bad for him. Why should anyone have to go through that? Just for being born a Jew? I also felt a sense of happiness. Happiness for him that he had been able to make it out of the concentration camps alive and is able to tell his story today.
    .-+#*Jordan H.*#+-.

  71. I agree with Gabe; because I was moved by what the speaker said too, about never letting the Holocaust's devastating history repeat itself in our current generation or any more generations to come.
    .-+#*Jordan H.*#+-.

  72. Listening to both of the speakers made me feel sad. When Mr. Milberg told us his story, it brought tears to my eyes. At the point of the story when his mother was captured, you could see him getting choked up, and tell it was hard for him to talk about it. It was a truly moving story.

    ~Gabby Magasic~

  73. Good job Maggie! Yours was really good.

    ~Gabby Magasic~

  74. I had so many thoughts raceing through my mind. But the biggest one was my little sister...Ryan. When Mr. Milberg spoke to us, and he say..."I was 12 and my little brother was 8." My heart stopped, because that's how old my sister is. I tryed to out myself in his shoes, when I finally was able to, I cryed. Me thinking about taking care of my little sister, I was crying because I thought I would do a lousy job. And sooner or later I would lose her. I can't write anymore after this.

    <3Jdub<3 AKA:Jordan W.

    P.S.-Mr. G, you know my little sister. Think of just me and her on our own. And I have to be the one to look after her in all this distruction.

  75. I agree with Lauren 1000%!!!!

    <3JDUB<3 AKA:Jordan W.

  76. When I heard the Holocaust speaker, I was feeling a lot of sadness. I heard him say that he never saw his mother again and that made me so sad. I started thinking what would happen if I never saw my mother again and I didn't get to say goodbye. It was just horrible, this whole event was horrible. Also, when I heard him say that he was reunited with his dad again, I was so happy and relieved that one good thing happened. All and all, I was just really sad and it was a long tough day.
    Ryan Stradling
    P.S. I agree with you Bryant, I thought at first that he was going to be from the camps too.

  77. It makes me feel that no matter what keep faith and dont give up. No matter what happend they stayed strong. It had to be very hard for them and upsetting. ~Grace Abrams~

  78. When Mr. M told his story, I felt so bad that he had to go through all that. I know I would probably be dead in the first half hour of having to go through all that. I must give props to Mr. M for surviving the holocaust. It took great courage to go through that.

    Ian "Maestro" Mastroianni

  79. When I heard the holocaust speaker, I felt sad. The thoughts that ran through my mind was that how much bravery it took to survive. During the story when his mom told him to go get a stick of bread while the Germans were searching the the place. I know that I wouldn't beable to do that.


  80. I agree with Bryant


  81. When the holocaust survivor spoke to us, there were a lot of emotions going through my head. I can't imagine what it would have been like to go through that and live it. He said that he likes to share what happened during that time to people because he says that most people don't think that any of this really happened. Now people know it happened because they heard the story by an actual holocaust survivor.

    ~Sarah Vosler

  82. When we were listening to the Holocaust speaker, I felt upset thinking about how the Nazis did all of those things to the innocent Jewsish boys and girls. I aslo felt sorry for the speaker because he lost all of his family besides his brother and father during the harsh times of the holocaust due to the Nazi's selfishness and hatred for the people that didn't live their lives the same way people live theirs these days.
    -Matt Mileszko

  83. While I was watching the video I realized on comparing our live in 2011 to her's when she was young we are very spoiled. We can go outside are Christians Catholics Jews Buddhists or even atheists and not be taken away to a camp where your dentin to die.
    :hannah knight:

  84. oh i thought the post was about the video....the feelings are still the same for our speaker that day when i asked wayyyyyy to many questions.

  85. When I listened to the speaker my heart went out to him, I wanted to run up and give him a hug when he started lamenting the loss of his mother. I thought about what it would be like if I was in his position and realized I don't think I'd be strong enough mentally to go through all that.
    -Samantha Cuva

  86. I felt really bad for him. I could never imagine having to be in hiding and take care of my little brother not knowing where my family is when i am only 12. It would be so hard because you couldnt just be a kid.
    Emily G

  87. Sarah, I agree he was living,breathing proof.
    Emily g

  88. As i was watching this video I felt very sad. It amazes me that people say this didn't happen. If this didn't happen then look at people who went through this. listen to the holocaust survivors and listen to their stories because they wont be here for ever.

    John Williams

  89. When I heard what had happened in the video I felt sad because what had happened to her in the Holocaust was dreadful.
    Quinn 7-7

  90. I agree with you Ana


  91. i think the speaker is as brave as this person because they both told people of their hardship. I think the speaker not going to the camp, he still lost his mom and his dad for a while. This person went to the camp ,so people would feel bad for her more.


  92. lydia i like what you said
    ~"the human napkin"

  93. I feel bad for both of these holocaust survivors because they both had to go through a hard time. The talker lost his mom and his dad just for a while. This Concentration camp survivor has a permanent marker on her arm and she lost her whole life there.


  94. I dont even know were to start. It was such a sad story it made me cry, angry at the people that were involved in this ... i dont even know what to call it. The story also made me think that what if a group of people stood up and took charge it might have still been rough but I bet it would have made a difference. The way that the speaker was fighting bake his own tears was awful. He actually experienced this terrible time and i wish it would have never happened as do many others. As I am righting this i am staring to tear up so i hope you understand that it really touched me.

    :( Caitlin Lange :(

    Mags i loved yours it was amazing!!!!:):)<3<3

  95. When I heard the Holocaust surviver speak, I realized how much horrible actions the nazis did to Jews. I couldnt believe how Nazis could do that to fellow human beings. Also I realized how brave the holocaust survivor was. He had to go into the streets where Nazis were. He also had to endure his family being takeing away from him. That must of been really tough. Also he was brave to talk to us about that terrible time.

  96. Last comment was from Luke Anderson 7-5.I agree with Ian, good post.

    Luke Anderson7-5

  97. I was very touched by this man, I mean we are truly the last gneration to hear a holocaust speaker. Its truly inspiring to me that he came out hear and talked about that horrible time. Just his inspiring talks saying never hate love or we all bleed the same red blood, touched me. I thank him so much for that. This lady was even inspiring having about 26 children all from her is amazing and we think 18 is bad. She went through a tough time knowing when she was sick that there was noone for her to talk to or what to live for is pretty depressing. I couldnt even imagine.

    Riley Bednar<333

  98. It's easy to see how touched you, as a group, were with mr. Middleburg. The proof lays with all of the specific examples from what he said that you've placed in your own posts.
    As your teacher, it's so great to see each of you open your minds, open your hearts and grow a little bit more each day♥

  99. While watching this video, (for the 2nd time, because mine got deleted!!!) many emotions ran through my head. One of those was sorrow. Since learning about the Holocaust, I have felt really bad for all the Jews. I really don't understand why the Germans did what they did. I mean, Jews are people too, right? Everyone deserves a change at life. They didn't do anything to mess it up. Another thing that ran through my head was respect. This woman endured a lot from the concentration camps. It was probably very harrowing for everyone. This women stuck with her friends, and helped each other out. Finally, I felt admiration towards all these survivors. Everyone that was in the concentration camps had to go through everything, and it was really bad.
    ~~Alyssa Matchett~~

  100. When the speaker came in I thought he was incredible,what he stood for and what he was whiling to share. I could not believe what he experienced and what he had to deal with at such a young age. It was so heart touching that he could come in and share his story to all of us. I am extremely thankful for him coming and sharing his life.
    sarah morris

  101. The emotions and thoughts ran through my mind were that i cant belive that people survived the Holocaust. i was sad that all of those people died. i wished that the Holocaust never happened.

    ~~~ Anthony Martin ~~~

  102. there were maqny emotions that crossed my mind and none of them were good. what hppened should never happen again but the sad part is it might if we dont change something. tyver butler

  103. good job maggie it was very good. tyver butler

  104. i just couldent beleive that she was not so upset from her family. ~~mojojojo~ cj bowker

  105. I felt that Mr.Middleberg was brave to share this story with us. If I was him I wouldn't be able to retell all those painful memories like he did. But another great he did was not hold back his emotions when he was telling his story. It really let us feel what he had gone through like we were there. I hope that no one has to go through what he had to, especially at such a young age. It was just heart breaking.

    Madison Richards(:

  106. I agree with Maggie, she did a wonderful job.

    Madison Richards(:

  107. When i was listening to the holocaust surviver i felt really bad for him. He shouldn't of had to deal with that at the young age. Usually kids are playing hide and seek with other children. He was playing hide and seek from the Nazis.
    -Delaney Baptiste

  108. listening to this speaker today what was going through my mind was "wow" like i cant imagin being torn appart from your mom or any family member and never see them again wich makes me sad......i cant even think about it :(

  109. the emotions that ran through my mind were "wow" i mean i cant imagin being torn from your mom or any family member like that and never see them again.......i cant even think about it :(

    brad orth

  110. When listening to the speaker from today i felt sad for Mr.Middleburg and angry towards the Nazi's. I was also proud of Mr.M for being brave enough to tell us his story. It must have been hard.


  111. I agree with luke


  112. the emotions that ran through my mind was emithy and sadness. thinking that people could do that to an inocent culture is sickening. it almost makes me tear up when i just think of it.
    ~wyatt thomas~

  113. Listening to the holocaust surviver really changed my perspective about the holocaust. Hearing how long he was separated from his parents, I mean I couldn't even imagine being away from my parents so long.
    Nick Ciquero

  114. Watching the speaker talk about the lifetime he had gone through with the Holocaust, my main priority was based on my family. I was trying to imagine how like would be without my dad, or without my mother. i need my parents, both of them, to be with me side by side always. knowing that his father only lasted 5 years after the Holocaust, and his mother being taken away near age 14, made me have the tears come up and ready to pour out.

    Lady Guy Guy

  115. Well done Riley Bednar!!! woot woot!! keep up the good work
    Lady GuyGuy

  116. When I heard the speaker it sort-of made me feel sad. it made me feel sad because I cannot imagine how hard it must have been for that person during the war to have witnessed so much dieing. The one thing about her talking that made me happy though, was the fact that she could have shut down after all that death but instead she fought to lead a happy life as a mid-wife. (not that i really understand what a mid-wife is :) ) well either way this video did in fact capture my emotions, and i'm glad that that woman was able to do what she wanted to do.
