Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog: #20 First they came...

In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to left to speak up.

According to Niemoeller, why do you think it is important to speak up when injustice is being done? What are the risks of speaking up? What are the benefits?


  1. I think that it's important to speak up when injustice is being so done so that whoever is doing it can be stopped. You could tell authorities or other powerful people, and they could try to make them stop. There are often risks when speaking up. One example is that whomever is being spoken about might come to get you and hurt you. Another example is that people could disagree with you, and you could start a big argument with others. An example of a benefit would be that you would serve justice, and the people doing bad things would get arrested/punished. Another benefit would be that people would agree with you, and would support you, so if the person doing injustice, or people, would come back to get you, you'd be protected by others.
    ~~Alyssa Matchett~~

  2. I think its good to speak up when somethings being done because when you speak up, you can make a difference. Even if nothings happening to you, there are people that it is happening to. Nothing really can happen if you speak up. If you speak up you can do many things.

    ~Sarah Vosler

  3. It's important to speak up because if you dont then no one will speak up for you. It's like the golden rule, " Treat others how you want to be treated" THe benifits of speaking up are that people will appricate you and stand up for you. But, there could be major consincquences from whom ever is punishing those your standing up for.
    Emily G <3

  4. I think it's important to speak up when injustice is done because when someone is being hurt, and you're just standing there and watching, you're just as guilty as the person doing the hurting. The risks of speaking up are that the bully, dictator, or whoever can come after you next if you speak up. The benefits are that you can save some lives or some faces before they get too bruised.

    ~Jimmy Waters~

  5. It is important to speak up because, before you know it they will come to you next and if you dont make a differnece before that, then many more people other than yourself could be in danger.But if you get more people to relize what the natsis or other people are doing to these innocent people. Than maybe just your small words could make a huge difference in millions of peoples lives. Of course, like many things, there are risks. If you do decide to speak up. Natzizs or natzi supportors could hurt you. They might even try to kill you. But you and hopefully some other people know what you are doing is a good thing.But some benifits could be helping the next people they try to come after because maybe enough people would speak up to make this whole thing stop.

    Kaylee Carlin:):)<3

  6. This quote shows some-one who didn't speak up for others when they needed help and when he needed help no-one was there to speak up for him. If you speak up then you could maybe have a chance of saving someone or give them time to think on what they should do. The risks of speaking up is that they could take you too. But the benfits are if alot of people speak up you can fight against them taking you. And you can get the satisfaction that theres some-one or alot of some-ones that have your back just like you would have theirs.

    -Libs Harris 7-7

  7. I believe it is important to speak up when injustice is being done, so then you get a chance. For example(no affence to Mr.G and Mrs.Montrose)what if Mrs. Montrose and Mr. G acted like they could do anything to us!!!!! What if no one stood up to them????? We would have a chance for it to end if someone spoke up!!!!

    <3Jdub<3 AKA: Jordan W.

  8. What would life truly be like if no one stood up for themselves ,or what they feel is justice? It is a key when something is going wrong to speak up.I feel it is most important when it is injustice because someone is doing wrong.This is because it might go and effect more than you would expect. Sure,their are risk like humiliation or being isolated from the rest. Though when speaking for justice the benefits might be that everyone agrees ,and it makes a change for the better.
    ~Sarah Morris~

  9. It is important to speak up when injustice is being done so you can protect your self, your family, and your friends. Also, it is a very good thing that you have the power to stand up for yourself. The risks of speaking up are getting in trouble or being left out. You could get in trouble for saying the wrong thing, or not being allowed and doing it anyway. Being left out is also one because people may not want to hang out with a "rebel" who gets in trouble. The benefits is not being afraid to speak your mind, and in a good cause people agreeing with you.
    -Emily Metzger.(:

  10. You should always speak up if there is something that you dont like that's being done or being said! Even if it doesn't involve you. The only risks that could happened to you would you might get what the other people are getting! But, the benefits would be that you was helping someone not get hurt. It could save their lives. It's very important to speak up!!


  11. it is absolutly essential to speak up. If people speak up it gives courage to people and more and more speak up. its a cycle. The sad thing is nobody does on most ocasions. people in power strike fear into people and make them into walking sombies of some sort its a shame. i No if a riegm started in america i would absolutly not speak up. i wish i had tht courage but i dont. I only think a few select people do. tyver butler

  12. good luck on doing this. i found it a somewhat easy task . i am really liking this topic. tyver butler

  13. The risks of speaking up are being over powered, exacution, and many other tortures. The benifits are that the people who have that religion are safe and spoke up for. They would be very happy, and appreciative. The downfalls for speaking up is only exacution other than that there are none!
    -Elizabeth andress

  14. To me speaking up is a way of showing your a good person. I strongly believe there is no risks of speaking up and all the people that don't show start. To me the benfits could be life changing to people and help them in many ways. Like the Holocust, if the German people spoke up the Jewish people may have gotten freedom.

    -Rachel Disipio<3333

  15. I think that you should speak up. When you do talk, your stating your opinion. Sometimes people can take that well. But the problem is, people don't speak up. I think its because they dont want to hurt people, or the fear of rejection.
    Breana Dunn

  16. I agree with Brokieeee!
    -Rachel Disipio<333

  17. It is incredably important to speak up for what is right. In the first paragraph, if the person had said something when "they" came for the Communists, the person could have saved many lives, including their own. I know that if that was me, I would have at least said something to my parents and my friends. If my parents wanted to do anything about it,I would leave it up to them. The risks of speaking uup are very plentiful. You could endanger yourself and those around you. You would probably have to talk to those whom it would affect if you spoke up for what was right. The benifits for speaking up could include saving the life of yourself and the lives of many people all around you. So do the right thing!

    '+-*CARRIE WEAVER*-+'

  18. I completely agree with you, Brooke! What you said was completely correct! Very nice job on your post!


  19. I think that it is important to speak up when injustice is being done, because everybody deserves fairness. Everyone has an opinion too. You should be allowed to speak you mind without critisism. that is why people are afraid to speakup for the fear of rejection.

    7-4 Hailey Moss

  20. If nobody spoke up for anybody the world wouldnt be turning right now. Same with agreeing with each other if we didnt the earth wouldnt turn.
    Dan Pavlik

  21. i agree with ty
    dan pavlik

  22. Jimmy, i agree... You are just as guilty as the person who is doing the hurting!!
    Emily G

  23. It it important to speak up, even if something does not envolve you. Because if you dont, the problem might spread so that it envolves you, and it might get worst so that there is no one left to speak up.
    When the Nazi were around, and you spoke out against them, you would most likely be killed. But if it were a bunch of people speaking out at once, you could ba able to stand up against them....

    -*-*-Riley Fisher-*-*-

  24. I think it is important to speak up because if no one speaks up in a time such as that, then whatever the villain wants to do, he/she will do it. But there are some risks to speaking up. If that person(s) you are speaking up to is more powerful than you, then they could really hurt you. But there are also some benefits as well. It could make you feel great about yourself and you could save someone from getting hurt.

    Ian Mastroianni

  25. Nice entry Ty.

    Ian m

  26. i agree with Ty, I like how he referred speaking up as a cycle. Also how he said people in power strikes fear into the people's eyes.

    <3Jdub<3 AKA:Jordan W.

  27. Speaking up is one of the most important and useful traits in a person. Speaking up means you’re not afraid to take a stand, not afraid to take action. You have courage and you’re not self-conceded. Speaking up can have some challenges, though. When you speak up, you are taking a risk with the authorities, people in the community, and even you’re family. If the authorities catch you "speaking up", it might have some consequences, like jail, or even taking your house away from you. (That is only if it is REALLY serious) People and the community might not exactly, well, agree with you. For example, say some teen, your age, was getting picked on. You have a choice to make: speak up or simply just walk away. If you walk away, all your troubles are being stomped on as you walk. But, if you speak up, you are taking a stand, and maybe, facing you’re fear. Your family is kind of the same way, they might not agree with you. There are more benefits than risks. When you speak up, you are being self-empowered, doing what YOU think is right. Not what others think. You. Your choice. Another benefit is you ARE helping out your community and surroundings. Even when people say you are doing the wrong thing, you aren't. Speak up. Even if there is a few bumps along the road, it is the right thing to do.

    -LaUrA pFeFfEr

  28. Its really important to speak up because if u didn't, then no one else will so you can't make a difference or protect anybody. You will just be like the others who say nothing... you have to be different then them! (but in a good way). And if you did, it would help alot for you and people around you.

  29. good job Emily G.
    alexis kelso

  30. good job metz

    Libs Harris 7-7

  31. I think people should speak up because it makes people think twice about the action that they are doing. They think in your opinion and maybe they will not do what they are doing the next time. With the risks of speaking up you may get hurt. By saying if you were not jewish and the nazis came to your house and you said it was stupid for them to be doing this. Well then you would probably get arrested or killed just for saying that. Other words people may think in your opinion and you may not get hurt or arrested.
    maggie mitchell(:

  32. Great job sarah i really like the variety of vocabulary you used!
    maggie mitchell(:

  33. I like what you said brooke!! :)

    Kyrsten Napolitano
    AKA: Kyrstwania

  34. Just to start I want to say from my own opinion and experience, I used to get bullied a lot and well, if there’s no one else to speak up with or for you, it’s practically useless and your left to fight your own fight. So... It’s important because… well LOOK! Wouldn’t you want someone to speak up for you??? Well if you’re the last one left because you spoke up for NOONE you’re pretty much dead because I’m pretty sure when injustice is done against someone, yes they speak up, but it’s useless. Its only if someone else speaks up that it makes a difference because it shows that whoever does the injustice doesn’t have all the power. And also if you’re lucky you will influence other people as well and bring the injustice…. to JUSTICE! One drop of water makes lot of ripples in a pond of water… meaning your just ONE person, but that’s all it takes to right a VERY BIG wrong…

    The risks… well, the risks are actually a big factor to why lots of people don’t speak up and allow themselves to sit and watch when they know they can stop it. They fear the risks, like if speaking up is standing up against a bully, just because you’re the BULLIED does not mean you can’t help. In the prompt it says “I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist” “I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew” “I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist” “I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant” JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A PART OF THE INJUSTICE OR THE INJUSTICE IS NOT DONE TO YOU DOES NOT MEAN YOU CANT STOP IT!!! Risks, yeah the risks are you can get bullied if you’re standing UP for the bullied, you can get accused of the same accusation made in the injustice. You have a right to be scared but think about the people who can’t CONTROLL their own fate. You can…

    The benefits… Think of it like this, if you don’t do anything you’re basically standing up for the bad guy, but if you speak up and let people know what you know is truly right you are standing up for the people who deserve it, and while you get the benefit of having the good feeling of knowing you made a positive difference in the world, you might also make a friend, that is worthy, and appreciates you. But my only question is… WHY SHOULD ANYONE CARE ABOUT A BENEFIT?! If you standing up it’s your decision, you can accept the consequences if there are any but you should not expect a reward. It’s like if you do charity work, you VOLUNTEEDERED to do it so it’s your decision to do it, although it’s not necessary you should, and there aren’t really consequences (you may give up time money and or possessions but it’s of choice) but there aren’t benefits either…

    Finally, it seems right (I say this knowing I have not always been true to my words) to always give help, help fix an injustice whether you’re involved or not, it’s for the right cause and it’s to help other people… I made up the paraphrase, “You must always lend a hand, to take one.” That kind of applies here because, ” Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to left to speak up.”

    Kyrsten Napolitano
    AKA: Kyrstwania ♥

  35. I think it's important to speak up for other people. How would feel if no one spoke up for you? There are some consequences if you speak up thou. Back in the concentration camps you speak up you would probably get killed. And now days if you speak like at your job or something you could get fired.

    Alizabeth Dinsmore

  36. The importance of speaking up is so that you can help others. For instance like the situation in the prompt if you speak out you could of spoke out when they first started taking the Communist then you could of stopped them from going affter the others. Although there maybe some downfalls to speaking out like not having others supporting you and going against you. But by speaking out not only you and other benefit because if you speaking out worked you may have given freedom to many people who have already been taken.
    -Samantha Cuva

  37. I agree with you Kaylee, on almost everything you put in that post.

    ~Jimmy Waters~

  38. I've found out when you speak up there's a good and a bad part. The good part is you stood your ground against someone for doing something wrong. The bad parts is that they might not care and do something terrible to you for speaking up. I'll speak up if its for a good cause, because I don't care what the punishment might be. You still need to do whats right...right?
    hannah knigt

  39. Wow!. Ms.Napolitano has made a real world/life connection. Your comment was very thought provoking. It's amazing that things like bullying still occur knowing what we know today about how people were persecuted. Beautifully stated Krysten.

  40. I believe its important to speak up agianst something wrong so it doesnt happen agian. The risk is that the people you are speaking agianst could fight back. The benifits are you could save lives.

    Dylan Reidenbaker

  41. I agree with Cuva

    Dylan Reidenbaker

  42. It is very important to stand up in what you believe in so you know what you are believing in. In my opinion everyone has a right to say what they want to say, its in the constitution. The risks of saying what you believe in is that someone could not like what you have to say or they might take it in the right way. Some benefits is that you can get people to either think what you think or to have people to look at the world in a new way

    Kyrstan u said that great
    Nick George

  43. Thanks Mr.G!!! :)

    Kyrsten Napolitano

  44. Sometimes people let their fear take over there decsision to speak up. Everyone was to afraid of the Nazis and that they were going to hurt them but the people didn't know that if they all spoke up the issue could of been avoided. They couldn't do anything because they were so afraid. If they were actually experiencing the situation, they would have had the courage to stand up, and I like Hannahs blog it was pretty :]

    Natalie Narkiewicz :]

  45. What if it was you that needed help, but no one came to help you? Or if someone needed help but you didnt help them. Do you think they are going to help you? Probably not!!!! I think it is important to help others. If you were hurt you would want someone to help you. If that person was hurt they would want you to help them to. Help others they will help you! ~Grace Abrams~

  46. It is important b/c if one person spoke up about the Germans than there would be people left to speak up about the Jews. And the Jews would be left to speak up about the trade unionists who be left to speak up for YOU. Some risks are that you might start an argument or a fight. BIG DEAL! So you might start a fight but if you are really focused on speaking up,than you won't give a crap what other people think. So what if someone disagrees with you. Are you going to let that stop you? B/C if so you are no better than those other people who didn't speak up. And we know the result of silence. The benefits of speaking up are that your idea (should it hopefully be positive) will get attention. And other people will start to agree w/ you. So what used to be a feeling turned into a quiet thought which turned into a quiet word. That word grew louder and louder until it was a battle cry. Just ponder that a human can do whatever they set their mind to. Except flying,which I have set my mind to and tried many times.(Not very pleasant results)

  47. Speaking up can be good but somthimes it may cause some harrowing moments. Like it can stop somthing or you can be belittled. You never know. Even if the risks are high you should still speak up.
    Matt Mozitis

  48. Way to go Kyrsten :)
    -Carissa Novelli

  49. It is important to speak up because it can make a difference in what happens. Even if it’s not you think if you were in that position and you would want someone to speak up for you. Some risks are that you could be targeted next but there are many more benefits. You can save people or just make a difference in someone’s life by saying a couple words. If you don’t speak up nothing can change then what is being done so don’t be afraid to speak out against injustice is being done.
    -Carissa Novelli

  50. It's important to speak up when injustice is being done because soon enough, YOU will be the one being treated injustly and there will be no one left to speak up for you. The benefits of speaking out are that the person who you spoke out for will be greatful for your act and possibly have a long-lasting friendship with you because of it. The risks of speaking out is that your idea could be challenged or you could be punished in some way.
    -Jordan Hill 7-4

  51. It is important to speak up because when it comes time when your in trouble nobody will want to speak up for you. The risks are you could get caught by the enemy speaking out. Benefits are you could awarded for putting a stop to what is happening
    Taylor Rosales (Ro-Ro)

  52. The paragraph up there pretty much states that you can't hide what is eating you inside, or something that isn't import for you. YOU need to stand up for other people and not just yourself. This is something called "greedy". Watching out for only you is one thing, but not telling stuff about your friends, or people you just know..doesn't mean you don't tell them. Those people could get seriously hurt and then it will just come right back to you and haunt you. It's understandable sometimes about ridiculous things, but for something in a serious need to stop and tell other people as soon as possible.

    Lady GuyGuy (:
    P.S. good job Kyrsten!!!

  53. It is important to speak up when injustice is being done, because if it keeps going on its only going to become worse and worse. The risk of speaking up is you can lose friends, people can get mad at you, or if it's really serious, you could get hurt. The benefits of speaking up is that you know people won't be getting beleaguered and hurt anymore.

    ~Gabby M~

  54. I think that everyone should speak up if something bad is happening. It doesnt matter if you will get hurt. but if u get hurt by not haveing anyone else get hurt forever, you did the right thing.

    Frankie Caterina

  55. Wow Kyrsten yours was amazing!
    ~Gabby M~

  56. Kyrsten yours was amazing

    Frankie caterina

  57. To me speaking out can be hard sometimes but hey, I still do it. Except in some situations its tough and especially when it's to a hate group of some sort. I really don't think I'd be able to man up and say what needs to be said. But look at some of the famous people today that have changed the world all they had to say was two letters N O....NO, and that can cause hundreds even thousands to back off and respect others. The best part about sticking up for someone is even if your tortured and killed I am sure one or more people in that group got what you were saying and that means you won.

    - Chris Koebert

  58. I agree with tyver because I don't think i could man up and say stop.

    - Chris Koebert

  59. I believe it is important to stand up for what you believe in because if you don't and it could go to far and by then you can't stop it. Like in school people making fun of other kids and you know about it and you don't tell an adult the kids could kill THEMSELVES. So if you do know something bad try to report it right away and you save someones life and make you feel better about you.

    (:~~~Sean Heins~~~:)

  60. I Agree With Kyrsten

    (:~~~SEAN HEINS~~~:)

  61. It is important to speak up against something because if you don't, it will never stop. Wouldn't you want someone to speak up for you if you couldn't? Wouldn't you want a helping hand?
    There are many risks of speaking up. In the holocaust, the risks were usually death.
    Let's say one person speaks up. No big deal right? Wrong. That one person could tell other people, who could tell other people, and then things would get ugly. I bet that's what te Nazis thought. You couldn't even have one person speak up. Not even one.
    What are the benefits of speaking up? in the holocaust situation, i don't think ther were any. Excpet maybe to get other people to listne an agree to what you have to say. The more people you had, the better.

    ~*~*~*~Lydia Leach~*~*~*~

  62. I think that when you don't stick up for someone then everyone will stop to care for you. when you do speak up you will get new friends and people will stick up for you. But sometimes when you stick up for someone you can also loose friends. in some cases (like during the invasion of germany) you can even get exacuted, burned, shot at, and even not fed until you starve to death.

    (")> Megan <(")

  63. It's important to speak up because what if no one spoke up when you were being treated unfairly. Eventhough, you might have to risk your own safety to help others it is definatly worth it. Which can benfit you, knowing you helped others.

    *Madison Richards*

  64. I agree with Emily G. I feel the exact way.

    *madison Richards*

  65. I think that people should speak up. If you speak up, you may be risking your own life but if you don't there maybe thousands that die.

    ~~~Kasey Williams~~~

  66. Sarah Vosler,

    I agree with you completly. I think that peole should speak up.

    ~~~Kasey Williams~~~

  67. It is important to speak up when injustice is being done beacuse if you dont speak up no one will speack up when you need it. The risks of speaking up is that you will get in so much trouble and you may in up died. The benefits of speakim=ng up is that you will save someones life or you may save a lot of lives.

    ~~~ Anthony Martin ~~~

  68. Kyrsten, yours is so cool and nice.

    ~~~ Anthony Martin ~~~

  69. Does anybody know what life would be if nobody, ever, stood up for themselves? If you stand up for yourself that's not just giving you courage, it shows that you also have power. If you stand up, other people might follow in your foot steps. In other words, they will stand up for themselves too. Some of the risks of speaking up is that someone might not like what you believe in and what you say or they will take in what you said the wrong way.

    Pierce Adams

  70. I agree with Tyver

    Pierce Adams

  71. i aggre with cuva to

    cj bowker

  72. i think that you should belive in what you think and say in because its the wrigh thinking to do and the germans shouldent have listend to hitler and went on with there lives

    cj bowker

  73. Sam, I like your post. I agree with your comment and your idea of people should speak out for others, not only yourselves.
    ~Elizabeth Andress (:

  74. I think you should always speak up if there is something that you dont like that's being done or being said! Even if it doesn't involve you.Because if you don't speak up then you are doing something wrong evern if you are not doing.You can save someone live. That is why you need to SPEAK UP.And because so it doesnt happen agian in ypur LIFE or see it in YOUR LIFE.RIGHT!!!!!
    Ana Castro*****

  75. I completely agree with you, Brookey** and Carrie*! What you said was completely correct!
    Ana Castro*****

  76. Speaking up when injustice is being done is important because it should be stopped because it is wrong. The benefits of speaking up are getting whatever is being done to stop, but the downside is that you could get into something that shouldn't be messed with.
    ~Francesca DiGuglielmo<3

  77. go girlfriend!!! Such passion and confidence in your message☺

  78. Look at all these guys rock♥

  79. It is important to speak up when injustice is being done because it should definetly be stopped. The benefits of speaking up is that you can sometimes save peoples lives. A risk is that the person you are trying to speak up to may try and hurt you.
    Brad Jankowski

  80. Kyrsten yours was great
    Brad Jankowski

  81. I think it is critical to speak when faced with injustice. If you do other people will back you up and speak. A disadvantage to speaking up is you might get killed. An advantage is that you might be able to stop whatever injustice is happening.

    Luke Anderson 7-5

  82. I agree with Ty. Nice post.

    Luke Anderson 7-5

  83. I think it is important to speak up when injustice is being done because someone could get seriously hurt emotionally and physically. Taking risks is part of being a good friend, neighbor, or even just a good person. Don't you think it is hard to watch someone being discriminated against? So, do something about it and help. People are people and deserve to be treated equally. The benefits of speaking up could be making a new friend. You could also incite other people to follow in your footsteps. Don't be aloof and ignore injustice, speak up.

    -Danielle Packard-

  84. I agree with Kyrsten. I feel the same exact way. Good job! (:

    -Danielle Packard-

  85. It's is important to speak up because by the time something like that comes around to you, there will be no one to support you because u haven't supported them. A risk of speaking up when something like this happens is that the germans might think you are one of them or they might just take you for speaking up. A benefit is that the thing you are trying to stop could actually stop.

    {***Bryant Smith***}

  86. I feel it is important to speak up while injustice is being done because if you don’t speak up even if it isn’t being done to you, you may be next. I am pretty sure you don’t want that to happen. plus even if your not the one doing the bullying or what ever is the injustice, your being just as bad by just watching and not trying to stand up for yourself or the person its being done too. Some of the risks of speaking up about injustice may be the following...
    You having "more" injustice being done to you, it could make the person even more angry, or it can turn into something physical.
    although there are plenty of benefits that may also occur like the persons stops being mean to your friend or you, the bully says he or she is sorry, he tells you what cause him bulling the other person so you can no how to make him stop, and plenty more all in all you should never just sit back and watch if you no that injustice is happing you need to SPEAK UP! Tell a teacher or guardian if this is happening and they may be able to do something about it. :)

    ~~~Lauren Delp~~~

  87. Sarah you had a fantabulous way of putting that I completely agree with you great work:)<3

    ~~~Lauren Delp~~~

  88. People should speak up because it's not fair to the people being picked on. What is you were that person you would like people to speak up for you if you can't do it by yourself. Well I know I would so we have to do the same for others. People should be treated the same no matter race, religion, or what they look like. I know it's sometimes hard but you have to pull out the good in you. Ofcourse you have to do something about criminals but most of them have problems so just send them somewhere so they can get better.

    Adriana TIRADO

    I agree with hailey

  89. Sometimes people can be arduous , but when they are people speak up and make a stand even if its not you. The benefits of speaking up are there is two vs. one ,so the person might back down. The person might listen to you if he wont listen to the bullied. The risks are the bully might harm you in a way (physical, mental, and etc.) I think in the end no matter what happens you know you did something good and thats the best feeling.

    ~Seth~Howard~:} P.S. (i think i spelled arduous wrong)

  90. I think that people really should speak up I know I used to really not have the courage to do something like that. But I will try I used to be like that I wouldn't really speak up I used to think it was because I have a soft voice. But that has nothing to do with anything I can still "speak up" its not like I can't! But we really need to start thinking about people other then our friends and speaing up for them because we really don't do that. Like I honestly never did that only for my friends. People think they don't have courage but YOU DO, you just need to find it. I never thought I would be able to answer a question like this but it is a great topic.

    *Gabrielle Bingemann*

  91. You should speak up because if you don't, then you are as guilty as the people doing it. The penalties are that if you do speak up then the people doing the crime might put a target on you. The benefits are that you could save s people’s lives and spare them the misery.
    P.S. I liked yours Jimmy.
    Ryan Stradling

  92. I think it is important to speak up because if that was happening to you wouldn't you want someone to try to stop what washappening to you. If people help people then they will probly be heelped too. The risks are that the persons fate might become yours. BUT if you have alot of people stand up to them they will be defeated. The benifits are that you will help godd people and maybe make some new friends.

    Joe Funk

  93. I agree with Madison.

    Joe Funk

  94. I think speaking up is very important. If you speak up you can save lives and even yours. If you don't speak up tragedy will strike and they will just take over and we don't want that to happen again. So would you want to save thousands of lives or lose millions?
    Michael Bresan

  95. I completely agree with you Jimmy.
    Michael Bresan

  96. What they are trying to say is that you should always stick up for someone because you never know when that might come to help you.


    P.S. I agree with you Luke.

  97. I think that its very important to speak up for others. Would you like it if somebody didn't speak up for you? well the benefits are that you are doing a good thing and you could even be saving the persons life. What COULD be bad is that their issue could become yours.

    ~Katie Calvert~

  98. People should speak up because it's not fair to the people being picked on. What is you were that person you would like people to speak up for you if you can't do it by yourself. Well I know I would so we have to do the same for others. People should be treated the same no matter race, religion, or what they look like. I know it's sometimes hard but you have to pull out the good in you. Ofcourse you have to do something about criminals but most of them have problems so just send them somewhere so they can get better. 

    Adriana TIRADO

    I agree with hailey

  99. I think it's important to speak up because if you dont speak up if something happens to you they wont speak up for you. Like if you someone being picked on and didnt say anything and they noticed do you really think they would say something if the same person bullies you. But if you speak up and say something about it that person would do the same for you. Its like if you were jewish during the nazi occupation and you didnt say anything if you see another jewish person get taken you could be the last person taken and no one would be able to speak up for you.

    Nick Ciquero

  100. Thanks Kyrsten!!! :) great job lauara!!
    ~ Brooke

  101. It is important to speak up when 'wrong' is being done because if you don't innocent people could be hurt, yourself included in the long run. Speaking up is risky because if no one helps you or joins the fight you could be executed or named an outlaw or your people could be a new targeted group. The benefits from speaking up are things like respect, ect.

    -Adrian Jones-

  102. I agree with Lauren. People should just speak up!

    -Adrian Jones-

  103. I think it is very important to speak up,if you don't't you will never get heard.the risk of speaking up is getting hurt.And the benefits of speaking up are helping someone else and stopping what was being done.

    Paige Gigantiello

  104. I agree with Gabrielle, Francesca, Alizabeth and Chris.

    Paige Gigantiello

  105. I think its important to speak up when injustice is happening because you can really make a change in what other people are thinking or even phisically doing. There are many different concequences for many different outcomes of people. You never know what could be going on in a humans brain of a different character. The benifets in speaking up is saying what you believe in could possibly change a persons actions, or maybeeven stop the problem if people agree ad start to raid against that one person , then that person will shut down. But, no one ever stood up and saidanything against hitler because he would instintly kill. Its like his power to control people, and for people to be afraid.

    Riley Bednar<333

  106. I agree with you Kyrsten Napolitano. You are the BEST.
    aNA Castro*****
